I've got a Ernest Tubbs CD playing right now. Good stuff.
I don't know you bjt, from your writing, it appears I've sterotyped you fairly close.
No judgment. Just an observation.![]()
This morning in the shop Nickleback and Kid Rock are playing, So Dr Larry what does that say?
It says you're defensive, insecure and probably had a bad experience with an older sibling making fun of you. Perhaps recently?![]()
I happen to LOVE Ernest Tubbs as he's a dude after my own heart; can't sing a note and did it anyway. I'm actually making decent progress and CAN hold a tune in a bucket.If you knew me, that alone would impress the hell out of you. Sorta like Lurch being able to claim a respectable Samba.
Nickleback is a guilty pleasure as well as Kid Rock. Though I can't claim to ever have had them show up and play IN my shop!!! Well done!![]()
Nope, your 9th grade psychology is poor, only have one older sibling and we haven't spoken in over a decade. .
See? I knew it!!! And that's 5th grade.![]()
I would have LOVED to have been at any of those shows!!! Oh, the stories you must have!!!
LOL.. Jimmy was not a really nice guy, he was loud and proud and didn't do much for his kids. He wasn't a good father. But he was what he was, a foul mouthed musician, and that part I liked. His daughter Lisa and I speak often, I stay with her when I hit the Nashville area. I listen to his music often. The last time I saw Jimmy was at one of my Gmothers funerals in 2002? A few years before he died.