What is it about men...


New Member
vraiblonde said:
If you're pregnant and looking for some guy to date, then it's you that has the irrational expectations and they are right to avoid you. You should be concentrating on your life and your child, not looking for some butt (while pregnant with another man's child, which is just skeevy).

If by chance you find some guy who is willing to boink you while you are pregnant, run for the hills because that man ain't right.
I WILL!!!!!!!!!!!vote for me!!!!!!!!yay boink yay!!!!!!!!!!!!but how pregnent r you???vote for me yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!send me green!yay green!!!!!!!


JeweledSkye said:
Hmm... well I didn't ever check the archives to see if this had been discussed... I didn't even know about somd.com until last night, soo... lol.

Laugh out Loud is the best attitude to keep around here !
Don't try to be too cool or someone will lite a fire up under your ass !
Welcome ! :howdy: (unless you are an MPD !)


CageKicker Extraordinaire
JeweledSkye said:
Sorry for not including the women, lol.... guess when you're a girl and you're dealing pretty much just guys who act this way around you, you don't think about your own sex doing the same thing. Besides... most bi's and lesbian chicks prolly look at a pregnant woman and automatically assume she's straight, lol.

So you're looking for sex. If you weren't, you wouldn't have mentioned that the females were bi or lesbo. If you were truly looking for friends, you'd find them and you wouldn't care if the guy thought you were attractive or not- re-read your first post.

Simple fact as Toxick pointed out: You will have problems finding and making friends PERIOD. Oh sure, it seems like a big deal now, but take it from me, it'll be hell after the kid pops out.

People aren't going to want to have to operate on YOUR time table if they want you around. You can't make or change plans on a dime, because it takes 300 phone calls, putting things off, and aquiring child care- EVERY TIME.

You know 10 minute trips to the store because you forgot something? With a little one, they'll easily suck up an hour. Oh and it'll take 3 times as long as you think to get ready for anything. If the baby is fussy, guess who's the only one around to take care of it? So guess who ends up late for work, or going out, or making appointments....

So now, you have work, home, family (responsibility with extended goes through the roof), family friends (same as family), and an infant. With the infant the previous all take forever or just don't get done. Want to hang out? Now you have to take away from one of the above to do it- which means the planets have to align correctly. And when time gets scarce, and it will, guess what you drop first? Yep, the new "friend."

Not many people want to deal with that. Would you? I know you'll say yes, but, honestly, I highly doubt it. Date the younger guy, the only problem with that is the stereotypical garbage in your head. Because if you have to ask, you're as clueless as he is.


New Member
FireBrand said:
Laugh out Loud is the best attitude to keep around here !
Don't try to be too cool or someone will lite a fire up under your ass !
Welcome ! :howdy: (unless you are an MPD !)
but dont make them angry!!!!!shh! if you make them angry they will put you in the redroom!!!!!you wont like it here!boo redroom boo!!!!!!!!!and once they put you in here you will never EVER get out!!!!!!!boo boo!never get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!they can be very cruel.i think some are just evil .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!boo evil!!!!get out NOW! while u still can!!!!NOW!!!!!!!YAY NOW!send green GREEN YAY GREEN!!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!1


trilogy said:
but dont make them angry!!!!!shh! if you make them angry they will put you in the redroom!!!!!you wont like it here!boo redroom boo!!!!!!!!!and once they put you in here you will never EVER get out!!!!!!!boo boo!never get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!they can be very cruel.i think some are just evil .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!boo evil!!!!get out NOW! while u still can!!!!NOW!!!!!!!YAY NOW!send green GREEN YAY GREEN!!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!1

Evil is what you make it ! Keep your sunny side up ! :killingme


I Make Nerd Look Good
Chain729 said:
So you're looking for sex. If you weren't, you wouldn't have mentioned that the females were bi or lesbo.

Or maybe I was simply trying to make light of my own mistake of not including women, and trying to make a (somewhat)funny comment, given the sometimes tense nature this thread has seemed to have?

Chain729 said:
If you were truly looking for friends, you'd find them and you wouldn't care if the guy thought you were attractive or not- re-read your first post.

Simple fact as Toxick pointed out: You will have problems finding and making friends PERIOD. Oh sure, it seems like a big deal now, but take it from me, it'll be hell after the kid pops out.

People aren't going to want to have to operate on YOUR time table if they want you around. You can't make or change plans on a dime, because it takes 300 phone calls, putting things off, and aquiring child care- EVERY TIME.

You know 10 minute trips to the store because you forgot something? With a little one, they'll easily suck up an hour. Oh and it'll take 3 times as long as you think to get ready for anything. If the baby is fussy, guess who's the only one around to take care of it? So guess who ends up late for work, or going out, or making appointments....

So now, you have work, home, family (responsibility with extended goes through the roof), family friends (same as family), and an infant. With the infant the previous all take forever or just don't get done. Want to hang out? Now you have to take away from one of the above to do it- which means the planets have to align correctly. And when time gets scarce, and it will, guess what you drop first? Yep, the new "friend."

Not many people want to deal with that. Would you? I know you'll say yes, but, honestly, I highly doubt it. Date the younger guy, the only problem with that is the stereotypical garbage in your head. Because if you have to ask, you're as clueless as he is.

It's hardly a stereotype if I've admitted that not all guys act that way. My first post stated that it SEEMS like 99% percent of guys act that way. Stereotypes usually refer to a group of people as a whole and classify all of them as having some sort of behavior pattern or the like. I have managed to make a few friends, male and female, since I got pregnant that have no problem whatsoever with me getting ready to be a new mother.

I have plenty of friends who have kids, most of whom are married. I do realize that sometimes that causes hitches in plans, but I hardly blame them for it. I try to be as understanding as possible and certainly don't cut them out of my life simply because I realize that their family comes first.

And my only reasoning for wanting to know(not date) the younger guy is pretty simple... they're in my age group. Plus, it can be a little hard at times(not all the time, I do have some friends who come from my mother's generation), when you have a hard time having things in common because of the era you grew up in. Those friends I do have that are in their 30s and 40s, I greatly enjoy being around. But sometimes its just plain difficult to find things to do, talk about, or simply have in common because you just don't come from the same type of background.

IE: I remember watching certain shows growing up, they remember just turning them on for their own children without really paying much attention or sitting there and wishing it was over so they could get back to their own programs.

Its that whole generation gap thing.
Last edited:


curiouser and curiouser
I think that maybe, since you're getting ready to bring a child into this world, you should focus on that, rather than building a circle of friends. The day you give birth to that child it will become the most important responsibility you have, and having a busy social life should be the least of your concern.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
JeweledSkye said:
Or maybe I was simply trying to make light of my own mistake of not including women, and trying to make a (somewhat)funny comment, given the sometimes tense nature this thread has seemed to have?

It's hardly a stereotype if I've admitted that not all guys act that way. My first post stated that it SEEMS like 99% percent of guys act that way. Stereotypes usually refer to a group of people as a whole and classify all of them as having some sort of behavior pattern or the like. I have managed to make a few friends, male and female, since I got pregnant that have no problem whatsoever with me getting ready to be a new mother.

I have plenty of friends who have kids, most of whom are married. I do realize that sometimes that causes hitches in plans, but I hardly blame them for it. I try to be as understanding as possible and certainly don't cut them out of my life simply because I realize that their family comes first.

And my only reasoning for wanting to know(not date) the younger guy is pretty simple... they're in my age group. Plus, it can be a little hard at times(not all the time, I do have some friends who come from my mother's generation), when you have a hard time having things in common because of the era you grew up in. Those friends I do have that are in their 30s and 40s, I greatly enjoy being around. But sometimes its just plain difficult to find things to do, talk about, or simply have in common because you just don't come from the same type of background.

IE: I remember watching certain shows growing up, they remember just turning them on for their own children without really paying much attention or sitting there and wishing it was over so they could get back to their own programs.

Its that whole generation gap thing.

:sigh: You don't listen. You said you had a problem with younger, not older.

As for friends with kids. There's a whole world difference when they're married and when they aren't. Hold old are the single one's kids? There's a world of difference between a 6 month old and a 6 year old.

And while you may not cut them out, most will cut YOU out. That was my point. You asked why people ran and I told you. Look at what I'm saying, not how you feel about it. All you saw from my post was me being hard you, not the answer I gave to the question you asked. Thanks for reminding me why I tend to run from women our age.

I'm not cracking on you, I'm telling you, you have a lot to learn. And it's a bit late for me to bother with sugar coating things. I have to go check on Princess and wrap some stuff up before bed- which I meant to get to an hour ago.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Nickel said:
I think that maybe, since you're getting ready to bring a child into this world, you should focus on that, rather than building a circle of friends. The day you give birth to that child it will become the most important responsibility you have, and having a busy social life should be the least of your concern.

:yay: I've seen too many people have kids that shouldn't have. Those that think kids are nothing more than a chore that gets in the way of their life need to be sterilized.


I Make Nerd Look Good
Chain729 said:
:sigh: You don't listen. You said you had a problem with younger, not older.

As for friends with kids. There's a whole world difference when they're married and when they aren't. Hold old are the single one's kids? There's a world of difference between a 6 month old and a 6 year old.

And while you may not cut them out, most will cut YOU out. That was my point. You asked why people ran and I told you. Look at what I'm saying, not how you feel about it. All you saw from my post was me being hard you, not the answer I gave to the question you asked. Thanks for reminding me why I tend to run from women our age.

I'm not cracking on you, I'm telling you, you have a lot to learn. And it's a bit late for me to bother with sugar coating things. I have to go check on Princess and wrap some stuff up before bed- which I meant to get to an hour ago.

I never said I didn't have a lot to learn. Perhaps I just misunderstood what you were trying to say. And I meant that I noticed the younger crowd up and run away, but I still would like to have friends in that crowd that I can hang out with because often I have more in common with them so it makes it a bit easier to relate to them. Sounds kinda like we both misunderstood each other.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
JeweledSkye said:
I never said I didn't have a lot to learn. Perhaps I just misunderstood what you were trying to say. And I meant that I noticed the younger crowd up and run away, but I still would like to have friends in that crowd that I can hang out with because often I have more in common with them so it makes it a bit easier to relate to them. Sounds kinda like we both misunderstood each other.

You're doing a poor job of backpeddling. The following is very difficult to mis-understand:

JeweledSkye said:
Also... what happened to all the decent single men in Southern Maryland? I live in St. Marys and most guys I meet are either:

A: younger than me(even by a year, I can't do it... it just feels weird)
B: Taken
C: Single, but total #######s who are so shallow they can't look past the way a girl looks.(Honestly guys... we're not all supermodel material, but that's not to say we can't make you happy)

I started typing a long post noting your inconsistencies, but you know what? F*** it. It's not worth the effort. Believe and do whatever the hell you want- you will anyway. I feel sorry for the rug rat already.


New Member
JeweledSkye said:
I'm not looking to get laid, just curious as to what it is that makes men so... afraid(for lack of a better word) of even hanging out with a pregnant woman.
Because if you are pregnant or already have a kid, there is no hope for a man that he will be number one in your life ever. At least if you are childless we can operate under that illusion for a little while. :shrug:


I Make Nerd Look Good
jetmonkey said:
Because if you are pregnant or already have a kid, there is no hope for a man that he will be number one in your life ever. At least if you are childless we can operate under that illusion for a little while. :shrug:

That's an interesting take on it... I can honestly say I never would have thought of that.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
... If by chance you find some guy who is willing to boink you while you are pregnant, run for the hills because that man ain't right.

There's no driving a wrecked car.


New Member
JeweledSkye said:
I'm not saying I'm LOOKING, just saying that I've noticed a definite difference in people's reactions. My child is the center of my universe, and the few people that have shown an interest in just hanging out have been made aware of the fact. I'm not looking to get laid, just curious as to what it is that makes men so... afraid(for lack of a better word) of even hanging out with a pregnant woman. If you had actually paid attention to my post, vraiblonde, I said I don't expect them to be a father, and I don't even expect them to be my significant other. Meaning I'm not looking for a relationship or anything of the kind.

:blahblah: Daddy
:blahblah: guys
:blahblah: relationship
:blahblah: men
Oh no she didn't! :yikes: :faint: