Which President is worse?

Which President is worse?

  • Bush

    Votes: 40 22.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 139 77.7%

  • Total voters

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Bush, easy. He shocked me as to what he did. Obama, if nothing else, is exactly what I thought he was. I'd rather face my opponent than get it in the back from someone on my side.


As bad as he is, I BET he gets re-elected..

I hope that is not the case. However, I agree that it is a real possibility. Regardless of how bad he is, 95% of the black vote will be his. With hispanics steadily becoming a group of whiners that think their relatives are getting treated unfairly because they have to follow the U.S. laws, he will probably get the vast majority of the hispanic vote too. Gays and lesbians will likely vote for him because they seem to fear Republicans. All we can do is hope that there are enough sensible white people to offset the brainwashing and stupidity to vote him out of office.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I hope that is not the case. However, I agree that it is a real possibility. Regardless of how bad he is, 95% of the black vote will be his. With hispanics steadily becoming a group of whiners that think their relatives are getting treated unfairly because they have to follow the U.S. laws, he will probably get the vast majority of the hispanic vote too. Gays and lesbians will likely vote for him because they seem to fear Republicans. All we can do is hope that there are enough sensible white people to offset the brainwashing and stupidity to vote him out of office.

And there it is, the road to failure for the America right; blame someone else.

For starters, whites dominate this nation. Period. Of course, you object that whites aren't all of the same political mind sent and Hispanics and blacks largely are and you are, of course, correct. However, why is that?

Because they are whiners?

If we'd just left 8 years of tax cutting, reduction in the size of government, taking care of our own business more and meddling with others less, policies that increased personal responsibility and decreased government dependency and blacks and Hispanics were still leaning left that would be one thing.

However, that is simply not the case. If Hispanics and blacks see the GOP pissing away money and lives on nation building, serving rich white guys on Wall Street, limiting individual rights, growing government, all around acting like Democrats AND at the same time blaming gays, blacks and illegal immigrants for all the woes of the world, at what point do they get the message?

Blacks and Hispanics, on the family level, are as conservative or even more so than whites, as a whole and yet, what has happened?

The GOP has made it a class project to lose Mexican Americans who support illegal immigration no more than anyone on the right. Yet, what did the GOP do? Why would blacks support the GOP?

Hell, what is the Tea Party, right wing people, but people rejecting the GOP and it's left wing policies and right wing lip service? We already know, never mind the media, that Tea Party people could care less about your skin color or sexual orientation. How do you feel about the constitution? The rule of law? That's what matters.



And there it is, the road to failure for the America right; blame someone else.

For starters, whites dominate this nation. Period. Of course, you object that whites aren't all of the same political mind sent and Hispanics and blacks largely are and you are, of course, correct. However, why is that?

Because they are whiners?

If we'd just left 8 years of tax cutting, reduction in the size of government, taking care of our own business more and meddling with others less, policies that increased personal responsibility and decreased government dependency and blacks and Hispanics were still leaning left that would be one thing.

However, that is simply not the case. If Hispanics and blacks see the GOP pissing away money and lives on nation building, serving rich white guys on Wall Street, limiting individual rights, growing government, all around acting like Democrats AND at the same time blaming gays, blacks and illegal immigrants for all the woes of the world, at what point do they get the message?

Blacks and Hispanics, on the family level, are as conservative or even more so than whites, as a whole and yet, what has happened?

The GOP has made it a class project to lose Mexican Americans who support illegal immigration no more than anyone on the right. Yet, what did the GOP do? Why would blacks support the GOP?

Hell, what is the Tea Party, right wing people, but people rejecting the GOP and it's left wing policies and right wing lip service? We already know, never mind the media, that Tea Party people could care less about your skin color or sexual orientation. How do you feel about the constitution? The rule of law? That's what matters.

Once again, you have made some very good points, and I thank you.


Bush, easy. He shocked me as to what he did. Obama, if nothing else, is exactly what I thought he was. I'd rather face my opponent than get it in the back from someone on my side.
And how did I know that would be your answer. :lol:


I love Texas Road House
As bad as he is, I BET he gets re-elected..

No he won't. All of these stupid first time voters who voted him into office because they thought they were gona get all kinds of Obama bucks and their entire lifestyle was gona change. Probably won't show back up to vote.


Bush, easy. He shocked me as to what he did. Obama, if nothing else, is exactly what I thought he was. I'd rather face my opponent than get it in the back from someone on my side.

So Bush is worse only because he disappointed you. One of my neighbors disappointed me because he turned out to be a wife abuser but I never suspected it. But that doesn't mean he's worse than my other neighbor who I knew would end up being a murderer and committed murder.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So Bush is worse only because he disappointed you. One of my neighbors disappointed me because he turned out to be a wife abuser but I never suspected it. But that doesn't mean he's worse than my other neighbor who I knew would end up being a murderer and committed murder.

Did your neighbor wipe out the value of your home? Give you money to every dead beat and wild eyed gambler in the town? Send your kid to go protect heroin fields for semi useful thugs far from home?

Did this 'wife abuser' show the murderer how it was done while claiming to not 'normally' be a beating and abusing kinda guy? :tap:


So Bush is worse only because he disappointed you. One of my neighbors disappointed me because he turned out to be a wife abuser but I never suspected it. But that doesn't mean he's worse than my other neighbor who I knew would end up being a murderer and committed murder.

I had the same thoughts. Larry usually has some good input but his reasoning on this one doesn't make sense. Just because he expected Obama to be the way he is and therefore lacking a surprise , doesn't make Obamie better. I guess we really can't compare the damage until Obama has served his one term but I have a feeling his path of destruction is going to be much greater than Bush.

As for the poll, I'm not surprised. It kinda turned out about the way I thought it would. Let's just hope the polls this year and in 2012 reflect the same kinda numbers.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I had the same thoughts. Larry usually has some good input but his reasoning on this one doesn't make sense. Just because he expected Obama to be the way he is and therefore lacking a surprise , doesn't make Obamie better. I guess we really can't compare the damage until Obama has served his one term but I have a feeling his path of destruction is going to be much greater than Bush.

As for the poll, I'm not surprised. It kinda turned out about the way I thought it would. Let's just hope the polls this year and in 2012 reflect the same kinda numbers.

I've put it this way before; would you rather be punched in the face by your opponent or stabbed in the back by your 'friend'?

This poll tells me the one thing I fear most about all of this; nothing is going to change and the next big government, one world R that comes down the pike will be 'better' than any D based on one and only one thing; that little letter.

Objectively, Bush is clearly worse than Obama on the things we claim to care about; spending, government size and scope and the economy. Obama will catch Bush soon but, he ain't there yet.

So, we're happier with a socialist in 'compassionate conservative' clothing than an actual, declared socialist? We happier being lied to than told the truth?

That's what I fear.


Did your neighbor wipe out the value of your home? Give you money to every dead beat and wild eyed gambler in the town? Send your kid to go protect heroin fields for semi useful thugs far from home?

Did this 'wife abuser' show the murderer how it was done while claiming to not 'normally' be a beating and abusing kinda guy? :tap:

I wasn't condoning one bad act over the other. I'm making a comparison of someone who did wrong (Bush) who we didn't expect to do such wrong. He hurt people in the process. We agree on this. But there is no comparison to someone that we knew would do wrong on an exponentially worse level, and not only met but exceeded those expectations. On the merits of actions themselves, Obama has done far more destruction to this country in one year than Bush in his entire 8 years. Adding the deception factor in there does not make Bush worse in terms of the damage done. It only means that your feelings were hurt because he lied to you.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I wasn't condoning one bad act over the other. I'm making a comparison of someone who did wrong (Bush) who we didn't expect to do such wrong. He hurt people in the process. We agree on this. But there is no comparison to someone that we knew would do wrong on an exponentially worse level, and not only met but exceeded those expectations. On the merits of actions themselves, Obama has done far more destruction to this country in one year than Bush in his entire 8 years. Adding the deception factor in there does not make Bush worse in terms of the damage done. It only means that your feelings were hurt because he lied to you.

My feelings get kinda touchy about $150 oil, collapsed housing industry, quagmire wars, laying the ground work for socializing the entire US economy, things like that.

It is laughable to argue Obama has done more wrong so far than Bush did in 8 years but, not to worry. He may catch him and the poll shows you are in good company! :buddies:

Bush was a spiraling demise, one thing after another culminating in the one tool a socialist could not get on their own, TARP. Obama has opened up the ire of this nation of people sick of the leftward collapse of this nation. Maybe we stop with the les evil and start with the more good.

We can give Dubbya credit for bringing on the catalyst to where, maybe, we stop listening to the bs of the rino right/les evil crew and start demanding simple good governance.
It's a tough call as Obama's Presidency is still fairly young. I anticipate that President Obama will turn out to have been worse, but that's more a prediction than an assessment.

I'll say this, I'd put President Bush's last year up there with President Obama's first year as being meaningfully indistinguishably bad. However, President Obama has plenty of room to make his last 3 or 7 years much worse than President Bush's first 7 were.


My feelings get kinda touchy about $150 oil, collapsed housing industry, quagmire wars, laying the ground work for socializing the entire US economy, things like that.

It is laughable to argue Obama has done more wrong so far than Bush did in 8 years but, not to worry. He may catch him and the poll shows you are in good company! :buddies:

Bush was a spiraling demise, one thing after another culminating in the one tool a socialist could not get on their own, TARP. Obama has opened up the ire of this nation of people sick of the leftward collapse of this nation. Maybe we stop with the les evil and start with the more good.

We can give Dubbya credit for bringing on the catalyst to where, maybe, we stop listening to the bs of the rino right/les evil crew and start demanding simple good governance.

You've landed, as usual, into your cliché rant against Bush. The simple question is: which president is worse? Which president is doing more damage to this country? Which president, by direct policy, aims to purposefully and overtly destroy our constitution and turn us into a socialist state?

Bush may have pushed the snowball over the edge, but Obama put jet engines on it. This is not about who did wrong and whether we condone those wrongs; this about who is doing or has done more damage to this country.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You've landed, as usual, into your cliché rant against Bush. The simple question is: which president is worse? Which president is doing more damage to this country? Which president, by direct policy, aims to purposefully and overtly destroy our constitution and turn us into a socialist state?

Bush may have pushed the snowball over the edge, but Obama put jet engines on it. This is not about who did wrong and whether we condone those wrongs; this about who is doing or has done more damage to this country.

There's that dismissive thing again all you 'Bush wasn't all THAT bad" folks fall into.

Pick an issue. Total debt, Bush is 'winning' at this point. The wars. Oil prices. Housing collapse. TARP. Bailing out the UAW. I'll give you Roberts and Allito and tax cuts, happily. Expansion of entitlements.

Just pick a freaking issue and give up on the BDS business. It's beneath you.