What is it about men...


I Make Nerd Look Good
What is it about men that makes 99% of the ones under the age of 30 hightail it and run for the hills the second they find out that you have a kid or are expecting one?

I'm 20 and expecting my first little one in August. I'm not asking anyone to be a dad... hell, not even asking them to be my significant other(I'm the kind who'd rather just get to know you before it ever goes past casual dating and hanging out)... but it seems kind of callous and harsh to just turn a girl down flat just because she's going to be a mother. Especially the ones who don't even give her a chance.

Also... what happened to all the decent single men in Southern Maryland? I live in St. Marys and most guys I meet are either:

A: younger than me(even by a year, I can't do it... it just feels weird)
B: Taken
C: Single, but total #######s who are so shallow they can't look past the way a girl looks.(Honestly guys... we're not all supermodel material, but that's not to say we can't make you happy)

Anyway... I'm not even sure why I'm posting this... just curious as to what kind of feedback I'll get from those out there who actually bother to read this.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If you're pregnant and looking for some guy to date, then it's you that has the irrational expectations and they are right to avoid you. You should be concentrating on your life and your child, not looking for some butt (while pregnant with another man's child, which is just skeevy).

If by chance you find some guy who is willing to boink you while you are pregnant, run for the hills because that man ain't right.


vraiblonde said:
If you're pregnant and looking for some guy to date, then it's you that has the irrational expectations and they are right to avoid you. You should be concentrating on your life and your child, not looking for some butt (while pregnant with another man's child, which is just skeevy).

If by chance you find some guy who is willing to boink you while you are pregnant, run for the hills because that man ain't right.

So, when is the right time to look?



I'm Rick James #####!
vraiblonde said:
If you're pregnant and looking for some guy to date, then it's you that has the irrational expectations and they are right to avoid you. You should be concentrating on your life and your child, not looking for some butt (while pregnant with another man's child, which is just skeevy).

If by chance you find some guy who is willing to boink you while you are pregnant, run for the hills because that man ain't right.


Pregnant chicks are hot!


I Make Nerd Look Good
I'm not saying I'm LOOKING, just saying that I've noticed a definite difference in people's reactions. My child is the center of my universe, and the few people that have shown an interest in just hanging out have been made aware of the fact. I'm not looking to get laid, just curious as to what it is that makes men so... afraid(for lack of a better word) of even hanging out with a pregnant woman. If you had actually paid attention to my post, vraiblonde, I said I don't expect them to be a father, and I don't even expect them to be my significant other. Meaning I'm not looking for a relationship or anything of the kind.

And Pandora, I'm not with the baby's father for a myriad of reasons. Number one being that he pushed and pushed for me to get rid of the baby one way or another when I first got pregnant and never stopped to think about how it could possibly effect me if I did so. Not to mention some rather... unsavory things about his past were brought to my attention after I'd decided I couldn't be with him anymore that pushed me to make the decision that I'd rather not have him around me or my child... Hell, I wouldn't want him around ANY child. I wont go into detail though.


Lobster Land
JeweledSkye said:
What is it about men that makes 99% of the ones under the age of 30 hightail it and run for the hills the second they find out that you have a kid or are expecting one?

I'm 20 and expecting my first little one in August. I'm not asking anyone to be a dad... hell, not even asking them to be my significant other(I'm the kind who'd rather just get to know you before it ever goes past casual dating and hanging out)... but it seems kind of callous and harsh to just turn a girl down flat just because she's going to be a mother. Especially the ones who don't even give her a chance.

Also... what happened to all the decent single men in Southern Maryland? I live in St. Marys and most guys I meet are either:

A: younger than me(even by a year, I can't do it... it just feels weird)
B: Taken
C: Single, but total #######s who are so shallow they can't look past the way a girl looks.(Honestly guys... we're not all supermodel material, but that's not to say we can't make you happy)

Anyway... I'm not even sure why I'm posting this... just curious as to what kind of feedback I'll get from those out there who actually bother to read this.

And what the heck happend to all the decent girls that get pregnant at the age of 20 without being married? Don't blame this on the men, look inside yourself and how YOU screwed up.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
oldman said:
And what the heck happend to all the decent girls that get pregnant at the age of 20 without being married? Don't blame this on the men, look inside yourself and how YOU screwed up.
Bravo to you sir!


I Make Nerd Look Good
oldman said:
And what the heck happend to all the decent girls that get pregnant at the age of 20 without being married? Don't blame this on the men, look inside yourself and how YOU screwed up.

How I screwed up? Have we forgotten that it takes two to tango? I'm more than taking responsibility for my actions. Just because mistakes are made and things happen unexpectedly doesn't make us bad people, and doesn't mean that we lack morals or anything of the sort. People are human. We're going to make mistakes. Its how we deal with them and if we learn from them that makes the difference.


Lem Putt
JeweledSkye said:
under the age of 30
There's the problem. you need to look for someone more secure. You need to look for somebody who is over 60, has a V-Strom with a rabbit on the back, and drives a rainbow colored subaru when not on his bike. He'll treatyou right. :yay:

You're welcome for the hookup, Aps!


I Make Nerd Look Good
MMDad said:
There's the problem. you need to look for someone more secure. You need to look for somebody who is over 60, has a V-Strom with a rabbit on the back, and drives a rainbow colored subaru when not on his bike. He'll treatyou right. :yay:

You're welcome for the hookup, Aps!

Wow... so much for anyone actually taking a question seriously. Here I was hoping that maybe if I got on a more local forum and posted a legitimate question because I just don't understand men's behavior that I might get a real answer back. The closes thing I've gotten to a real answer was someone accusing me of just trying to get laid, which this post had nothing to do with. x.x


New Member
JeweledSkye said:
How I screwed up? Have we forgotten that it takes two to tango? I'm more than taking responsibility for my actions. Just because mistakes are made and things happen unexpectedly doesn't make us bad people, and doesn't mean that we lack morals or anything of the sort. People are human. We're going to make mistakes. Its how we deal with them and if we learn from them that makes the difference.

When we are trashed on the inside, we tend to attract trash on the outside. I find it highly doubtful that in the 5 months you’ve known you are pregnant that you’ve had ample time to digest all that in, gotten to know yourself and are ready to add the additional responsibility of even so much as a new friendship with a man.

To your credit, I am proud of you for not resorting to getting an abortion, wish you the best of luck, but this whole thread smells like an MPD.