When your kid is expelled


Well if it makes you feel any better, when I was in middle school I got thrown out of the cafeteria by the Vice Principal, and then I proceded to moon her and the rest of the cafeteria by sticking my buttcheeks on the glass door. They wanted to expel me and charge me with indecent exposure; I was only suspended for 5 days. :shrug:


:flowers: Thanks all for your supportive answers! I feel a mix of fear and hope. I love my son and he's a good kid. My son's in bed right now reading. Time to get off the computer and spend some time with him! :huggy:


I'm Rick James #####!
pixiegirl said:
How did he get caught?


I ask because I was just talking to somebody the other day about something similar! The boy accidently cut himself with the knife while playing with it in his pocket.

Was that you?


kwillia said:
I'd wait to see what the outcome of the hearing is before getting into a complete panic. The school has no choice but to follow their "zero tolerance" rules put in place and as a result had to immediately enact the 10 day suspension and threat of expulsion. If he is an honor student and has a pretty clean record, I would think the board could (and would) take that into consideration and rescind the expulsion. I sincerely hope the board is willing to take ALL factors into consideration and will rule accordingly. Good luck!

Where was the "zero tolerance" on the kid(s) that left the death threat :confused:


_MightyMouse_ said:
Well if it makes you feel any better, when I was in middle school I got thrown out of the cafeteria by the Vice Principal, and then I proceded to moon her and the rest of the cafeteria by sticking my buttcheeks on the glass door. They wanted to expel me and charge me with indecent exposure; I was only suspended for 5 days. :shrug:

:killingme :killingme :killingme


_MightyMouse_ said:
Well if it makes you feel any better, when I was in middle school I got thrown out of the cafeteria by the Vice Principal, and then I proceded to moon her and the rest of the cafeteria by sticking my buttcheeks on the glass door. They wanted to expel me and charge me with indecent exposure; I was only suspended for 5 days. :shrug:

:lmao: Priceless!


Well-Known Member
Bronwyn said:
My son was not sure how I would react. When I came home from work he was still cleaning the house... even the bathroom.

I told him. The worst thing that a parent can hear is that their child has died. And you are still breathing. The second worse thing a parent can hear is that their child is ill and life will never be the same. And you are still healthy. I told him that although this seems devistating, we will get through it, whatever it takes.

great response!


Lugnut said:

I ask because I was just talking to somebody the other day about something similar! The boy accidently cut himself with the knife while playing with it in his pocket.

Was that you?

He got caught because he told another student that he had it. The student told the teacher, which I don't blame him for. My son really did know better! Nope, he didn't cut himself.

Several months ago some students made a list of people they wanted to hurt. They put symbols next to each persons name and all that. My son was on that list. The one that wrote the list was expelled and the others got a 10 day suspension. Part of me wonders if he was more affected by that than I thought.
Bronwyn said:
My son was not sure how I would react. When I came home from work he was still cleaning the house... even the bathroom.

I told him. The worst thing that a parent can hear is that their child has died. And you are still breathing. The second worse thing a parent can hear is that their child is ill and life will never be the same. And you are still healthy. I told him that although this seems devistating, we will get through it, whatever it takes.

you are a GREAT mom :huggy: That was the perfect thing to say to him.

It takes something insanely serious to expell a student under 16. If it was during the school year he might be put on hometeaching for the remainder of the term. Good luck!


I bowl overhand
Bronwyn said:
Brought a pocket knife to school.

Honor roll student. Boy scout. Never got in trouble before. He is suspended for 10 days pending the hearing. So that means he will miss the first 6 days of 9th grade at the very best.
I'd fight the expulsion and the suspension...

This IS Southern MD after all, and forgetting to take a pocket knife out of your pocket shouldn't be an expulsion type of offense.

What was his intent? Was he going to stick somone? Was he going after a teacher? By the sounds of things I doubt it, and if the school expels him I'd be finding the best friggin lawyer I could afford and rake all of them across the coals. Zero tolerance laws are BS and an easy way out for people in leadership positions.. principals, school boards.. etc.. and I'd bet a good lawyer would show you how illegal such rules are.


Well-Known Member
itsbob said:
I'd fight the expulsion and the suspension...

This IS Southern MD after all, and forgetting to take a pocket knife out of your pocket shouldn't be an expulsion type of offense.

What was his intent? Was he going to stick somone? Was he going after a teacher? By the sounds of things I doubt it, and if the school expels him I'd be finding the best friggin lawyer I could afford and rake all of them across the coals. Zero tolerance laws are BS and an easy way out for people in leadership positions.. principals, school boards.. etc.. and I'd bet a good lawyer would show you how illegal such rules are.
like i said, thats almost exactly what happened to my boy, and the hearing board decided to limit the suspension to 5 days. I think they have an automatic 10 day suspension for any weapons offense, at the hearing they can either choose to expell, or reduce the punishment. My boys was reduced to 5 days, and it would have been less if they had an earlier hearing date.


I bowl overhand
Secondly it's the law that your son has to go to school.. if they expel them wouldn't they have to provide another means for him to go to comply with the law?

I know in NH some of the kids in Private Schools were there because they got expelled from public school, and the city/county/state had to pay their tuition.


itsbob said:
What was his intent? Was he going to stick somone? Was he going after a teacher? QUOTE]

I asked him WHY! He said that it was for protection. He won't admit to anyone bullying him. I have a hard time believing that he really felt THAT threatened. If I had to guess, I think that my son took it for the thrill or something dumb like that.


Dear Krama giver

zero tolerance is zero tolerance....a death threat or a weapon...it's all a part of the same zero tolerance principles. :drama:


I bowl overhand
Bronwyn said:
He got caught because he told another student that he had it. The student told the teacher, which I don't blame him for. My son really did know better! Nope, he didn't cut himself.

Several months ago some students made a list of people they wanted to hurt. They put symbols next to each persons name and all that. My son was on that list. The one that wrote the list was expelled and the others got a 10 day suspension. Part of me wonders if he was more affected by that than I thought.
If he told you he was carrying the knife for protection, then I'd get all the information I could about the above incident. His name was on a "hit list" and most of the players are still there. What would you do if you were him?


Well-Known Member
Why do kids have knives? Be it a butcher knife or pocket knife. It is not an object for a child to have. I do not get parents who give their kids these as if they are toys. It is not like they are camping and need them for survival. I feel the same way about parents who buy their kids guns. There are so many other things in the world for them to play with. Less violent things. But, this is just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
_MightyMouse_ said:
Well if it makes you feel any better, when I was in middle school I got thrown out of the cafeteria by the Vice Principal, and then I proceded to moon her and the rest of the cafeteria by sticking my buttcheeks on the glass door. They wanted to expel me and charge me with indecent exposure; I was only suspended for 5 days. :shrug:
I was there that day. :roflmao: