What is it about the gays?..

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Quite a bit of mental masturbation and self-inflicted mental anguish over something unknowable and for which not the slightest of evidence exists for. Rational and critical thought - as a scientist - should tell you to just cut this sh*t out. Besides, it's non-productive and self-absorbed.

That's not accurate. A great many scientists and engineers are believers, many coming to it later in life as their knowledge and experience in their fields grew, and that is because the facts of our existence is no more explicable by science than it is by faith. In fact, some argue that it is much more far fetched and closed minded to be an atheist than to be a believer because there is more probability that there is some sort of higher power than not. Science says you don't know what you can't prove. Science can not prove the existence of God. Nor can it disprove God.


Is gay marriage somehow more sinful than adultery or beating your wife or blasphemy, etc? Absolutely not.

I wouldn't attend a wedding ceremony if the groom was cheating on his fiance, or beating her up either.

Blasphemy? What does that have to do with marriage?
So are some sins worse than others? Is homosexuality in some egregious class of sinners that lying, cheating, etc don't match? Out of all the sins that a person can possibly commit, this seems to be one of the most benign out there. Most sins not only hurt yourself, but hurt others. If everyone is a sinner, and by supporting our friends we're indirectly supporting their sins, why go to anyone's wedding? We shouldn't be going to the weddings of sinners, right?

Look at the interest this thread has garnered.

I wonder sometimes.... if there had be internet back in the days of Sodom... would the comments to the tread have been the same?

If the internet existed back in the days of Jesus, things would be a bit different. Either his miracles would have more proof, or everyone would be a cynic and argue against the science they see in the name of...

Nevermind. :coffee:


Well-Known Member
God alone is the only one who has the right to create life and to take life as He pleases. Please consider that before sitting in judgment on Him and weigh it carefully my friend, because someday He will sit in judgement on all of us.

Could a thug not take your life as he pleased?


If everyone is a sinner, and by supporting our friends we're indirectly supporting their sins, why go to anyone's wedding? We shouldn't be going to the weddings of sinners, right?

That is an interesting question, what is the opinion of a couple of swingers or porn stars getting married?
That's not accurate. A great many scientists and engineers are believers, many coming to it later in life as their knowledge and experience in their fields grew, and that is because the facts of our existence is no more explicable by science than it is by faith. In fact, some argue that it is much more far fetched and closed minded to be an atheist than to be a believer because there is more probability that there is some sort of higher power than not. Science says you don't know what you can't prove. Science can not prove the existence of God. Nor can it disprove God.

When scientists don't know something, they admit it. Pretending to know things one doesn't know is a profound liability for scientists. On the other hand, pretending to know things one doesn't know is the life-blood of religion.

When considering questions about the nature of the universe and our place within it, both scientists and atheists tend to draw their opinions from science. This isn’t arrogance, it's intellectual honesty.

The majority of scientists, and 93% of the members of the National Academy of Sciences, do not believe in a 'personal' god. Neuroscience is examining the neuro-physiology of religious belief. Some of our tendency to 'believe', has its origins in the evolution of the neural networks of the brain.

The arguments you are making are the same old tired ones that fundamentalists like to use. They align with people who think the earth is 6000 years old, that humans and dinosaurs were on the earth together, and that creationism should be taught in our schools. They seem to be able to dig up "scientists" that agree with them.


Soul Probe
The majority of scientists, and 93% of the members of the National Academy of Sciences, do not believe in a 'personal' god. Neuroscience is examining the neuro-physiology of religious belief. Some of our tendency to 'believe', has its origins in the evolution of the neural networks of the brain.

How many scientists do you suppose believe in a non-personal god? Neuroscience is fascinating stuff; I've done my own research regarding the science of the NDE phenomenon. I question though, if religious belief* is strictly biological, does that make it any less real?

* Religious belief is a very broad term. What exactly is meant by "religious belief" in this context? Could you please cite your source? Thanks.


New Member
How many scientists do you suppose believe in a non-personal god? Neuroscience is fascinating stuff; I've done my own research regarding the science of the NDE phenomenon. I question though, if religious belief* is strictly biological, does that make it any less real?

* Religious belief is a very broad term. What exactly is meant by "religious belief" in this context? Could you please cite your source? Thanks.
If it is biological, more evidence for design.


That is an interesting question, what is the opinion of a couple of swingers or porn stars getting married?

Or even 1 swinger or porn star marrying an average person. :shrug:

That reminds me of the former porn star running for office in Florida. I say who cares. There are a lot of people who use that to pay for college. I don't see the problem, but a lot of prudes think that makes them evil and not worthy of equal treatment in society. Apparently it's better to work at McDonald's and make minimum wage than to seize an opportunity to make a lot more money for a lot less work.

Why do people have to be so judgmental?


New Member
So if you create life it is ok to end it....interesting
Not really that interesting actually. Its just a plain fact. But it only applies to God, because He is the only one who can make something from nothing. The Old and New Testament show that God is the only one with total rights over life and death. He is maximally supreme and sovereign over His creation. Its not a hard concept to grasp I don't think. Its big, but not hard.


Well-Known Member
Not really that interesting actually. Its just a plain fact. But it only applies to God, because He is the only one who can make something from nothing. The Old and New Testament show that God is the only one with total rights over life and death. He is maximally supreme and sovereign over His creation. Its not a hard concept to grasp I don't think. Its big, but not hard.

His game. His rules. His house. It's up to us, individually, to go to Him. He has already been here for us.

Really not complicated.
How many scientists do you suppose believe in a non-personal god? Neuroscience is fascinating stuff; I've done my own research regarding the science of the NDE phenomenon. I question though, if religious belief* is strictly biological, does that make it any less real?

* Religious belief is a very broad term. What exactly is meant by "religious belief" in this context? Could you please cite your source? Thanks.

I was referencing no specific source; there are many types of studies, methods, conclusions in this area. I would start with googling 'neuroscience of religious belief' -- 'Religious Belief' in this context is broad and covers multiple areas/types of belief. I think 'belief' in anything metaphysical likely has some enabling neurobiology, but I also think that one's upbringing, environment, education level, etc,, are major factors.

Btw, what did you conclude about NDE? Have you had an NDE experience?


Soul Probe
I was referencing no specific source; there are many types of studies, methods, conclusions in this area. I would start with googling 'neuroscience of religious belief' -- 'Religious Belief' in this context is broad and covers multiple areas/types of belief. I think 'belief' in anything metaphysical likely has some enabling neurobiology, but I also think that one's upbringing, environment, education level, etc,, are major factors.

Btw, what did you conclude about NDE? Have you had an NDE experience?

No citation and no answer to my questions. I'm kind of disappointed in you.

No final conclusion, and yes.
No citation and no answer to my questions. I'm kind of disappointed in you.

No final conclusion, and yes.

Oh well, failing you again, I suppose. But fascinating that you have had an NDE experience. I am interested in knowing what you experienced but you may want to keep that private and I don't blame you. But, strangely enough, we have this in common. Mine occurred Friday night, Aug 1 2008.


New Member
God alone is the only one who has the right to create life and to take life as He pleases. Please consider that before sitting in judgment on Him and weigh it carefully my friend, because someday He will sit in judgement on all of us.

If this is how you feel then how do you feel about Capital Punishment? Is it proper to take another life through execution by order of the state in answer to crimes committed against society?


New Member
If this is how you feel then how do you feel about Capital Punishment? Is it proper to take another life through execution by order of the state in answer to crimes committed against society?

Actually, the way I read it, the Bible does give man reason to use capital punishment. There are however almost as many laws requiring that a man should be given guest status. Even in Sodom the men could not enter the home of the man who took in strangers in order to save them. Some even gave their daughters to angry crowds in exchange for the safety of a guest. There was even a woman, I think her name was Rachel, who took in a couple of men. When the tribe came in to take out the house.... they were taken to safety.

Sometimes it's necessary to use capital punishment.... and some times you have to stand up for the guest.

I'm just one reader tho....
