What do you want out of marriage?


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Azzy said:
<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY id=collapseobj_usercp_reputation><TR><TD class=alt1Active id=p1977552 width="50%"></TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>03-04-2007 02:19 PM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%">Maybe you didn't get what you wanted because you're a cheating whore. :shrug:</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Thanks for stating the obvious, wonder why I never thought of that :lmao: :dork:

Did it ever occur to you that MAYBE I am a cheating whore BECAUSE I didn't get what I wanted out of it? :duh: Probably not, you're too smart for that :lmao:

Ok, it wasn't me that left the Karma (not my place to judge), but did you ever think that if you weren't/aren't getting what you wanted/want, you should just leave the guy? I never understood that. Its better to hurt yourself and reputation, and destroy someone you claim to love, than it is to walk away from a relationship you believe can't be fixed/can't give you what you require.

Can someone explain this to me? And how it is, that people that do that get married multiple times? Do people really think that they won't do it again?

Azzy, I'm not trying dredge you through the mud, I'm just curious. And no, this isn't directed entirely at you, I'm asking on a public board because I'm to answer a few questions in my head from whoever can give input.


Chain729 said:
Ok, it wasn't me that left the Karma (not my place to judge), but did you ever think that if you weren't/aren't getting what you wanted/want, you should just leave the guy? I never understood that. Its better to hurt yourself and reputation, and destroy someone you claim to love, than it is to walk away from a relationship you believe can't be fixed/can't give you what you require.

Can someone explain this to me? And how it is, that people that do that get married multiple times? Do people really think that they won't do it again?

Azzy, I'm not trying dredge you through the mud, I'm just curious. And no, this isn't directed entirely at you, I'm asking on a public board because I'm to answer a few questions in my head from whoever can give input.

No, I think you directed it at the correct person. She should have left the guy... something kept her there instead of getting out ($$$) - it's girls like this that use guys that gives us honest girls a bad rap. :mad: If she was that miserable she should have left :shrug: But not trying to judge or anything :shrug:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
dems4me said:
No, I think you directed it at the correct person. She should have left the guy... something kept her there instead of getting out ($$$) - it's girls like this that use guys that gives us honest girls a bad rap. :mad: If she was that miserable she should have left :shrug: But not trying to judge or anything :shrug:

I've seen it several times: Male and female. I've never understood it. She maybe one person in that position, but she isn't the only one with a possible explanation. I'm asking for input from whoever, not just ragging on somebody.


Chain729 said:
I've seen it several times: Male and female. I've never understood it. She maybe one person in that position, but she isn't the only one with a possible explanation. I'm asking for input from whoever, not just ragging on somebody.

Thats fine. From what I've seen, as I've seen this from people I know - once a "cheater" always a "cheater" :shrug: Then to justify their rationale they blame the person they were with for THEM having to go out and cheat. It shifts the blame and just isn't right just the same :shrug: People need to take responsibility for their actions sometimes :shrug: I've never cheated on the person I was with. I just hopped out the relationship. Its hard, but, it's the right thing to do :shrug:


Live2Ride; Ride2Live
dems4me said:
Thats fine. From what I've seen, as I've seen this from people I know - once a "cheater" always a "cheater" :shrug: Then to justify their rationale they blame the person they were with for THEM having to go out and cheat. It shifts the blame and just isn't right just the same :shrug: People need to take responsibility for their actions sometimes :shrug: I've never cheated on the person I was with. I just hopped out the relationship. Its hard, but, it's the right thing to do :shrug:

I totally agree with you. :yay: A person tht cheats is a person with an ugly character. That's why she is blaming her other half for the problem is typical of a cheater. If she was not happy all she had to do is leave. If you are not happy with the person either try to fix the problem or just tell the person you don't love them and leave. That is one thing I would never do to a person. If I am falling out of love with them I will tell them. You cheating on someone puts an innocent person at risk for STD's. Did you ever think of the STD you could contract and give to a person who thought was being faithful. That is plain selfish. I think a person who contracts STD from their partner from them cheating should have the right to sue them and that person should be jailed. I tell you thing if my husband cheat on me and then comes home and gives me Aids I will make sure his life will be hell from then on out... :wench: Even it he gave me a minor STD I will still make his life hell.... Do you think of anyone besides yourself??? I don't know you but it seems selfish to me that you did that..


CrunchTime said:
I totally agree with you. :yay: A person tht cheats is a person with an ugly character. That's why she is blaming her other half for the problem is typical of a cheater. If she was not happy all she had to do is leave. If you are not happy with the person either try to fix the problem or just tell the person you don't love them and leave. That is one thing I would never do to a person. If I am falling out of love with them I will tell them. You cheating on someone puts an innocent person at risk for STD's. Did you ever think of the STD you could contract and give to a person who thought was being faithful. That is plain selfish. I think a person who contracts STD from their partner from them cheating should have the right to sue them and that person should be jailed. I tell you thing if my husband cheat on me and then comes home and gives me Aids I will make sure his life will be hell from then on out... :wench: Even it he gave me a minor STD I will still make his life hell.... Do you think of anyone besides yourself??? I don't know you but it seems selfish to me that you did that..

Twice I've seen this happen with two friends of mine. Where their sister or relative was dating a guy, the guy died of aids and then gave it to the innocent wife and then they perished too. It leaves the children in the custody of the grandparent. Just sad... a child then grows up with losing not ONE but TWO parents becuase Daddy or Mommy couldn't keep their zipper up or their legs together. You bring up a good point about STDs, I was just thinking about the cheating aspect of it all and hurting folks feelings and all and being dishonest. Kudo's to you CrunchTime! There's more important things to worry about such as safty issues :clap: I just never cheat and always practice safe sex. It prevents having unwanted children and STDs and betraying who ever I'm with. It solves everything. Not saying the urge has never been there, it has, but sometimes you have to be an adult and step away. :yay:


Live2Ride; Ride2Live
That is so sad. Stuff like that makes me so mad. :wench: My father was a cheater. He tore our family to pieces. He could not keep his pants up. Thank god my mom did not contract anything.. But the horror of the chance that she could of. He was sleeping around with this one lady that was sleeping around on her husband with not only my father but with 3 other guys. She was the street slut... She used to work at the Jc penneys in Waldorf. When My mom found out she went to Jcpenneys and waited for her.. :killingme Just say my mom got dragged out of Jcpenneys by cops.... Not a pretty picture for me to see but I was with her. I told my mother that This lady did her a favor and She should be thankful that she is cleared of STD. I went with her to the doctors office. :flowers: She is my mom and I will be there for her. I did not talk to my father for years because the of stuff he pulled...


In My Opinion
An interesting conversation for sure.
yes, farting manners are needed, not only in marriage, but also in public, always remember to do it next to an old person, even they will think it was them.

ok, now for my answer.
I was looking for sexual gratification whenever I requested it, and I did get that, not to mention that she only charges me 20 bucks each time, a savings of 100 each time I get me some.

next I needed someone to fetch my beer for me, It saved again on medical bills aquired after falling down while going for the next beer while drunk.

laundry, I dont like doing it. I dont even mind that for some reason all of my underwear turned pink. Im cool with that.

food, she cooks, I eat, she cleans up. I fart. (using manners of course)

shopping, I dont do it. but somehow after marriage it has been getting done.

work. she does, I dont have to. Nuff said there?

last benifit.
I had lost my tv remote, and when I watch tv she stands there and operates the tv when I tell her to.

overall, marriage is highly recommended by me, I suggest all men do so.

SMIB Sucks

What the?!?!?
Shreddie said:
I'm wondering what you all expected when you got married, or are hoping to get out of it when you do.

I expected 1. to be able to talk to my spouse, 2. to have them talk to me, 3. to have them want to spend time with me, 4. to have them want to be married to me, and 5. to have sex.

Are any of those things unrealistic? Am I asking for too much? Should I settle for say 3 out of 5? Or would that be just that...settling. I'm curious to hear your thoughts.


You shouldn't settle...and no none of those things are unrealistic. Yeah marriage is a compromise, but you should at the very least have all five of the items you listed there.


Well-Known Member
There's nothing stopping you from having sex AFTER marriage, as long as you're not too specific as to who you're doing it with.


24/7 Single Dad
gothicsorrow78 said:
You have made many great points and have some wonderfull advice.....
Thank you. I've become know here as a dispenser of wisdom and am frequently sought out for advice.


Lovin' Life
Shreddie said:
I'm wondering what you all expected when you got married, or are hoping to get out of it when you do.

I expected 1. to be able to talk to my spouse, 2. to have them talk to me, 3. to have them want to spend time with me, 4. to have them want to be married to me, and 5. to have sex.

Are any of those things unrealistic? Am I asking for too much? Should I settle for say 3 out of 5? Or would that be just that...settling. I'm curious to hear your thoughts.


Sometimes I think it takes men a little longer to get the marriage thing. I have been with my spouse for over 17 years and married 10 of those. He is just now coming around to being husband I want. He has finally matured enough to realize that everything isn't about him. It has really been rough at times but we have made it through them and I expect us to be together till death. I have learned that men communicate differently from women and that I have to think a little more before I say something that I feel needs to be changed or pointed out. I have learned never use "You always....". I have found that when he says leave him alone or he doesn't want to talk about it. It means just give him some space and he'll talk about it later. We now talk more than every, do spend more time together but also have our hobbies apart from each other. And the sex is great between us as long as our son spends the night with a friend :whistle: The only thing I could as for more of would be money so we could do more together. God willing, we'll have time to do that in a few years.