When is Enough...enough?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The hell...

vraiblonde said:
You can't disagree. Pixie is absolutely dead-on correct.

SHE can't make her husband change his behavior or attitude. He may change it of his own volition, but nobody can make their spouse/SO do anything they don't want to do.

...she can't.

Men have fought wars over the affections of women. Women have gotten men to do all sorts of things for them; murder, rob, get a new car. Men have killed themselves over losing the affection of a woman.

That does not mean she has to. That does not mean she should. It just means women hold incredible influence over men.


New Member
Larry Gude said:

This is one of the reasons my dad and mom split when I was younger. My mom and I have a best friend talk about anything relationship and my dad got sooooo jealous and decided he was going to try to be my best friend.

So even something small like going to the dump with dad in the big truck was spending time w/him, which I appreciated more than anything.

If hubby isn't willing to take part spend double the time with your daughter or see if they have something in common they can do together? Tell him you have plans and you can't take the little one.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
It just means women hold incredible influence over men.
But only if the man lets them. There is no woman on earth who has sold a man into being in love with her. He either wants to do for her, or he doesn't. The woman has no control over that.


Quit doing the things he wants to do (going on the boat) and just ignore him. Eventually he will ask you what your problem is and you can tell him he is an azz.


New Member
Ok...background...yes, I was pregnant when we got married. Yes he wanted to be a Dad...we decided before I got pregnant. (we were together for 4 years before)

I work outside the home.

I do everything with my daughter and mostly without him. I just feel like this is not what married with children life is supposed to be.

I suppose most of you are correct...I can't change him. I suppose I probably wouldn't want someone to change me either. (I hate to sound like I'm perfect...cause I know I'm not) But People should just know better!


All Up In Your Grill
Tell him, if you are going to raise the kids by yourself, you will raise them BY YOURSELF. :yay:

If you are asking this question on an open forum, you already have your answer. :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And that...

vraiblonde said:
But only if the man lets them. There is no woman on earth who has sold a man into being in love with her. He either wants to do for her, or he doesn't. The woman has no control over that.

...is 100% a function of how he sees and feels his relationship with her. And she has a damn good bit of control over that. Not 100%, but a good bit.

Any man who is in total control of himself and his actions and emotions and is not affected and motivated, both good and bad, strongly, by how he thinks his woman views him is not going to ever talk about the concept of 'falling' for a girl. He may like her and care for her but he doesn't know what love feels like.


New Member
WifeandMother said:
Yes he is the father...I just wrote my daughter. I suppose I should have written our daughter. Sorry!
It's a common mindset. Once the kids show up, it's the mother and children against the evil father.


professional daydreamer
WifeandMother said:
Ok...background...yes, I was pregnant when we got married. Yes he wanted to be a Dad...we decided before I got pregnant. (we were together for 4 years before)

I work outside the home.

I do everything with my daughter and mostly without him. I just feel like this is not what married with children life is supposed to be.

I suppose most of you are correct...I can't change him. I suppose I probably wouldn't want someone to change me either. (I hate to sound like I'm perfect...cause I know I'm not) But People should just know better!

Has he changed at all since you got married, or is he the man you married?


New Member
I have learned with my own "husband who is still a child" that if I "convince" him to do something he doesn't really want to do, we all suffer. So, I put all of our activities on his calendar, invite him along, if he comes, great, if not, that's fine too, we have fun without him. Ideal? Probably not, but I try not to look at our lives with "preconceived notions", if it works for us, that's what matters, not what a marriage/family is "supposed to be". Make your own life based on your family's needs/wants and even personalities, not based on how you were raised, etc. JMHO. Good luck!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

rack'm said:
You can't make a man be a father, he either is or he isn't. :coffee:

...disagree. People can change and can grow and can mature and can be motivated and influenced. It's not a given and, in this case, maybe a lost cause.

But, I submit to you that it can be done and, in fact, happens all the time or NO ONE would live together for any length of time and happiness.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...is 100% a function of how he sees and feels his relationship with her. And she has a damn good bit of control over that. Not 100%, but a good bit.
I disagree. How a man feels about a woman is his and his alone. There are guys who are happily in love with some beast you wouldn't clean the floor with, and guys who run out on the sweetest and kindest woman in the world.

Women have no control over how a guy feels about them and what he is willing to do for them. The only thing she has control over is what kind of man she'll accept into her life.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
Has he changed at all since you got married, or is he the man you married?
And THIS is the question. Because people don't change much at all, contrary to what Larry's trying to say. They only change if they want to, not because someone *else* wants them to.