What do Women want.(women Only)


I bowl overhand
bresamil said:
Witty, honest, patient, intelligent, moral, ethical, great with kids, sharing, helpful, courteous, eventempered, addiction free and good hearted. These are the qualities I find attractive in a man.
I think 10 out of 13 is pretty damn good!! :dance:


Men say what they want..Woman want us to have ESPN
Then say we are insensitive :spank:[/QUOTE]

I fixed it for what I want in a man... :lol:


Tater thanks for the nude pics on chit chat DUDES ONLY
Can't believe she is a soldier :patriot:
See Bush joke :killingme :killingme :killingme


Twenty Something
someone who is...

---a non-smoker, doesn't do drugs AT ALL
---has good hygiene & is clean-cut
---can make me laugh
---lets me drive
---creative & intelligent
---has all of their original teeth

that's all I can think of for now.......


b*tch rocket
janey83 said:
someone who is...

---a non-smoker, doesn't do drugs AT ALL
---has good hygiene & is clean-cut
---can make me laugh
---lets me drive
---creative & intelligent
---has all of their original teeth

that's all I can think of for now.......

Have you tried the gay bars? :confused:


Stubborn and opinionated
janey83 said:
someone who is...

---a non-smoker, doesn't do drugs AT ALL
---has good hygiene & is clean-cut
---can make me laugh
---lets me drive
---creative & intelligent
---has all of their original teeth

that's all I can think of for now.......
That's a decent list, but:nono: if someone is going to wreck my wheels,it's gonna be me!

I am fond of women that can "steer: though!:lol:


Football season!
janey83 said:
someone who is...

---a non-smoker, doesn't do drugs AT ALL
---has good hygiene & is clean-cut
---can make me laugh
---lets me drive
---creative & intelligent
---has all of their original teeth

that's all I can think of for now.......
Might want to add - Has a job.


curiouser and curiouser
I've found what I'm looking for, but I don't think I could list the entire criteria :lmao:...someone who can fix my car and can explain what's wrong with it in terms that I can understand (and that I can repeat to other people so they think I know my shiat :lol), someone who can put up with my attitude problem and not take it personally or get mad at me for it, someone who doesn't judge me based on my crazy extended family, someone who accepts my son as an important part of my life and doesn't resent it, someone who can take the mood I'm in and determine if I need a hot dog, nachos, or chocolate milk to balance me out. :lol: I don't know, there's more, but I can't think of it.


gumbo said:
:spank: Wenchy wrote ..Males only in chit chat.
You had alot of guys answerd with sincerity and from the heart :flowers:

I asked the same question in this thread.and :dead:
We get a cat fight, Name calling, and something about Kyle and warts.
And to top it off I loose karma :bawl:

So I rest my case Nice guys out number nice women :lmao:
Men say what they want..Woman want us to have ESP
Then say we are insensitive :spank:

Now would that be a "cat fight," or in forumese a "hen fight?"

You want honesty? Here goes:

I want a man who will take care of me 1)emotionally, 2)physically and 3)financially.

1) Emotionally:
a) Hold me when I am upset or crying, (even it's a hormonal fit I'm having.)
b) I love flowers, and the best kind are the one's for "no reason."
c) Look at me in the morning light, and tell me I'm beautiful even at my
d) Tell me you love me for who I am, and would not want to change me in
any way.
e) Let me turn to you, and find you just gazing at me.
f) Be spontaneous and fun.
g) Even if you can't stand felines, understand how much I love my cats,
and I would rather see you hit the road than any of my cats.

2) Physically:
a) That one goes without saying...
b) Take care of all the yard work and "fix-up" jobs.
c) Open doors for me.

3) Financially:
a) I want a roof over my head, it doesn't have to be fancy, but needs to
be in a good neighborhood with an excellent school district.
b) I want to take care of the finances, and know all the bills can be paid.
c) I am a car-ho, so I need a top-of-the-line car.
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Stubborn and opinionated
#3b makes it way easier to haul azz with the finances when wifey decides to hit the road and leave hubby in the dust.

#3c makes the getaway faster when wifey makes off with the things mentioned in #3b. It's also nice to have a good ride to trade in when the bills get tight and crazy wifey has to downgrade to a 1974 Subaru hooptymobile.
