Larry Gude
Strung Out
Quite a bit of mental masturbation and self-inflicted mental anguish over something unknowable and for which not the slightest of evidence exists for. Rational and critical thought - as a scientist - should tell you to just cut this sh*t out. Besides, it's non-productive and self-absorbed.
That's not accurate. A great many scientists and engineers are believers, many coming to it later in life as their knowledge and experience in their fields grew, and that is because the facts of our existence is no more explicable by science than it is by faith. In fact, some argue that it is much more far fetched and closed minded to be an atheist than to be a believer because there is more probability that there is some sort of higher power than not. Science says you don't know what you can't prove. Science can not prove the existence of God. Nor can it disprove God.