when is enough......enough


The Challenger
Rael said:
Well I got redded for feeling foolish about walking into this one (unsigned).

Bottom line to me is when you're married you have a trust that must be held close regardless of what she did before, and regardless of the situation you happen to allow yourself to be in. A simple "no, I am married" would have done it if it meant anything at all.

But not to worry, there is always a bright side. But it starts with learning from this mistake and not doing it again. Doesn't mean you won't pay for this one, though. You (and only you) earned it this round. Not being disrespectful, just telling how I feel. Things will get better if you take things like this seriously, or worse if you don't. It's all about choices and responsibility.

You missed the post where THIS HAPPENED 4 YEARS AGO. And if she ain't doin' her job, you can't blame him for committing adultry (which I encourage everyone to try at some point.) The oil needs to be changed every once in awhile. If she ain't gonna do it, she can't blame him for seeking out another mechanic.


Supper's Ready
Ha_Satan said:
You missed the post where THIS HAPPENED 4 YEARS AGO. And if she ain't doin' her job, you can't blame him for committing adultry (which I encourage everyone to try at some point.) The oil needs to be changed every once in awhile. If she ain't gonna do it, she can't blame him for seeking out another mechanic.
It's okay with me if you think this way, but I don't think this way at all. I never knew there were conditions that excused an individual for adultery.The marriage isn't working, you either try to fix it or drop it. At least that's what I used to know...:wink: