Where are all the milf huntin cougar hawks at?


Yeah, okay.
Wrong. If that were the case, I would not need my toy. I'm picky and I should be.

Exactly. How could you not take offense to that?

Guess I didn't word that right. I meant the "size". I was talking about a BIG car battery and you were talking about the SMALL AA batteries!!! Atleast you didn't say AAA batteries!


Soul Probe
I thought he already had you and a couple others tied up in the "room"?

Oh....tell him thanks for letting me out to feed my mutts :kiss:

Chain has had me tied up for over one year He's probably ready for a new milf by now, so you make sure you come back after feeding your mutts!



Hit the damn bars and/or clubs. That's the only place you're going to find yourself a boytoy.


fortunately (or unfortunately) this isn't true. I'm sorry to get everyone so riled up. I was just wondering if they were hanging out someplace other than my house :p
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