This is super-secret code for:
"I'm about to intentionally insult you, but I don't want it to appear like it's intentional"
Believe it or not, some of us came to God through "facts" and "logic".
So, no offense, but I think you're full of ####.
(No, I'm not going to explain myself - It's something I came to over the course of many agnostic years, so it's not something I'm interested in briefly and superficially bandying about here - and I seriously doubt you'd be honestly open to anything I had to say anyway)
Nothing about religion is factual. there's nothign factual about an imaginary person in the sky watching over every single person in the universe.
There's nothing factual about praying to cure cancer, or for it to rain, or any other cause obviously associated with solid scientific research and fact. The same research and fact many Christians rely on throughout their daily lives, whether they like it (or realize it) or not.
I truely meant "no offense" because I realize this is a hot topic and people truely believe there's a higher power and I hope that one can take my statements and not truley take offense. I was mistaken, apparently.
To your last point, I enjoy learning. I attend church (sometimes) because I am curious about religion in general. So, you can choose to beleiev that I've got my head in the sand about the issues here, but the reality is, I've have conversations on the subject, and I specifically recall conversing with Psy about it. At that time, I specifically mentioned that while Science has proved a miriad of things, it has not proven where our feelings of love, envy, and the like have come from. Some things science simply can't explain and I acknowledge that, but I don't believe that comes from a hgher power without some sort of evidence. Evidence I've yet to see from anyone.
You're familiar with Pascal's Wager?
If we're wrong, then.... so what?
If I saw no signs of a divinity, I would fix myself in denial. If I saw everywhere the marks of a Creator, I would repose peacefully in faith. But seeing too much to deny Him, and too little to assure me, I am in a pitiful state, and I would wish a hundred times that if a god sustains nature it would reveal Him without ambiguity. - Pascal
If I am wrong, I'm faithful that I lived a fantastic life just the way I wanted without fear that a mythical man was watching over my shoulder all the time and can decide my eternal fate.
I wish I could believe this.
The concept of dying and then ceasing to exist is attractive to me, compared to the concept of eternal life.
I have pondered the concept of eternity, at length, and the concept is unbelievably terrifying.
Seriously terrifying. It terrifies me. It's one of the few things that actually
scares me.
Even if it's pleasant - even if it's the paradise we all hope it is.... Just sit back and think about how long "forever" is. The very idea is incomprehensible to the mind.
I'm open to the possibility (probability) that the transformation that occurs upon death removes the chill from this idea, but that's not very comforting to me.
Eternity is terrifying, but the earth is not eternally old, nor is Jesus, so how can we even begin to comprehend eternity?
Do you believe in evolution? Do you believe that men are decendants of apes? If that's the case, then man is simply an animal, in general terms, correct? It's either that, or do you believe that god mad a man, then used his rib to create a woman out of thin air, and chose to only do it a few thousand years ago?
Again, who cares. In the end it won't matter if it was a waste. How many billions of people are currently dead with nothing to even show they were here.
I don't really care. I don't care what peopel do, nor believe, I was just asking a question.
Billions dead with no evidence of an afterlife. I'll take my chances.