What is the problem with an open southern border?


Well-Known Member
Crossing the border legally doesn't mean cut a fence and track down a border agent, you have to cross at a legal border crossing.

No I wouldn't cry about it, you may, but I'm a big believer in capitalism. .

It does piss me off that they raise the minimum wage so that a starter job is supposed to feed and house a family of four. These jobs were something that teenagers took for after school work and the government has decided that it's now a career path.

10, that number means as much as any number derived from faulty data.

So you don't mind the inflation we have been experiencing as a result of companies gouging and raising prices and shrinking product sizes. I hear a lot of blame on here directed at Biden for that. Glad you are enjoying the inflation.

No one is saying a person flipping burgers should raise a family on that wage. but the minimum wage ahs not risen in line with the cost of living.

You have nothing but your flapping gums to prove its faulty as you've posted nothing to prove your point.


Well-Known Member
They didn't help, but the Rubella was imported by the illegals.


The disease is still common in many parts of the world, and measles reaches the U.S. through unvaccinated travelers.

According to Thursday’s report, most of the recent importations involved unvaccinated Americans who got infected in the Middle East and Africa and brought measles back to the U.S.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Most of these people cross the border legally and then turn themselves in to receive asylum. They are then given a date to appear in court. You can only claim asylum at the first point of entry. So what exactly do you have a problem wit and how are they not following the rules as you claim?

You may have a problem with the rules but these people are follwing them.

If market forces were allowed to run free the cost of goods and services woul triple overnight and you would cry about that.

You guys already cry when they try to raise the minimum wage so stop trying to use that excuse.

If you have better numbers than the CBO feel free to post them.
On top of my previous response, most of the illegals coming in now are Venezuelans. Their first legal point of entry is southern Mexico, so no they are not following the rules.
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#*! boat!
PREMO Member

The disease is still common in many parts of the world, and measles reaches the U.S. through unvaccinated travelers.

According to Thursday’s report, most of the recent importations involved unvaccinated Americans who got infected in the Middle East and Africa and brought measles back to the U.S.
Say..moron...you are not aware that measles and Rubella are two completely different diseases/viruses? Apparently not...no surprise there.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
If you are escaping tyranny or being killed - you claim asylum in your first country you get to. You do not have the luxury of choosing Tahiti or Monaco as your destination for asylum, since the basic premise is, life in danger. Hence, Ukrainians seeking asylum in Poland or Turkey. They don’t get to hold out for Italy unless they fly there.
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Well-Known Member
That's not how asylum works, you stop at the first safe country you come to, that does not equate to traveling until you get to the country you want.

No it's not. If you want Asylum in the US you must claim it at the US border or port of entry if coming by air.

You don't get to decide where someone claims asylum and you don't get to decide Mexico is good enough for them when that is not where they want to claim asylum.

Many gangs have large networks all throughout central and South America and many people fleeing violence aren't any safer in those countries.