What do Women want.(women Only)



Wickedwrench said:
#3b makes it way easier to haul azz with the finances when wifey decides to hit the road and leave hubby in the dust.

#3c makes the getaway faster when wifey makes off with the things mentioned in #3b. It's also nice to have a good ride to trade in when the bills get tight and crazy wifey has to downgrade to a 1974 Subaru hooptymobile.


Detailed records, and a nice fast car do help don't they?! :lmao:
I think I remember how to ride a bike...they say you never forget how to do that... :killingme


Wenchy said:
Now would that be a "cat fight," or in forumese a "hen fight?"

You want honesty? Here goes:

I want a man who will take care of me 1)emotionally, 2)physically and 3)financially.

1) Emotionally:
a) Hold me when I am upset or crying, (even it's a hormonal fit I'm having.)
b) I love flowers, and the best kind are the one's for "no reason."
c) Look at me in the morning light, and tell me I'm beautiful even at my
d) Tell me you love me for who I am, and would not want to change me in
any way.
e) Let me turn to you, and find you just gazing at me.
f) Be spontaneous and fun.
g) Even if you can't stand felines, understand how much I love my cats,
and I would rather see you hit the road than any of my cats.

2) Physically:
a) That one goes without saying...
b) Take care of all the yard work and "fix-up" jobs.
c) Open doors for me.

3) Financially:
a) I want a roof over my head, it doesn't have to be fancy, but needs to
be in a good neighborhood with an excellent school district.
b) I want to take care of the finances, and know all the bills can be paid.
c) I am a car-ho, so I need a top-of-the-line car.
Ok your honest. :flowers: .Something did come to mind when you put road and cats in the same sentance 1G. But I won't go there :whistle:
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I bowl overhand
Wenchy said:
Now would that be a "cat fight," or in forumese a "hen fight?"

You want honesty? Here goes:

I want a man who will take care of me 1)emotionally, 2)physically and 3)financially.

1) Emotionally:
a) Hold me when I am upset or crying, (even it's a hormonal fit I'm having.)
b) I love flowers, and the best kind are the one's for "no reason."
c) Look at me in the morning light, and tell me I'm beautiful even at my
d) Tell me you love me for who I am, and would not want to change me in
any way.
e) Let me turn to you, and find you just gazing at me.
f) Be spontaneous and fun.
g) Even if you can't stand felines, understand how much I love my cats,
and I would rather see you hit the road than any of my cats.

2) Physically:
a) That one goes without saying...
b) Take care of all the yard work and "fix-up" jobs.
c) Open doors for me.

3) Financially:
a) I want a roof over my head, it doesn't have to be fancy, but needs to
be in a good neighborhood with an excellent school district.
b) I want to take care of the finances, and know all the bills can be paid.
c) I am a car-ho, so I need a top-of-the-line car.

DAMN that's a LONG list..

Can ya shorten it to, Tall, a Little Overweight, Greyed, and Nearsighted??
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Swinging on Vines
Here's a shorter list:
A man who is honest-
A man who isn't afraid to be in love.
Aman who doesn't assume that when I talk, I don't need something fixed- I just want someone to listen.
(A job is a plus, and a job better than Walmart, is icing on the cake!)
(Tall is also a plus!!) :yay:

itsbob said:
DAMN that's a LONG list..

Can ya shorten it to, Tall, a Little Overweight, Greyed, and Nearsighted??


itsbob said:
DAMN that's a LONG list..

Can ya shorten it to, Tall, a Little Overweight, Greyed, and Nearsighted??

Appearance does not matter as long as you are not physically repulsive, and fit all the other criteria on the list...


Well-Known Member
Wenchy said:
Now would that be a "cat fight," or in forumese a "hen fight?"

You want honesty? Here goes:

I want a man who will take care of me 1)emotionally, 2)physically and 3)financially.

1) Emotionally:
a) Hold me when I am upset or crying, (even it's a hormonal fit I'm having.)
b) I love flowers, and the best kind are the one's for "no reason."
c) Look at me in the morning light, and tell me I'm beautiful even at my
d) Tell me you love me for who I am, and would not want to change me in
any way.
e) Let me turn to you, and find you just gazing at me.
f) Be spontaneous and fun.
g) Even if you can't stand felines, understand how much I love my cats,
and I would rather see you hit the road than any of my cats.

2) Physically:
a) That one goes without saying...
b) Take care of all the yard work and "fix-up" jobs.
c) Open doors for me.

3) Financially:
a) I want a roof over my head, it doesn't have to be fancy, but needs to
be in a good neighborhood with an excellent school district.
b) I want to take care of the finances, and know all the bills can be paid.
c) I am a car-ho, so I need a top-of-the-line car.


Wenchy said:
Now would that be a "cat fight," or in forumese a "hen fight?"

You want honesty? Here goes:

I want a man who will take care of me 1)emotionally, 2)physically and 3)financially.

1) Emotionally:
a) Hold me when I am upset or crying, (even it's a hormonal fit I'm having.)
b) I love flowers, and the best kind are the one's for "no reason."
c) Look at me in the morning light, and tell me I'm beautiful even at my
d) Tell me you love me for who I am, and would not want to change me in
any way.
e) Let me turn to you, and find you just gazing at me.
f) Be spontaneous and fun.
g) Even if you can't stand felines, understand how much I love my cats,
and I would rather see you hit the road than any of my cats.

2) Physically:
a) That one goes without saying...
b) Take care of all the yard work and "fix-up" jobs.
c) Open doors for me.

3) Financially:
a) I want a roof over my head, it doesn't have to be fancy, but needs to
be in a good neighborhood with an excellent school district.
b) I want to take care of the finances, and know all the bills can be paid.
c) I am a car-ho, so I need a top-of-the-line car.
Fair enough. :howdy: :smoochy:


New Member
What the beerwench wants...

What I like....

Tall, I like 'em real tall usually, over 6'2".
I prefer brown or black hair, I don't mind greying or prehaps a little thin on top. It's all relative.
I like a man with rough hands, and soft eyes.
I like a man who is quiet, almost shy.
A warped sense of humor.
I like a kinky guy, but not a pervy one.
I want a man who can go to a gay bar, or a sex shop, a martini bar, or a tractor pull. Someone who likes to do things for the sake of doing them, just for the experience.
Compatible in the kissing department, no chokers, droolers, or tight-lipped kissers.
Flexible in the "uh-uh" department, rhythm is good. Willing to do what ever.
Someone who is not always serious, and can laugh at themselves.
I like a man's man, but over the top jocks pluck my nerves, I like to see a man work, get dirty, flex what he's got. Nothing is sexier than a guy out in the sun, no shirt, sweaty...
Woooohoo, gettin' hot in heeyaah:blushing:

Now..what I need...

A man with a job, I believe that all men should work. I have seen too many( myself inculded) women get wrapped up with some bum who lays around the house all day. Men work .Period. May sound old-fashioned but that's the way it is. It doesn't have to be a great job,but a job that he feels is productive and likes aleast a bit. I love the blue-collar farming/construction guy..(vapors)
This man needs to understand that I am a delicate creature, I am not as strong as he is. I cry, ALOT, especially the third week of the month. I am not a sissy, I can work, but it is my job to make his house , a home , and alot goes in to that. I am not perfect. I don't want to have to shave whatever if I don't feel like it. I am not so secure that I won't ever feel threatened by some other women, may be your mother, but at sometime, I will freak out on you for not treating me as though I am the center of your world. I may laugh when you fart in public, or go to the nudie bar with you and your buddies, but not all the time.
I will tell you what I want. It will not change. I want respect and admiration. I want help sometimes. I don't expect a man to be sensitive, but at least try to understand. I wanna get married one day. I want a house with a garden away from the noise. I wanna get old and drink beer and go fishing. I wanna trust my man and honor his balding grumpy azz till I die.TYVM


Football addict
fttrsbeerwench said:
What I like....

Tall, I like 'em real tall usually, over 6'2".
I prefer brown or black hair, I don't mind greying or prehaps a little thin on top. It's all relative.
I like a man with rough hands, and soft eyes.
I like a man who is quiet, almost shy.
A warped sense of humor.
I like a kinky guy, but not a pervy one.
I want a man who can go to a gay bar, or a sex shop, a martini bar, or a tractor pull. Someone who likes to do things for the sake of doing them, just for the experience.
Compatible in the kissing department, no chokers, droolers, or tight-lipped kissers.
Flexible in the "uh-uh" department, rhythm is good. Willing to do what ever.
Someone who is not always serious, and can laugh at themselves.
I like a man's man, but over the top jocks pluck my nerves, I like to see a man work, get dirty, flex what he's got. Nothing is sexier than a guy out in the sun, no shirt, sweaty...
Woooohoo, gettin' hot in heeyaah:blushing:

Now..what I need...

A man with a job, I believe that all men should work. I have seen too many( myself inculded) women get wrapped up with some bum who lays around the house all day. Men work .Period. May sound old-fashioned but that's the way it is. It doesn't have to be a great job,but a job that he feels is productive and likes aleast a bit. I love the blue-collar farming/construction guy..(vapors)
This man needs to understand that I am a delicate creature, I am not as strong as he is. I cry, ALOT, especially the third week of the month. I am not a sissy, I can work, but it is my job to make his house , a home , and alot goes in to that. I am not perfect. I don't want to have to shave whatever if I don't feel like it. I am not so secure that I won't ever feel threatened by some other women, may be your mother, but at sometime, I will freak out on you for not treating me as though I am the center of your world. I may laugh when you fart in public, or go to the nudie bar with you and your buddies, but not all the time.
I will tell you what I want. It will not change. I want respect and admiration. I want help sometimes. I don't expect a man to be sensitive, but at least try to understand. I wanna get married one day. I want a house with a garden away from the noise. I wanna get old and drink beer and go fishing. I wanna trust my man and honor his balding grumpy azz till I die.TYVM
Go to bed.


New Member
BuddyLee said:
What is the worst kind of night owl?
One who won't sleep for days at a time, one who makes coffee at 3 am. One that stays up so late, she actually gets the shakes. Thats the wrost kind I can think of.


I've read this entire thread and frankly, I plan ole don't give a crap what women want in a man anymore. If they don't see in me what they want, and usually they don't, then they need to look somewhere else. Guess I'm a little grouchy this morning too. Need more coffee. :coffee:
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