What is Islam?


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn

I’ve yet to read all posts in this thread but just had to respond to your initial comments. First of all, you will not survive in this forum unless you understand the humor of some of the members. Don’t take things personal, most of the time comments are made as a satirical joke.

Anyways…let me begin:

When does the modern era begin and when does it end?

Webster says “modern” means: of, relating to, or characteristic of the present or the immediate past : CONTEMPORARY b : of, relating to, or characteristic of a period extending from a relevant remote past to the present time

I would say that modern in sense of society would encompass the last 10 years, the previous 10 would be semi-contemporary, and previous 20 years contemporary. Anything 30 and after is nostalgic.

These terms 'modernity' and 'traditionalism' are invented terms that are painfully insufficient for describing the complex phenomenon erupting in the Muslim world today.

So, what is this complex phenomenon? What words do you use to describe the “phenomenon”?

The problems in the Muslim world … [are due to] social injustice from internal and external causes.

What are these causes? Please elaborate, I want to know. What social injustices are you referring to – please be specific? What society are you referring to – the Muslim society or an International society of all peoples?

Social injustice is not limited to particular social models. Social injustice can result from modern paradigms just as equally as they can arise from ancient paradigms.

I don’t know why I get the feeling you copied that out of some world history book but none less, I’ll play along. Explain how modern paradigms have caused social injustice to the Muslim community as a whole? I would like you to elaborate more on the specifics of the paradigm you are referring to. Overall, it seems (I may be wrong) that you have made a big generalization about many things. For you to be taken seriously, try not to talk so much like a politician and speak in laymen terms. Discuss each area specifically and back up your claims with facts and not rhetoric.

Secondly, and this is the most important reason why claiming that the struggle within the Muslim world is between the forces of modernity and medievialism is absolutely flawed, Islam holds within it the very same legal mechanisms to adapt to new circumstances just like the Constitution. Islam has systematically established dominance ine very corner of the world at different times without abandoning its core tenets by adopting its legal rulings to the particular needs of the people. Through the institution of taqleed,

Islam is able to retain a corporate coherency that other religions have been unable to attain (such as Christianity) while the doctrine of ijtehad (independent reasoning) enables Islam to adopt a flexibility that prevents the law from being inefficient and unjust (such as Judaism).

First, if Islam was able to retain corporate coherency, there would not be terrorists. Granted the inquisition was wrong of Christianity it still fell within the accepted norms of Christianity at the time. Of course, the inquisition was found to be wrong and ended a time later. Independent reasoning in an interesting concept. Who’s reasoning? Ever hear of the phrase “Common sense is not so common.”? Never forget the words of Frank Zappa, “Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” Your perception of a law from being inefficient and unjust is due to your own “independent reasoning”. Who are you to determine if a law is unjust when you do not live your life in accordance to a specific law? I do not live in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, etc so the laws of the land and people do not mean anything to me. If Muslims want to live in a Jewish state, that is their prerogative but it does not give them the right to complain about the laws of the land. If you don’t like the laws of the land, you are welcomed to leave.

What I think is troubling Islam is the fact that the democracy threatens the powers of the clergy. If the people of the land are able to make the laws, then the church looses its power over the people. Instead, the people obtain freedoms they were denied before. 1) Freedom of speech against government/church leaders 2) Freedom of choice of religion…. You get my point.

It is an individual’s prerogative to believe that their chosen religion is the “on true” religion. It is not your right, nor anyone else’s to force a religion on a person who does not believe in that religion. Nor do I believe it is a church’s right to dictate the way an individual lives their lives. God gave man Free will. Man has the right to choose to follow God or reject him. It is not a right of man to make another man believe in God. Unless you are participatory member or the long dead inquisition.

Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, etc. are

When the Muslim community is faced with a novel problem or issue that isn't directly addressed in the primary sources of Islamic jurisprudence, then one can engage in ijtehad or "independent reasoning." Thus, Islamic jurisprudence is constantly being adopted, reviewed, and revised in order to make it adapt to modern circumstances. This shows that
So to those who say that "islam is a medieval religion", really don't understand Islam. It contains legal mechanisms for adapting to any era or locality.

I disagree, I think that those who deny that Islam is IN FACT a medieval religion are in denial. Democracy represents progress and there is no room in Islam for social progression – only stagnation. If that is not the case then why have there been such issues with women’s rights? The suffrage movement in America opened up many eyes and changed American history forever. Perhaps such a movement is due in Islamic states.

I fail to understand why Muslims feel that non-Muslims MUST understand Islam. Muslims counter Christians and say they are going to hell. Oh yeah, that is reason for me to study Islam…to find out why I think extremist Muslims act as such idiots just because they disagree with my personal choice of religion.

So, with all this said – I do want it to be known that I do not think I all ready know the answers to life. I do think that I am open minded enough to accept alternative points of view. If nothing else, I have not problem agreeing to disagree for the sake of attaining a mutually cordial atmosphere.


Well-Known Member
I've been being a good buck-a-roo.....searching the internet for truth as told

And I'm finding a lot of these type pages:


Good reads throughout. The discussion board is interesting as well.


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Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf: "The modern Christian fundamentalists always talk about Islam as a religion devoid of love. It’s a very common motif in these religious fundamentalist books that attack Islam. They say “our religion is the religion of love and Islam is the religion of hate, animosity, and resentment.”"

Why is it that Islamic clerics are not stepping up and instructing the Muslim communities to turn out the terrorists? Extremests keep marring the face if Islam but the clerics (only ones who can actually do something about all this) sit on their hands and do nothing. I'm sorry that Muslims have their feelings hurt because the overall perception delivered by the 10% have caused non-Muslims to resent the religion. Who's ultimate fault is that? If Islam is so important to muslims, then Muslims need to build a fire under the tails of the clerics and tell them to get out there and start finding /promoting the turning in of extremesits.

I, as a Christian, could care less about Islam. All I know is that the preception is that Muslims (non-American) want to cause harm to the US and do not have the courage to stand up and hold their clerics accountable for the short commings of the religions governements. Then again, I see the clerics messages broadcasted on Islamic TV preaching for Muslims to kill America and rule the world - WTF?

So, I agree, i am ignorant of how Islam functions and I really dont care. I do know that Muslims (the good ones) have been dealt an unfair hand but also do nothing about it. How do you purpose i am to feel about that?


Well-Known Member
Oh, I meant to ask since this is all about learning...do Muslims here in America like and eat pork?


New Member
itsbob said:
THIS I believe with all my heart.. there is nothing so innocent on this earth as a newborn child.. They carry no sin.. no mistakes, no errors from past generations. They are wholly clean, and anyone that can look into a newborns eyes and say different has truly lost their mind.

Amen to that!


Well-Known Member
AliSamana said:
1. Thanks, I love talking to geiuses like you!
2. Come sit through a Friday prayer, everyone is referred to as Brother of Sister, even non-muslims.
3. How about us muslims serving in the Military? care to hear our opinion?
"In the United States, Islam is the fastest growing religion, a trend fueled mostly by immigration. There are 5 million to 7 million Muslims in the United States. They make up between 10,000 and 20,000 members of the American military." (http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Oct2001/n10042001_200110043.html)

1. Most welcome. And you are not behavin as your brother tole ya, so behave. :wink:
2. Thanks for the invite but I'll pass. Nothing personal, not into any religion.
3. I appreciate more than words can describe anyones service to our country but I do not appreciate the way you made it sound. If you are truly an American then you know what I mean.


New Member
Hessian said:
How much $$ flowed into the Tsunami zone from America? Billions.
How much came in from Moslem countries: a trickle.
Tell me all about your charity...you won't even give to fellow moslems in need, instead, there was a condemnation of the dead because they were catering to western tourists and thus Allah punished them.

Very charitable.

I will take you seriously when you learn how to spell MUSLIM properly :lalala:


AliSamana said:
I will take you seriously when you learn how to spell MUSLIM properly :lalala:

In written English, both spellings are acceptable.

That's one of the wonderful things about translations between languages without a 1:1 letter ratio.

"Muslim" is in more widespread use, but both are in use. I used to spell it "moslem", until I switched over after reading it the other way so often in the news.


New Member
Pushrod said:
So you are saying you are at war with the non-Muslims, and this is the reason for the atrocities that we are seeing today? This I can believe.

You're still avoiding my question about why Islam as a whole (especially the leaders of the Muslim communities) haven't stood up and called for a Jihad against the so-called rogue Muslims giving the rest of you "good" Muslims a black eye with their terrorist actions against civilians, both Muslim and Infidel.

Also, I'm not trying to say Christianity is a better religion or makes more sense than the Islamic religion, I just don't see large factions of Christians out there bombing, beheading and otherwise murdering untold numbers of people at this time. And when a rogue group of non-Muslim people do commit such attrocities, you would see the entire christian/agnostic/atheist population come together to put a stop to it. I haven't seen that yet in the Muslim world.

I don't "hate" all Muslims, but right now I consider all Muslims my enemy. There is a distinction. If what you call the "vocal" minority ever ceases their rhetoric and makes peace with all religions\non-religions of the world and vows to live side by side with them without restrictions, and ceases this senseless TERRORISM, then they would cease to be my enemy.

All 1.4 billion are coming over to your house today to condemn 9/11. I like my tea with 1 teaspoon of sugar. See ya at 7.


Well-Known Member
AliSamana said:
All 1.4 billion are coming over to your house today to condemn 9/11. I like my tea with 1 teaspoon of sugar. See ya at 7.

How about that, me too, 1 teaspoon will do.

How about pork chops on the grill? Truly hope you are not turning that noise up before you try them. They are good, I promise.

What kinda veggie do you like?


New Member
FromTexas wrote "The Palestinians and others were the first to turn it violent."

Are you sure you read all the links I sent. You see in 1895, they were less than 1%. When all of the Europe was driving them - who gave them shelter? who opened their doors for them? I am repeatedly asking you all this question - If somebody takes over your house by force, will you just accept to that fact or will you stand up for your rights? Thank you. I think I got the answer.


New Member
TexasPride77 said:

I’ve yet to read all posts in this thread but just had to respond to your initial comments. First of all, you will not survive in this forum unless you understand the humor of some of the members. Don’t take things personal, most of the time comments are made as a satirical joke.

Anyways…let me begin:

Webster says “modern” means: of, relating to, or characteristic of the present or the immediate past : CONTEMPORARY b : of, relating to, or characteristic of a period extending from a relevant remote past to the present time

I would say that modern in sense of society would encompass the last 10 years, the previous 10 would be semi-contemporary, and previous 20 years contemporary. Anything 30 and after is nostalgic.

So, what is this complex phenomenon? What words do you use to describe the “phenomenon”?

What are these causes? Please elaborate, I want to know. What social injustices are you referring to – please be specific? What society are you referring to – the Muslim society or an International society of all peoples?

I don’t know why I get the feeling you copied that out of some world history book but none less, I’ll play along. Explain how modern paradigms have caused social injustice to the Muslim community as a whole? I would like you to elaborate more on the specifics of the paradigm you are referring to. Overall, it seems (I may be wrong) that you have made a big generalization about many things. For you to be taken seriously, try not to talk so much like a politician and speak in laymen terms. Discuss each area specifically and back up your claims with facts and not rhetoric.

Secondly, and this is the most important reason why claiming that the struggle within the Muslim world is between the forces of modernity and medievialism is absolutely flawed, Islam holds within it the very same legal mechanisms to adapt to new circumstances just like the Constitution. Islam has systematically established dominance ine very corner of the world at different times without abandoning its core tenets by adopting its legal rulings to the particular needs of the people. Through the institution of taqleed,

First, if Islam was able to retain corporate coherency, there would not be terrorists. Granted the inquisition was wrong of Christianity it still fell within the accepted norms of Christianity at the time. Of course, the inquisition was found to be wrong and ended a time later. Independent reasoning in an interesting concept. Who’s reasoning? Ever hear of the phrase “Common sense is not so common.”? Never forget the words of Frank Zappa, “Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” Your perception of a law from being inefficient and unjust is due to your own “independent reasoning”. Who are you to determine if a law is unjust when you do not live your life in accordance to a specific law? I do not live in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, etc so the laws of the land and people do not mean anything to me. If Muslims want to live in a Jewish state, that is their prerogative but it does not give them the right to complain about the laws of the land. If you don’t like the laws of the land, you are welcomed to leave.

What I think is troubling Islam is the fact that the democracy threatens the powers of the clergy. If the people of the land are able to make the laws, then the church looses its power over the people. Instead, the people obtain freedoms they were denied before. 1) Freedom of speech against government/church leaders 2) Freedom of choice of religion…. You get my point.

It is an individual’s prerogative to believe that their chosen religion is the “on true” religion. It is not your right, nor anyone else’s to force a religion on a person who does not believe in that religion. Nor do I believe it is a church’s right to dictate the way an individual lives their lives. God gave man Free will. Man has the right to choose to follow God or reject him. It is not a right of man to make another man believe in God. Unless you are participatory member or the long dead inquisition.

Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, etc. are

When the Muslim community is faced with a novel problem or issue that isn't directly addressed in the primary sources of Islamic jurisprudence, then one can engage in ijtehad or "independent reasoning." Thus, Islamic jurisprudence is constantly being adopted, reviewed, and revised in order to make it adapt to modern circumstances. This shows that

I disagree, I think that those who deny that Islam is IN FACT a medieval religion are in denial. Democracy represents progress and there is no room in Islam for social progression – only stagnation. If that is not the case then why have there been such issues with women’s rights? The suffrage movement in America opened up many eyes and changed American history forever. Perhaps such a movement is due in Islamic states.

I fail to understand why Muslims feel that non-Muslims MUST understand Islam. Muslims counter Christians and say they are going to hell. Oh yeah, that is reason for me to study Islam…to find out why I think extremist Muslims act as such idiots just because they disagree with my personal choice of religion.

So, with all this said – I do want it to be known that I do not think I all ready know the answers to life. I do think that I am open minded enough to accept alternative points of view. If nothing else, I have not problem agreeing to disagree for the sake of attaining a mutually cordial atmosphere.

Hi TexasPride:

I know you posted this for AbdulHaqq, but I can make two small points that may move this a little forward. On the first section you mentioned the power of the clergy in Islam. In reality the clergy have very little power in Islam if that. The Clergy cannot guarantee me heaven of hell, cannot even tell me if a certain sin has been forgiven or not. Anyone can lead a prayer (be the Imam) as long as that person has the basic knowledge of Islam. If 4 people are praying, the most knowledgable should lead the prayer, if a fifth with more knowledge comes in, he should get to lead the prayer. Islam also has no person between the believer and God, if one makes a mistake, he can apologize straight to God. Many of prayers can also be performed in private, meaning there is no clergy.

As for Women's rights, Islam was one of the first religions to give women their rights. Before Islam newborn girls were buried alive in Saudi because they were considered a liability. Islam abandoned that practice. Also, in Islam a woman has the right to property, right to divorce, right to engage in business or other transactions etc.


New Member
Pete said:
Oh please, people hate you and you lost your standing because of your people blowing up pizza parlors, buses, wedding receptions, killing women and children, embasies, hostage taking, beheadings, high jacking planes trains and ships, dancing in the streets at the slightest misfortune that befalls the west. Get over the victimhood, grow up and purge the barbarians then come to the table. Your doubletalk is tiresome.

Oh, so you are the spokesman for the "people". Is this the best trick you can come up with - asking people to shut up just because they asked you question that you cannot honestly answer or reason.


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
By crikey I think the girl got it!!! :high5:

Look at all that in bold and colors up there. What a peaceful religion this is!! :faint:

What about the violence prescribed in the bible that I quoted.


New Member
Homesick said:
I've been being a good buck-a-roo.....searching the internet for truth as told

And I'm finding a lot of these type pages:


Good reads throughout. The discussion board is interesting as well.

I can paste hundreds of links of the people who left christianity and accepted other religions and all the bad things they had written and it will not prove anything. It is beyond childishness and utmost stupidity to assume that personal opinion of one person or one group constitute the entire religion. Please grow up!!!


New Member
Homesick said:
Oh, I meant to ask since this is all about learning...do Muslims here in America like and eat pork?

Nope, pork is forbidden in Islam. Neither do we drink, go to strip clubs, do drugs or have premarital sex. Those that follow the religion that is...


New Member
Homesick said:
1. Most welcome. And you are not behavin as your brother tole ya, so behave. :wink:
2. Thanks for the invite but I'll pass. Nothing personal, not into any religion.
3. I appreciate more than words can describe anyones service to our country but I do not appreciate the way you made it sound. If you are truly an American then you know what I mean.

The only thing I meant was we may not be covered by the media but we are out there, trying to kick "terrorism butt" as you put it :)


New Member
Homesick said:
How about that, me too, 1 teaspoon will do.

How about pork chops on the grill? Truly hope you are not turning that noise up before you try them. They are good, I promise.

What kinda veggie do you like?

:roflmao: Well at least you and I can enjoy the humor in this post...


New Member
Homesick said:
Oh, I meant to ask since this is all about learning...do Muslims here in America like and eat pork?

I cannot speak for all the muslims. But me and my family and all the muslims I have across in this country stay away from anything that has pork and alcohol. Some of the christian colleagues that I work with on the base also don't eat pork. That doesn't make them any less american. Does it??? The christian bible also says pig is a unclean animal and you should not eat. But ask anyone around you what is for dinner and they will say, "the other white meat".

Here are the references.

Lev. Chap 11 Verses 1 thru 8. Here is verse 7 and 8.
Lev.11 [7] "And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you."
[8] Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you.

Deut. Chap 14 [8] "And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase."

By the way, if you are not sure what christians are allowed or not allowed to eat, read Lev. Chap 11 and Deut. Chap 14 in its entirety.