Which begs the question...


But wait, there's more...
I'd like to make a public apology to my b/f because I'm about to eat one of his favorite frozen meals for lunch, and it's his last one. I know it's wrong and I will succumb to the :spank: I shall receive later tonight as a result of my actions. :frown:


But wait, there's more...
vraiblonde said:
Wrong. It's "I apologize to all those forumites who feel I've been rude to them."

There's a difference.

:confused: His statement acknowledges that he knows he was in the wrong.

Yours makes the "wrong" someone else's problem.



My Sweetest Boy
crabcake said:
:lightbulb: :blushing:

Blame it on my blood sugar ... I can't make sweet tea cuz I'm outta tea bags. :bawl:

Trying licking the sugar bowl. This is some funny sh!t. You don't want to miss it.


But wait, there's more...
cattitude said:
Trying licking the sugar bowl. This is some funny sh!t. You don't want to miss it.
speaking of sugar ... do ya'll know how sweet n low is made? :shocking: :barf:

I won't do artificial sweeteners ever again! :frown:


vraiblonde said:
...why is it so hard to simply say, "I'm sorry. I was wrong and I apologize"?

People have the hardest time doing this. And they'll dance and juke and make up all kinds of stories to rationalize poor behavior, digging themselves deeper and deeper, making themselves look like a bigger ass than they did in the beginning. All this, when a simple, "I'm sorry. I was wrong" would have put the matter to rest.

I will never understand this as long as I live.
"I'm sorry. I was wrong and I apologize"? Used to be married to a woman who could never say this. And I mean never. Guess she was never wrong. :sarcasm:
