What kind of out-of-touch elitist...


Lem Putt
What kind of out-of-touch elitist made 4 million last year, bought his mansion with a sweetheart deal brokered by a felon, and is dumb enough to pick a fight over houses?

Or even better, what kind of brain dead morons actually believe that O'Bammy is in touch with the common man?

The Oyster Guy

New Member
I think I'm voting for Bob Barr just because the media pisses me off so much.

Mega dittos. The best hope for the republican party is to let Nobama win - after 4 years of dummycrat rule, it should be a breeze to restore a *genuine* conservative to the Presidency, not some RINO like McCain.


Mega dittos. The best hope for the republican party is to let Nobama win - after 4 years of dummycrat rule, it should be a breeze to restore a *genuine* conservative to the Presidency, not some RINO like McCain.
I used to believe that, but not anymore. Most Americans believe what is trough fed to them via the media nowadays instead of researching it for themselves. When I talk politics at work (which seems to happen a lot on watch for some reason), I always ask the person if they have done any research on the internet on the presidential candidates. Negative response every time.


Mega dittos. The best hope for the republican party is to let Nobama win - after 4 years of dummycrat rule, it should be a breeze to restore a *genuine* conservative to the Presidency, not some RINO like McCain.

I would not take that bet at all. Have you ever tried to break the suction once a group of democrats latch onto a teet? Nearly impossible.


I don't know what the big deal is, McCain doesn't know how many houses exactly his wealthy wife owns and Obama is not sure how many siblings he has. Both have things they are uncertain about.
I don't know what the big deal is, McCain doesn't know how many houses exactly his wealthy wife owns and Obama is not sure how many siblings he has. Both have things they are uncertain about.
Plus McCain has to figure in how many does his wife's COMPANY own and let her use?