No, you have church leadership, a pastor, and your local clergy telling you what your church believes to be true.. You choose to accept it or not, but your church, just like every OTHER church tells you what to believe, and the churches interpretation.. you just get to chose to accept it or not.
In the end the Bible doesn't tell you much, at least nowhere near as much as your chosen church does.. I would guess your church even supplies reading materials, and study materials so you can study the bible in a way they want you to.. Sunday School classes that teach their interpretation.. Adult classes.. sermons..
This is the same as ANY church.. it's what they do.
But i cant think of ANY church that spends as much time and money and has a standing "watch" to discredit other religions, to make theirs look MORE right.
We do have those reading materials, but I have a study Bible that I LOVE and use more than anything to help me understand.