What's a 'hen' in here?


Routinely Derailed
aps45819 said:
Don't refer to the Heifers as "cows", they'll load you up with red karma :lol:
The membership in the privates is determined by the owner. Knock on the door and if they feel you'd be a good addition to their group, you're in. If not, don't sweat it, just move on. Don't expect a reply if you're turned down.
Yup, got it, thanks, APS!


I use to work in the courthouse, and they had a group of girls they called hens. It was because they gossip endlessly, always cackling, complaining or b#t#hing about something or someone, showed very little compassion to others unless it was a way to get closer to them to find out something to take back and gossip about. If they got upset/angry/peeved/whatever at somebody in their little click they would all pal up to one side and pluck the other person to death, almost as if they enjoyed watching them suffer in pain. Of course, they always had "some" target to torture.

The irony is they always denied their behavior, but others saw it, caught on to the game after awhile. They had their group, and they didn't extend beyond that. And, the group were the ones who had been there for years.

I was friendly to them, saw the head games, decided they were people I did not want to be close to or have any involvement with, because they seemed to lack the true meaning of being someone's friend.

After awhile, I became desensitized to the chatter. It started to sound like standing outside a hen house, just noise.

That was the only time I’ve heard the terminology until I came here to the board. Personally, I would find it insulting to be called a hen.
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elaine said:
One must embrace a thing for what it is.

:lol: I also had to edit, so I deleted it and moved the post. Thought I'd be quicker.

And I still ended up editing it again. Time for coffee.
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My Sweetest Boy
Kizzy said:
I use to work in the courthouse, and they had a group of girls they called hens. It was because they gossip endlessly, always cackling, complaining or b#t#hing about something or someone, showed very little compassion to others unless it was a way to get closer to them to find out something to take back and gossip about. If they got upset/angry/peeved/whatever at somebody in their little click they would all pal up to one side and pluck the other person to death, almost as if they enjoyed watching them suffer in pain. Of course, they always had "some" target to torture.

The irony is they always denied their behavior, but others saw it, caught on to the game after awhile. They had their group, and they didn't extend beyond that. And, the group were the ones who had been there for years.

I was friendly to them, saw the head games, decided they were people I did not want to be close to or have any involvement with, because they seemed to lack the true meaning of being someone's friend.

After awhile, I became desensitized to the chatter. It started to sound like standing outside a hen house, just noise.

That was the only time I’ve heard the terminology until I came here to the board. Personally, I would find it insulting to be called a hen.


cattitude said:

Yeah ok :lol:

Did you find something that you took personally in my courthouse experience?

There are also 2 others girls that worked at that courthouse that post here.


But wait, there's more...
E -- why not just link your "Who named the 'hens'" thread to RR and let him find his own answer? :shrug: