Well-Known Member
Crossing the border legally doesn't mean cut a fence and track down a border agent, you have to cross at a legal border crossing.
No I wouldn't cry about it, you may, but I'm a big believer in capitalism. .
It does piss me off that they raise the minimum wage so that a starter job is supposed to feed and house a family of four. These jobs were something that teenagers took for after school work and the government has decided that it's now a career path.
10, that number means as much as any number derived from faulty data.
So you don't mind the inflation we have been experiencing as a result of companies gouging and raising prices and shrinking product sizes. I hear a lot of blame on here directed at Biden for that. Glad you are enjoying the inflation.
No one is saying a person flipping burgers should raise a family on that wage. but the minimum wage ahs not risen in line with the cost of living.
You have nothing but your flapping gums to prove its faulty as you've posted nothing to prove your point.