What is it about the gays?..


New Member
Do you do this? If so, how often are you successful and how often do you fall short?

There's a huge difference between those who willingly sin and those who don't, Christy. Those who truly want to follow God will try everything they can not to sin as oppose to those who could really give a hoot.


There's a huge difference between those who willingly sin and those who don't, Christy. Those who truly want to follow God will try everything they can not to sin as oppose to those who could really give a hoot.

What sort of sin would be an unwilling sin? If you don't know you're sinning how can it be considered a sin. But for the record, according to the bible, we are born sinners.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
There's a huge difference between those who willingly sin and those who don't, Christy. Those who truly want to follow God will try everything they can not to sin as oppose to those who could really give a hoot.

OK, but, if a homosexual isn't a Christian and you are for religious freedom, this is where the crux of the problem lies. It's not like Christians arguing over how other Christians are supposed to behave based on the club rules. All this nonsense is about Christians applying their faith to people who aren't part of that faith.

It is a absurd to refuse to do what you do for a living, bake a cake, for someone else based on YOUR religions beliefs of how THEY live their life, especially their personal life. There is no way Christ, who served all, refused none, could sit there and say this guy was acting as the Lord would have him.


New Member
All well and good. Religious freedom.

How about people who are not Christians? Are you supposed to hate them? Cast them out? Not bake them cakes?

Religion freedom? Can you name a Christian Church (not the Catholic one since I'm not Catholic) that has ever not allowed anyone to freely follow another religion of their choice?

Not bake them cakes? Okay....:confused:

And also, when did I say Christians (or any Christian for that matter) are supposed to hate non-Christians? And where do we supposedly cast them out of?
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
And also, when did I say Christians (or any Christian for that matter) are supposed to hate non-Christians? And where do we supposedly cast them out of?

Just read the forums. The venom directed at homosexuals by self described Christians on here is awful. And, frankly, silly. So, I am asking you, as is the OP, why the special vitriol directed at them?

Again, I see the problem here is the special attention homosexuality gets from Christians as, time and again, harming Christianity.


New Member
What sort of sin would be an unwilling sin? If you don't know you're sinning how can it be considered a sin. But for the record, according to the bible, we are born sinners.

I agree, we are all born sinners.

But those who want to follow God will do their upmost to please God and follow His commandments. That includes doing their upmost to give up the sins in their lives.

Those who could give a hoot about following God are UNWILLING to give up ANY sin whatever the heck they are. And usually get very defensive whenever this topic is bought up.


New Member
Just read the forums. The venom directed at homosexuals by self described Christians on here is awful. And, frankly, silly. So, I am asking you, as is the OP, why the special vitriol directed at them?

Again, I see the problem here is the special attention homosexuality gets from Christians as, time and again, harming Christianity.

I agree with you. I think it's awful too.

And I haven't a clue why some act this way...why don't you ask them?

As for me, I don't follow other "Christians", I follow Christ. Jesus loved everyone no matter who or what they were and commanded His followers to do likewise. So if these so-called "Christians" are hating on Homosexuals then they are disobeying God.

I think even if there wasn't any of this so-called 'special attention towards homosexuality from Christians' as you claim, I think you would STILL try and find something else that is 'wrong' with Christianity and Christians.

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I agree, we are all born sinners.

But those who want to follow God will do their upmost to please God and follow His commandments. That includes doing their upmost to give up the sins in their lives.

Those who could give a hoot about following God are UNWILLING to give up ANY sin whatever the heck they are. And usually get very defensive whenever this topic is bought up.

I thought you were talking about people that know they are sinning (willing) vs. people that don't know they are sinning (unwilling).

But, good intentions die at the altar.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” – Romans 3:23

The point is, we all sin. It is a conscious act. No one is exempt. Some work hard at not sinning and some don’t. Some don’t believe what they’re doing (gays) is sinful. Short of our failures to stop sinning, we should acknowledge that we are flawed in this way and do the alternative – what Jesus did – reach out and show sinners that Christians are about love. If that means baking a cake for a gay couple, always view it as an opportunity.


New Member
Just read the forums. The venom directed at homosexuals by self described Christians on here is awful. And, frankly, silly. So, I am asking you, as is the OP, why the special vitriol directed at them?

Again, I see the problem here is the special attention homosexuality gets from Christians as, time and again, harming Christianity.

I've always attributed the "special attention" to an old idiom "the squeaky wheel gets the grease."


Lem Putt
Well, I can tell you there are NO guitar players who are gay. NONE! Larry, help me out here.



New Member
I will expand on this. Those who choose to be Christians understand that the commandments are for THEM... them as Christians... It is not for all who have not made the choice to be a Christian. I think this is where the wires get crossed and Christians think they must convert all when the best way to convert anyone to God's side is to practice and to live within the word. Christians should not go forth and play judge and jury to people that have not chosen to be a Christian because when they do, they will do more damage than any sinner will ever do.

The Christian faith is a great place for Narcissistic and Psychopaths to set up shop. What better place to feed your ego?

Wow and are you not judging Christians right now by your very sweeping generalizations of all Christians, Dakota?

I agree that there are a LOT of Christians out there who are judgemental BUT they're disobeying God by doing so.

There are also a LOT of Christians who aren't judgemental. Please don't judge us all for the bad behavior of some.


Lem Putt
Some don’t believe what they’re doing (gays) is sinful.

Many do. They are conflicted about it. They know they are gay, yet they believe it is a sin. They can't make themselves stop being gay any more than you could stop yourself from being hetero (assuming you are). That's one of many reasons that the suicide rate is high among gays.

I think that the "choosing" to be gay aspect of this is very relevant. If you see this as merely being a choice, and not being something that is hard wired into their brain, then it's easier to dismiss the "sinner" as being weak and worthy of disdain. But if it is something that they cannot control and cannot change, they would be deserving of compassion.

I know that the thought of gay sex is repulsive to me, and I could never "choose" to be gay. I did not choose to be straight, it is what I am. I assume most straight guys feel the same. So why is it that we cannot understand that gays also don't choose to be that way?


Now you did it. No reason to insult Larry like that!

Naw... I've heard Larry's playing. He can play.

The only song I'm aware of by Michael is 'Faith' where he appears to be faking playing the guitar. And my recollect of Michael is that he swings both ways. So he's a faux gay as well as a faux guitar player.


New Member
I thought you were talking about people that know they are sinning (willing) vs. people that don't know they are sinning (unwilling).

But, good intentions die at the altar.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” – Romans 3:23

The point is, we all sin. It is a conscious act. No one is exempt. Some work hard at not sinning and some don’t. Some don’t believe what they’re doing (gays) is sinful. Short of our failures to stop sinning, we should acknowledge that we are flawed in this way and do the alternative – what Jesus did – reach out and show sinners that Christians are about love. If that means baking a cake for a gay couple, always view it as an opportunity.

Oh I agree. I've got a gay son whom I love very much. He also has many gay friends whom I also love. I think they're wonderful, kind, funny, loving people (the ones I know anyway). It's only a small minority of them that want to shove their 'agenda' down everybody's elses throat that the Christian population has a problem with.


Not too talkative
Old testament laws do not apply to Christians. They're in the bible for Canon and Archival Purposes, however Jesus superseded them in the New Covenant.

Matthew 5 : 17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. 18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. 19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.

So the laws were not abolished, just that we are not the judges and should not be casting the stones....

A Painstaking But Concise Exposition of Matthew 5:17-19