Larry Gude
Strung Out
No, I don't believe the afterlife is like sitting in front of a broken television, or an equally vapid experience. I also don't believe it's clouds and harps and wings..... If it were, I'd find the nearest cloud and jump off of it.
Whatever it is, when I try to imagine it... I picture the concept of eternity as a physical dimension rather than a temporal one. Then I picture the most vast thing I can think of, as huge and expansive as my mind can fathom..... Then I compress it to a mote and imagine a size relative in vastness to that mote. And then again... and again... and again... and again...
Then I apply that to time and then I imagine that I have to pass that time.
And then I consider the human lifespan compared to that unending vast eternity and it makes this life completely and thoroughly pointless.
Excuse me. I'm going to go curl up in a fetal position for a while.
Interesting. If I thought of it in human terms of 'passing' time, I'd probably be freaking out, too. In my minds eye, that vastness, that eternity, will play out in a decidedly non human consciousness and, therefore, be no more of a concern to me in ANY afterlife than real life is to, say, a bug or an animal or blade of grass; the point being existence, what may be. Not some sort of 'passage' of time. In my mind, ONLY humans think in those terms and that is because we are innately aware of our mortality.
Hope that helps.