What if Obama wins?

What if Obama wins?

  • We have more to fear than just his economic policy - there will be riots in the streets.

    Votes: 25 25.5%
  • He will completely turn the USA around economically and socially.

    Votes: 31 31.6%
  • He will cater to special interest groups who will want special favors.

    Votes: 25 25.5%
  • He will create a greater racial divide than we have ever seen historically.

    Votes: 60 61.2%

  • Total voters


New Member
I'm not going to go so far as to say that I would like to see him shot but I'm just waiting for the day, IF HE IS ELECTED, that he does what everyone here predicts and gets impeached.

One can hope...

Xaquin - I've quoted my own post here because obviously you didn't read it the first time.


New Member

ok .... apoligies .... why does everyone here -predict- he'll be impeached? Especially considering he hasn't done anything.

Okay - again - you didn't read my post. What I said was that hopefully he will do what everyone on here predicts and he will be impeached.

At no point in time did I ever say that everyone on here predicts that he will be impeached. I said I hope he does what everyone on here predicts.

Are you with me now?


New Member
What I said was that hopefully he will do what everyone on here predicts and he will be impeached.

At no point in time did I ever say that everyone on here predicts that he will be impeached. I said I hope he does what everyone on here predicts.

Are you with me now?





New Member
you didn't think this out very well, did you?

You obviously have comprehension problems.

"What everyone predicts" refers to the opinions that have been provided on this board by its members.

"gets impeached" is my personal opinion as to the outcome should Obama get elected and actually do the things the board members have predicted.

I hope this clarifies things for you. :duh:


In doubt? Throttle out!
you didn't think this out very well, did you?

Wow, way to show who's boss.
<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v410/dyejunke1/?action=view&current=dodgy.gif" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v410/dyejunke1/dodgy.gif" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


I'm the Boss of Me
Like Wow! You Southern Maryland racists are really becoming unhinged now that the next President of the United States will be a man who is half black.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I keep thinking who will he be inviting to the White House for political dinners if he gets elected.......:yikes:

Our founding fathers will be turning over in their graves.........

I've thought the same thing. We thought it was bad when the Clintons were in there? Oy.


Well-Known Member
A man is known for the company he Keeps.

I suspect that the "Me First" attitude that is inherent in Liberals added to the "Where did all the money go??" confusion that will plague him will make him a very troubled president. He will have to keep swapping out appointments, trying new policies (gotta fulfill that promise to change!!) and wasting money around the globe.
He is NOT capable of ruling DC -he does NOT have the Clinton connections and aura necessary.
The international leaders will generally be amused at his naivte' and the Terrorist thrilled >like their hysteria after the Bombings in Spain helps raise the white flag there.
He will be beholden to Homosexual and ACLU-style groups for their pledge to install him...and the RIGHT in this country will rise up--but he will attempt to squash it with the Fairness doctrine muzzle.

So,...his appointments will be his achilles heel.
The next 4 years will be too much for NoBama to handle: period.
Don't Doubt me.


On the Right Side.
If B.H.O. is elected, and the Demoncrats remain in control of Congress, in two years The Republicans will sweep clean the Demoncrats of of the House and many of the Demoncrat Senators will be gone, in four years the Republicans will have more than 60 seats in the Senate and Gov. Palin will become President.


Adding Diversity to SOMD
If I am to belive this poll, then 63% of you guys think an Obama Presidency will cause a greater racial divide then we have ever seen.........wow, that is some scary stuff..

Why do you think that???????


Active Member
If I am to belive this poll, then 63% of you guys think an Obama Presidency will cause a greater racial divide then we have ever seen.........wow, that is some scary stuff..

Why do you think that???????

If you read through all the posts you will see it is already happening.


New Member
If he is elected, God help us if he is.

He will impose Social Security Tax on all income.

He will raise the Long term Capital Gains tax at least 33% maybe as much as 66%

He will start new government programs spending at least $1 Billion more a year.

He will have health issues that will make it so he will not finish his term.

Oh wait were you talking about Bush??....


New Member
If B.H.O. is elected, and the Demoncrats remain in control of Congress, in two years The Republicans will sweep clean the Demoncrats of of the House and many of the Demoncrat Senators will be gone, in four years the Republicans will have more than 60 seats in the Senate and Gov. Palin will become President.

When you wake up let me know...