What if Obama wins?

What if Obama wins?

  • We have more to fear than just his economic policy - there will be riots in the streets.

    Votes: 25 25.5%
  • He will completely turn the USA around economically and socially.

    Votes: 31 31.6%
  • He will cater to special interest groups who will want special favors.

    Votes: 25 25.5%
  • He will create a greater racial divide than we have ever seen historically.

    Votes: 60 61.2%

  • Total voters


New Member
The difference should be apparent. One is a statement of fact - P.G. County is predominantly inhabited by ethnic/racial minorities. The second is a misguided (in my view) opinion - that P.G. County suffers as it does because it is predominantly inhabited by minorities. As in, minorities are inherently incapable of successful governance. And I take offense to that.

"If you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig."

Trust me, I know about P.G. public schools. First hand experience, parents had firsthand experience, grandparents had both first hand experience and stuck around to try to teach. Yeah, the system gets a lot of money, wastes more than it spends, corruption in the administration for sure. I'm not arguing with these points. But I am arguing with the point that these things happen because the county is predominantly black.

Where do these children come from that are attending the schools if not from their homes in PG County? Where is their discipline, their role models? I'm not painting with a broad brush here. I don't have to try and prove anything because the statistics speak for themselves.

There are foreclosures happening in middle class and upper class communities alike all over the place. It's not exclusive to PG, it just hasn't hit Calvert as hard because a lot of the property in Calvert isn't brand new or part of huge building surges (at least, not until recent years). Are you implying (I ask honestly) that blacks aren't capable of handling home ownership or new wealth? Or are you somehow attempting to connect black radicalism with the housing market crash? I'm getting confused here.

Show me where I said foreclosures were exclusive to PG County. What I said was that the rate was higher there. There are foreclosures every day in Calvert - just look at the classifieds in the Calvert Recorder and, if you read the postings carefully, you'll see people with original mortgages dated 10 years ago as well as 3 years or less.

Spin that around. Ask someone why they're not voting for Obama. Around here most of the answers I get are purely based on fear of racial or religious differences. Very rarely do I get anything about policy, economic beliefs. Is that somehow better?

Nope - don't think so. I think if you read the other threads that have been started about Obama most of them reference his track record or lack thereof. This particular poll seems to reveal that people are worried about his special interest ties and the racial divide that may occur but that probably stems from the people Obama has had speaking out for him that glamourize his social status.

As someone both black and white, I'm also saddened by your generalizations about voting trends and the idea that because some blacks will be voting for Obama because he identifies with their race, all of us are. Yeah, most blacks are probably voting for Obama, but most of them would probably also have voted for H. Clinton, or for Edwards, or for Gravel, as they tend to vote Democratic as a group. One of my African-American cousins, however, is disgusted by Palin and mightily opposed to Obama, and will be writing in Ron Paul, while most of my European-American relatives will be supporting Obama unfailingly. Can't generalize.

Again, I don't recall saying all blacks are voting for Obama. We only have to look at the State of Maryland to see that black democrats will vote almost anyone in as long as they are democrat (Jack Johnson, Wayne Curry, Parris Glendening, Martin O'Malley). Apparently, enough Republicans banded together to get Ehrlich into office but alas that didn't last long. But let me share something with you - and you will have to take my word that I know of what I speak because I worked first hand in it - don't ever try to convince me that race doesn't play an issue in politics. Our currently elected officials are proof and I know this on a personal level. I will have to take to my grave the information I know but it most certainly does play a huge part and continue to greatly influence decision-making on a daily basis.

But, you know what? God bless the USA and the fact that we can come on here and share our opinions and not hold it against one another. I am grateful for that liberty and that is a direct result of the men and women who have fought for that right on our behalf - no politics there.


"If you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig."

Where do these children come from that are attending the schools if not from their homes in PG County? Where is their discipline, their role models? I'm not painting with a broad brush here. I don't have to try and prove anything because the statistics speak for themselves.

Show me where I said foreclosures were exclusive to PG County. What I said was that the rate was higher there. There are foreclosures every day in Calvert - just look at the classifieds in the Calvert Recorder and, if you read the postings carefully, you'll see people with original mortgages dated 10 years ago as well as 3 years or less.

Nope - don't think so. I think if you read the other threads that have been started about Obama most of them reference his track record or lack thereof. This particular poll seems to reveal that people are worried about his special interest ties and the racial divide that may occur but that probably stems from the people Obama has had speaking out for him that glamourize his social status.

Again, I don't recall saying all blacks are voting for Obama. We only have to look at the State of Maryland to see that black democrats will vote almost anyone in as long as they are democrat (Jack Johnson, Wayne Curry, Parris Glendening, Martin O'Malley). Apparently, enough Republicans banded together to get Ehrlich into office but alas that didn't last long. But let me share something with you - and you will have to take my word that I know of what I speak because I worked first hand in it - don't ever try to convince me that race doesn't play an issue in politics. Our currently elected officials are proof and I know this on a personal level. I will have to take to my grave the information I know but it most certainly does play a huge part and continue to greatly influence decision-making on a daily basis.

But, you know what? God bless the USA and the fact that we can come on here and share our opinions and not hold it against one another. I am grateful for that liberty and that is a direct result of the men and women who have fought for that right on our behalf - no politics there.

John, I totally agree with your view on this subject. I think Tiny Dancer can't really grasp the big picture. I will not say all black people are stupid and lazy. As a matter of fact, I know many who are far more successful than I am but when it comes to the big picture in PG county, you can't say that the racial make up of the county has nothing to do with the mess they have. It's a shame but if the shoe fits........


New Member
If BHO wins, this country will cease being a Republic. We may have seen our last election. BHO is connected, to the Weatherman and CPUSA. This crash of the Stock Markets in many ways is fear of BHO election. Get out now before too late, stick money in gold bars, buy safes and hide everything. Sales of safes are up. Palin is trying to warn the people, McCain is too decent to expose the truth about BHO. You can say good by to conservative radio such as Rush, Hannity, Levin, Reagan, Ingram, etc. The "Fairness Act" will return. These websites may be banned also by the Federal Police BHO called for, same size as US Military.
Since BHO clinched Nomination, he is pretending to be moderate, but his real ideas were revealed in the primaries. Healthcare will be rationed and a max life span in place for care, ala "Logan's Run". He is a dangerous man, he makes Carter and Clinton look tame. This is too valuable an election.
His operatives are already at work stealing the election, early voting. Operatives pick up homeless driving them around to different election places, registering them and having them vote for Obama. One of them admitted this flat out to Bill O'Brein this morning on "Fox and Friends". A close election can be decided by these couple of hundred votes, ala 1960.
Be afraid Friends, be very afraid.
So, is this election going to come down to voting for a woman or a "bi-racial" man.
I will be voting for Mccain and Palin just for the issues. When I registered to vote , i wanted to leave the "party" spot blank. I was told i couldn't so i put down Independant. I have always voted on the issues not the party.


If BHO wins, this country will cease being a Republic. We may have seen our last election. BHO is connected, to the Weatherman and CPUSA. This crash of the Stock Markets in many ways is fear of BHO election. Get out now before too late, stick money in gold bars, buy safes and hide everything. Sales of safes are up. Palin is trying to warn the people, McCain is too decent to expose the truth about BHO. You can say good by to conservative radio such as Rush, Hannity, Levin, Reagan, Ingram, etc. The "Fairness Act" will return. These websites may be banned also by the Federal Police BHO called for, same size as US Military.
Since BHO clinched Nomination, he is pretending to be moderate, but his real ideas were revealed in the primaries. Healthcare will be rationed and a max life span in place for care, ala "Logan's Run". He is a dangerous man, he makes Carter and Clinton look tame. This is too valuable an election.
His operatives are already at work stealing the election, early voting. Operatives pick up homeless driving them around to different election places, registering them and having them vote for Obama. One of them admitted this flat out to Bill O'Brein this morning on "Fox and Friends". A close election can be decided by these couple of hundred votes, ala 1960.
Be afraid Friends, be very afraid.



New Member
John, I totally agree with your view on this subject. I think Tiny Dancer can't really grasp the big picture. I will not say all black people are stupid and lazy. As a matter of fact, I know many who are far more successful than I am but when it comes to the big picture in PG county, you can't say that the racial make up of the county has nothing to do with the mess they have. It's a shame but if the shoe fits........

:buddies: Thank you.


24/7 Single Dad
I think Obama's associations with radicals are tenuous and vague enough that people won't be troubled by this on a nationwide scale.

:lol: He supported his pastor for 20 years. The Man baptised his children and enjoyed meals at his table. Obama supported him with his time and money.
If that association is tenuous and vague, what would be a solid connection?

Go G-Men

New Member
to a certain degree...but i'm in the middle and i'll tell you what, fox is the most skewed of any network. if u get all your info from there, you're running around blind. some of those stations listed above aren't necessarily too far behind, though.

Not only are you wrong you are not even close! MSNBC is absolutely the most biased of all the Cable news networks and NBC/GE will even tell you that.


you can't say that the racial make up of the county has nothing to do with the mess they have

Yeah, I can say that and I will, because it's the truth. It's the social and economic makeup of the county that causes the trouble it has. And it's not as if PG is some blanket of terribleness. (How many kids did their public schools send to ivies last year?)

John, I totally agree with your view on this subject. I think Tiny Dancer can't really grasp the big picture. I will not say all black people are stupid and lazy. .

Yeah, you won't say that you think all blacks are stupid and lazy...you'll just think it and insinuate it. Like everyone else on this dam*ed message board.

I can't see the big picture. So your big picture is that minorities are incapable of competently running a populous county. That's a big picture that's wrong. It's not the racial makeup of the county. You're not saying it's about poor education among adults, you're not saying it's about disadvantaged communities or immigrant influx or migration from poorer areas in DC - you're saying it's about race and that one race is inherently...what? Inferior?

I'm done with this thread.

And I think I might finally be done with this board. I'm getting tired of only meeting a few conservatives (Larry, Vrai, Sam, and This_person) who can argue their points without descending into race-baiting and snide remarks about ethnic minorities and religions. This isn't directed at you, John, I enjoyed reading your posts and discussing with you. It's a huge culmination of trying to ignore every thread where it's considered standard to say things like "the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim" or commiserate over how terrible it is that PG and Charles and Calvert are becoming more and more full of minority families, the horror. I can't do it politely for much longer. =[
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Yeah, I can say that and I will, because it's the truth. It's the social and economic makeup of the county that causes the trouble it has. And it's not as if PG is some blanket of terribleness. (How many kids did their public schools send to ivies last year?)

Yeah, you won't say that you think all blacks are stupid and lazy...you'll just think it and insinuate it. Like everyone else on this dam*ed message board.

I can't see the big picture. So your big picture is that minorities are incapable of competently running a populous county. That's a big picture that's wrong. It's not the racial makeup of the county. You're not saying it's about poor education among adults, you're not saying it's about disadvantaged communities or immigrant influx or migration from poorer areas in DC - you're saying it's about race and that one race is inherently...what? Inferior?

I'm done with this thread.

And I think I might finally be done with this board. I'm getting tired of only meeting a few conservatives (Larry, Vrai, Sam, and This_person) who can argue their points without descending into race-baiting and snide remarks about ethnic minorities and religions. This isn't directed at you, John, I enjoyed reading your posts and discussing with you. It's a huge culmination of trying to ignore every thread where it's considered standard to say things like "the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim" or commiserate over how terrible it is that PG and Charles and Calvert are becoming more and more full of minority families, the horror. I can't do it politely for much longer. =[

I just tends to tell it likes it is. Sorry you don't wanna hear an opinion dat is difrent from yours. Word!


New Member
Yeah, I can say that and I will, because it's the truth. It's the social and economic makeup of the county that causes the trouble it has. And it's not as if PG is some blanket of terribleness. (How many kids did their public schools send to ivies last year?)

Yeah, you won't say that you think all blacks are stupid and lazy...you'll just think it and insinuate it. Like everyone else on this dam*ed message board.

I can't see the big picture. So your big picture is that minorities are incapable of competently running a populous county. That's a big picture that's wrong. It's not the racial makeup of the county. You're not saying it's about poor education among adults, you're not saying it's about disadvantaged communities or immigrant influx or migration from poorer areas in DC - you're saying it's about race and that one race is inherently...what? Inferior?

I'm done with this thread.

And I think I might finally be done with this board. I'm getting tired of only meeting a few conservatives (Larry, Vrai, Sam, and This_person) who can argue their points without descending into race-baiting and snide remarks about ethnic minorities and religions. This isn't directed at you, John, I enjoyed reading your posts and discussing with you. It's a huge culmination of trying to ignore every thread where it's considered standard to say things like "the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim" or commiserate over how terrible it is that PG and Charles and Calvert are becoming more and more full of minority families, the horror. I can't do it politely for much longer. =[

No Not everyone!!

My 6 year old asked me tonight
"Why do people hate Obama simply because he is brown and white like him"
It was a discussion that I thought I still had a few years for!

I am not going into reasons, as to why I will be voting for Obama - and why I will not be voting for Grandpa.

Are you people looking at the same debate as I am? Vote for whom you want but allow others the right to their views.


On the Right Side.
I hope you told your 6 year old the truth.

1. People don't hate him.
2. Obama is a Socialist..
3. Obama will raise our taxes.


If he is elected, God help us if he is.

He will impose Social Security Tax on all income.

He will raise the Long term Capital Gains tax at least 33% maybe as much as 66%

He will start new government programs spending at least $1 Billion more a year.

He will have health issues that will make it so he will not finish his term.

health issues like what? High velocity lead poisoning?


One can only hope. I'd rather have Biden as Prez anyday.

whatever! This country is riddled with white folks who are soo opposed to a black man for prez...
i will bet bomama never gets to give a hundred day speech?

am i the only one who fears this?

its not gona be an issue any way!!!!:lalala:


Well-Known Member
One can only hope. I'd rather have Biden as Prez anyday.

Why is it ok for people to say they hope our President (if he's elected, of course) gets shot? I have heard both parties say that a President deserves some respect, even if you don't agree with his views.

Why did the Dixie Chicks get treated the way they did for saying they were embarassed to be from Texas, but it's ok for people to say they hope Obama gets shot? :confused:

And Sonsie, I'm not singling you out. I've heard more than one person say this.


New Member
If BHO wins, this country will cease being a Republic. We may have seen our last election. BHO is connected, to the Weatherman and CPUSA. This crash of the Stock Markets in many ways is fear of BHO election. Get out now before too late, stick money in gold bars, buy safes and hide everything. Sales of safes are up. Palin is trying to warn the people, McCain is too decent to expose the truth about BHO. You can say good by to conservative radio such as Rush, Hannity, Levin, Reagan, Ingram, etc. The "Fairness Act" will return. These websites may be banned also by the Federal Police BHO called for, same size as US Military.
Since BHO clinched Nomination, he is pretending to be moderate, but his real ideas were revealed in the primaries. Healthcare will be rationed and a max life span in place for care, ala "Logan's Run". He is a dangerous man, he makes Carter and Clinton look tame. This is too valuable an election.
His operatives are already at work stealing the election, early voting. Operatives pick up homeless driving them around to different election places, registering them and having them vote for Obama. One of them admitted this flat out to Bill O'Brein this morning on "Fox and Friends". A close election can be decided by these couple of hundred votes, ala 1960.
Be afraid Friends, be very afraid.



New Member
Why is it ok for people to say they hope our President (if he's elected, of course) gets shot? I have heard both parties say that a President deserves some respect, even if you don't agree with his views.

Why did the Dixie Chicks get treated the way they did for saying they were embarassed to be from Texas, but it's ok for people to say they hope Obama gets shot? :confused:

And Sonsie, I'm not singling you out. I've heard more than one person say this.

It's ok to be a stupid racist ####### as long as you think you're right and can back it up with baseless statements, chain e-mails long debunked by snopes, and outright lies.

I also love people still claiming he's a (oh noes!) muslim terrorist. Seriously people, he's been fully checked out by every national agency on the books and probably more then we will ever know. Do you really think that Captain Anonymous sitting on his ass at home reading the latest e-mail actually knows better then the FBI or CIA?


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Why is it ok for people to say they hope our President (if he's elected, of course) gets shot? I have heard both parties say that a President deserves some respect, even if you don't agree with his views.

Why did the Dixie Chicks get treated the way they did for saying they were embarassed to be from Texas, but it's ok for people to say they hope Obama gets shot? :confused:

And Sonsie, I'm not singling you out. I've heard more than one person say this.

I don't care. :shrug: It's still how I feel. I don't want that jackass in the Whitehouse. Now if it was Powell, Rice, or a decent black dem sure. But this POS from the Church of Victimology can go straight to hell and take all his scumbag pals with him.


New Member
I don't care. :shrug: It's still how I feel. I don't want that jackass in the Whitehouse. Now if it was Powell, Rice, or a decent black dem sure. But this POS from the Church of Victimology can go straight to hell and take all his scumbag pals with him.

I'm not going to go so far as to say that I would like to see him shot but I'm just waiting for the day, IF HE IS ELECTED, that he does what everyone here predicts and gets impeached.

One can hope...