What the hells happening to Charles County?????


New Member
Ponytail said:
And what, wind up ostresized like Bill Cosby did? Or more likely, shot at. And yea, I do have black friends. They're educated, employed, out of the "system", and guess what...they're struggling to keep their families away from what they grew up with too...just like *gasp*, white america.

Congratulations, so do I. My husband and my children. There is a reason that this forum exists. It is so close-minded people with close-minded views can express themselves without fear of what would happen if they said these things, say, in front of a room of educated black people. Walk one day in the shoes of a minority in this country...black, asian, hispanic, indian. Feel the energy that some ignorant people give with their stares. No what it is like to be stopped coming home from the grocery store to have your car searched, including your kids and your wife that are in the car and talked down to like you are less than a man because a crime just happened and you fit the description of a young black man between 5'5 and 6'3. Go to Peebles to buy Christmas gifts and be totatlly ignored by a salesperson because you are not worthy of their time. Then you would feel my frustration. Until you feel it, see it without your priveleged shades on, you will never know. There are people in this world of all shades who strive to provide for their families and want the same things Mr. Joe White wants in life. Yet there are brick walls that you would never believe. Not every minority receives a government check. I'm sure if you walk into Social Services right now you will see for yourself that poverty is colorful and it includes whites as well. Check out the sex offender registry for St. Mary's county. Make your own statistics then. Crime is more reported in the low income areas because it is expected. You don't think any of that is going on in Town Creek or Breton Bay? None of your kids have smoked a joint, shoplifted, got into a fight? Of course, if they did, it would be brushed off because "kids will be kids". Any other race, they would be considered "little thugs". Get real. Expand your narrow minds.


Im On 1.
vraiblonde said:
I'll go you one better:

I think blacks are actively discouraged from taking advantage of opportunities.

They are told repeatedly that the system needs to be dumbed down in order for them to compete against whites.
can u give me an example?


New Member
juggy4805 said:
You cannot say that the ratio of whites to blacks that own companies are the same.

And you can not tell me that the ratio of those STRIVING to own their own companies are the same among whites to blacks. Knowing 6 people off the top of my head that I can call GOOD friends or family that have started their companies from nothing KNOW that it is FAR easier for a minority to start a company from nothing, that it is for a white person. There are grants, specialized loans, aid in the forms of consultants that are in FAR more abundance for minorities than for whites. And I can also tell you that of those 6 people that I know that started their own company, only one has any education beyond high school. And one of those with a high school education turned a $40,000 nest egg at the age of 42 years, money that he saved while living with his mother for the day he gets married, into a 12 million dollar company in 10 years. He has NEVER owned a credit card and never financed a vehicle.

You have to want to do it, and you have to make an effort and be willing to work your azz off.


NOT Politically Correct!!
juggy4805 said:
I appreciate the comments made. Regardless of what is said no ones opinion on this subject will be changed. We can talk all day about who's fault it is but we will go back to our nice homes and cars and the cycle will continue. :ohwell:

And who's problem is that cycle???


Active Member
Qurious said:
Booboo3604 said:
High school education is also bias. Just go to a high school in VA vs. one in SE DC. You act as if its a walk in the park for minorities when it comes to education and its not. It also has a lot to do with the way they are raised and where they were raised. Your not gonna have all these Akeelah & the Bee inspired kids....why? Because the schools are failing these kids and so are the parents. As if they dont have enough pressure with the community they live in....

Just because one minority can do it doesn't mean all of them can....

Ok well cutting the social programs that support failure seems to be the way to go then. As usual, there is always a reason as to why these minorties can't succeed. If its not the HS, its the college admissions being racists. Excuse after excuse after excuse. Survival of the fitest will weed out the problems. If you cant survive and you try and come steal from me or harm me on my property, I'll shoot you. Those who can survive whether white, black, hispanic, will and those who can't, won't. Because right now as a society we are ENABLING FAILURE!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
juggy4805 said:
We can talk all day about who's fault it is but we will go back to our nice homes and cars and the cycle will continue.
I work hard for my nice home and car. It's not my fault if others don't want to work as well. Nor am I interested in giving them some of what I've got so they can continue to sit around on their lazy good-for-nothing asses.

I do my part by voting against the slavemasters.
queencity28 said:
Go to Peebles to buy Christmas gifts and be totatlly ignored by a salesperson because you are not worthy of their time. Then you would feel my frustration.

Funny you mention that, I know white people that have been completely ignored when stepping into say a McDonald's in Prince George's Co. This person will be the only white person in the establishment and be completely ignored. Nobody will take their order. It's happened several times to my Dad. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Qurious said:
can u give me an example?
I already gave you dozens of examples in previous posts in this thread. I have no reason to believe, should I repeat them, that this time you'll pay attention.


Im On 1.
queencity28 said:
Congratulations, so do I. My husband and my children. There is a reason that this forum exists. It is so close-minded people with close-minded views can express themselves without fear of what would happen if they said these things, say, in front of a room of educated black people. Walk one day in the shoes of a minority in this country...black, asian, hispanic, indian. Feel the energy that some ignorant people give with their stares. No what it is like to be stopped coming home from the grocery store to have your car searched, including your kids and your wife that are in the car and talked down to like you are less than a man because a crime just happened and you fit the description of a young black man between 5'5 and 6'3. Go to Peebles to buy Christmas gifts and be totatlly ignored by a salesperson because you are not worthy of their time. Then you would feel my frustration. Until you feel it, see it without your priveleged shades on, you will never know. There are people in this world of all shades who strive to provide for their families and want the same things Mr. Joe White wants in life. Yet there are brick walls that you would never believe. Not every minority receives a government check. I'm sure if you walk into Social Services right now you will see for yourself that poverty is colorful and it includes whites as well. Check out the sex offender registry for St. Mary's county. Make your own statistics then. Crime is more reported in the low income areas because it is expected. You don't think any of that is going on in Town Creek or Breton Bay? None of your kids have smoked a joint, shoplifted, got into a fight? Of course, if they did, it would be brushed off because "kids will be kids". Any other race, they would be considered "little thugs". Get real. Expand your narrow minds.

TABERNACLE!!! :yay: :yay: :yay:


Im On 1.
vraiblonde said:
I already gave you dozens of examples in previous posts in this thread. I have no reason to believe, should I repeat them, that this time you'll pay attention.

i wouldn't be asking if i didnt really want to know....

u said they are being told the system needs to be dumbed down...I wanted an example of how they are being told...in what ways??

Its okay if u dont know the answer. :killingme


Set Trippin
Speedy70 said:
Funny you mention that, I know white people that have been completely ignored when stepping into say a McDonald's in Prince George's Co. This person will be the only white person in the establishment and be completely ignored. Nobody will take their order. It's happened several times to my Dad. :shrug:
I was in the foot locker here on 235 a short while back, and finally had to sweat the referee for help... I can only assume white dudes don't buy shoes there very often...:shrug:


Im On 1.
Speedy70 said:
Funny you mention that, I know white people that have been completely ignored when stepping into say a McDonald's in Prince George's Co. This person will be the only white person in the establishment and be completely ignored. Nobody will take their order. It's happened several times to my Dad. :shrug:
:lmao: OH GOSH NO!!! :killingme


Active Member
queencity28 said:
No what it is like to be stopped coming home from the grocery store to have your car searched, including your kids and your wife that are in the car and talked down to like you are less than a man because a crime just happened and you fit the description of a young black man between 5'5 and 6'3. .

And you should take that feeling back to the black community and try to get the ones who are committing these critmes to straighten up. Don't you think there would be a lot less misidentification if there weren't 6000 suspects all being described as that. Misidentification is going to happen when looking for that many people all fitting that description. If all the crimes in the area were being committed by white female, brown hair, between 5-2 and 5-11. Guess what I would probably be in your position as well. This sounds like an internal issue.


Im On 1.
Nucklesack said:
yet you expect someone to have sympathy for a black man in Peebles

no i dont expect a people to have sympathy for a race that has been dealing with the same issues for hundreds of years :sarcasm:
mainman said:
I was in the foot locker here on 235 a short while back, and finally had to sweat the referee for help... I can only assume white dudes don't buy shoes there very often...:shrug:

The same thing happened to me a few years ago at the St. Charles Towne Center Foot Locker. I ended up walking out.


24/7 Single Dad
queencity28 said:
No what it is like to be stopped coming home from the grocery store to have your car searched, including your kids and your wife that are in the car and talked down to like you are less than a man because a crime just happened and you fit the description of a young black man between 5'5 and 6'3.
Maybe if fewer YBMs were commiting crimes this would be less of a problem.


NOT Politically Correct!!
queencity28 said:
Congratulations, so do I. My husband and my children. There is a reason that this forum exists. It is so close-minded people with close-minded views can express themselves without fear of what would happen if they said these things, say, in front of a room of educated black people. Walk one day in the shoes of a minority in this country...black, asian, hispanic, indian. Feel the energy that some ignorant people give with their stares. No what it is like to be stopped coming home from the grocery store to have your car searched, including your kids and your wife that are in the car and talked down to like you are less than a man because a crime just happened and you fit the description of a young black man between 5'5 and 6'3. Go to Peebles to buy Christmas gifts and be totatlly ignored by a salesperson because you are not worthy of their time. Then you would feel my frustration. Until you feel it, see it without your priveleged shades on, you will never know. There are people in this world of all shades who strive to provide for their families and want the same things Mr. Joe White wants in life. Yet there are brick walls that you would never believe. Not every minority receives a government check. I'm sure if you walk into Social Services right now you will see for yourself that poverty is colorful and it includes whites as well. Check out the sex offender registry for St. Mary's county. Make your own statistics then. Crime is more reported in the low income areas because it is expected. You don't think any of that is going on in Town Creek or Breton Bay? None of your kids have smoked a joint, shoplifted, got into a fight? Of course, if they did, it would be brushed off because "kids will be kids". Any other race, they would be considered "little thugs". Get real. Expand your narrow minds.

If my kid got involved in some of the activities you described, it would take the next year for my kids a$$ to heal. Most kids in poverty areas never get a visit by their Baby-Daddy (foot patrol), and with mommy working you have almost zero to no parenting so the streets become your new best friend and family. When you live in, around, or hang with sh!t you pretty much sealed your fate, unless of course you have the ability to take some personal responsibility and break your own cycle... :coffee: