Which President is worse?

Which President is worse?

  • Bush

    Votes: 40 22.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 139 77.7%

  • Total voters


New Member
Feel free to look this up if you would like. We know that Obama loves big government, excessive regulation, and massive entitlement programs. How do we know this? We know this because regardless of the 10 years of war you mention he still has found ways to pass huge unpopular bills into law.

Fact: When Bush left office we had a 3.2% Gross nation Product deficit. Under the current obama administration this number has climbed to 10% and is likely to climb even more. What would Obama do if he didn't have to contend with two wars? Easy to answer, he would have more resources available to convert our free market system in to a Euro-Socialist style based economy.

I may seem as though I view Bush as the greatest thing since sliced bread but I don't. I simply see him as a man who loved his country enough to face our enemy. An enemy who was avoided after several attacks while Clinton was in office. The war(s) will eventually be over and the world will be a safer place; not because of Obama but because Bush.

Well said!!!!

I grew up earning everything I have. I never asked for help or expected people to help me. I gave 20 years and 4 days to serve this country, which I love very much.

It's pains me greatly when I hear people say they are entitled to things. We have been entitled life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Not the government paying for you to live because you are entitled to it.

We have become a society of people looking for hands outs and I think this administration is enabling that!



Well-Known Member
Well said!!!!

I grew up earning everything I have. I never asked for help or expected people to help me. I gave 20 years and 4 days to serve this country, which I love very much.

It's pains me greatly when I hear people say they are entitled to things. We have been entitled life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Not the government paying for you to live because you are entitled to it.

We have become a society of people looking for hands outs and I think this administration is enabling that!


Same here. I worked hard for everything I have and have ever received. Damn proud of it too.

Perhaps if we had a real American as our President he would understand the "American Way", balance the budget and stop giving no loads our hard earned money. Take away someones free money and who knows what might happen... They may even end up getting a job and paying taxes.

Now before I get flamed for saying this let me explain that I understand many people have lost their jobs and these people deserve unemployment benefits. My comments are directed towards people who have no desire to work and who seek out ways to exploit entitlement plans. To see an example of this just drive down Great Mills RD through Lexington Park in the area around the A&E Motel.


Chin Jiggla!
Same here. I worked hard for everything I have and have ever received. Damn proud of it too.

Perhaps if we had a real American as our President he would understand the "American Way", balance the budget and stop giving no loads our hard earned money. Take away someones free money and who knows what might happen... They may even end up getting a job and paying taxes.

Now before I get flamed for saying this let me explain that I understand many people have lost their jobs and these people deserve unemployment benefits. My comments are directed towards people who have no desire to work and who seek out ways to exploit entitlement plans. To see an example of this just drive down Great Mills RD through Lexington Park in the area around the A&E Motel.

I think I saw "free adult movie and fridge" on the A&E marquis sign one day. Lots of strange people walking around at odd hours in front of the A&E.

I agree...don't think most of them work (or ever will).


New Member
Same here. I worked hard for everything I have and have ever received. Damn proud of it too.

Perhaps if we had a real American as our President he would understand the "American Way", balance the budget and stop giving no loads our hard earned money. Take away someones free money and who knows what might happen... They may even end up getting a job and paying taxes.

Now before I get flamed for saying this let me explain that I understand many people have lost their jobs and these people deserve unemployment benefits. My comments are directed towards people who have no desire to work and who seek out ways to exploit entitlement plans. To see an example of this just drive down Great Mills RD through Lexington Park in the area around the A&E Motel.

You do realize that Bush expanded Medicare, endorced No Child Left Behind, created TAPR, etc, right? Aren't those "socialist" programs too? Or are they ok as long as your team is in charge of the out of control government programs?


New Member
I voted Obama.

President Bush laid the foundation for Democracy in parts of the world where oppression and human rights violations are an every day occurrence.

On the other hand, President Obama is laying the foundation which will destroy the greatest Republic ever created; America. There is no worse crime than for a leader to destroy his own country and for that President Obama easily wins against any President past and hopefully future.

Bush ran on the idea of a non-interventionalist foreign policy and ending the nation building of Clinton. So how in the hell can you justify him taking tax dollars from the productive sector of the economy, laundering it through the military industrial complex (that needs war to remain funded) and starting two wars, one of which is the longest war in US history, the other based an horrible intel? You can't complain about social programs when you support nation building. Big government is still big government.

It is pretty safe to say that the foundation has been laid long before Bush and his socialist programs or Obama and his. But if you are going to cry about Obama, then don't forget to cry about Bush. Bush was the one who brought us the Patriot Act. Now if you want to talk about the destruction of the Republic, start there.


New Member
There's no comparison between the two really. American hero (Bush) vs. a Muslim Socialist.

Obama is the worst President int he history of this great nation.

You are blind and a complete hypocrite. Let me ask you a couple questions, just answer yes or no.

Did you support Bush's expansion of Medicare?
Did you support Bush's centralization of the Department of Education?
Did you support Bush's Nationalized Airport Security?
Did you support Bush's bailouts of the airline industry?
Do you support the War on Drugs?
Do you support the Federal Reserve?

Do I need to go on?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You are blind and a complete hypocrite. Let me ask you a couple questions, just answer yes or no.

Did you support Bush's expansion of Medicare?
Did you support Bush's centralization of the Department of Education?
Did you support Bush's Nationalized Airport Security?
Did you support Bush's bailouts of the airline industry?
Do you support the War on Drugs?
Do you support the Federal Reserve?

Do I need to go on?

No, no, no, no, no, no and yes.


Well-Known Member
You are blind and a complete hypocrite. Let me ask you a couple questions, just answer yes or no.

Did you support Bush's expansion of Medicare?
Did you support Bush's centralization of the Department of Education?
Did you support Bush's Nationalized Airport Security?
Did you support Bush's bailouts of the airline industry?
Do you support the War on Drugs?
Do you support the Federal Reserve?

Do I need to go on?


I'm not a Republican either. I'm more of a Libertarian than anything else, but that's beside the point. The survey was based on which President is worse between Bush and Obama, and not whether or not I support every policy either President has adopted. I supported and still support the war in Afghanistan as well as the war in Iraq.

I support small Government, low taxes and the privatization of every socialist program every President has forced upon us. More private jobs equals more tax revenue which equals a stronger economy which creates more jobs. The private sector can do everything better than the federal Government can


Well-Known Member
You do realize that Bush expanded Medicare, endorced No Child Left Behind, created TAPR, etc, right? Aren't those "socialist" programs too? Or are they ok as long as your team is in charge of the out of control government programs?

We agree.

Or are they ok as long as your team is in charge of the out of control government programs?

My team? Hardly. Just the lesser of two evils. The Republican party is very socialist but no where near the extent of the extremely liberal socialist in the White House right now.

If it were up to me Ron Paul would be our President.


New Member
Feel free to look this up if you would like. We know that Obama loves big government, excessive regulation, and massive entitlement programs. How do we know this? We know this because regardless of the 10 years of war you mention he still has found ways to pass huge unpopular bills into law.

And Bush found the same way to push his socialist programs as well. That is crap to pretend that Bush didn't rapidly expand the size of government. You make it sound like he was some small government fiscal conservative and Obama is some out of control socialist.

Fact: When Bush left office we had a 3.2% Gross nation Product deficit. Under the current obama administration this number has climbed to 10% and is likely to climb even more. What would Obama do if he didn't have to contend with two wars? Easy to answer, he would have more resources available to convert our free market system in to a Euro-Socialist style based economy.

There is much more to measuring a countries wealth then just GDP. Every bomb that we drop in Iraq and Afghanistan is credited to our GDP but what kind of wealth is that? The government buys something (a bomb) then destroys it (blows up that bomb) then declares that as wealth. The books are cooked. Just like Obama saying people that can't find jobs after a certain point don't count towards the unemployment number. The books are cooked.

I may seem as though I view Bush as the greatest thing since sliced bread but I don't. I simply see him as a man who loved his country enough to face our enemy. An enemy who was avoided after several attacks while Clinton was in office. The war(s) will eventually be over and the world will be a safer place; not because of Obama but because Bush.

Bush loved power as much as the next guy. But it's funny how you say that the war(s) will eventually be over and we are safer. If anything, we are less safe because of the wars. Those wars put our economy is in the crapper, spread our troops thin, and allowed us to occupy the "holy land" of the middle east (just look at the size and cost of the Iraqi Embassy). Our occupation of their holy land while in Saudi Arabia was one of the reasons Bin Laden gave for 9/11. Don't forget the detainment and torture of their POWs, and all of this somehow makes us safer.


Well-Known Member
Bush loved power as much as the next guy. But it's funny how you say that the war(s) will eventually be over and we are safer. If anything, we are less safe because of the wars. Those wars put our economy is in the crapper, spread our troops thin, and allowed us to occupy the "holy land" of the middle east (just look at the size and cost of the Iraqi Embassy). Our occupation of their holy land while in Saudi Arabia was one of the reasons Bin Laden gave for 9/11. Don't forget the detainment and torture of their POWs, and all of this somehow makes us safer.

When was the last successful terrorist attack carried out on our soil?

How many near disasters have been averted since your socialist leader took office?


New Member
You're entitled to your opinion as am I.

You are a socialist.

Sorry if I jumped the gun on some of my replies, I was replying while you were it seems.

Regardless, Ron Paul fought against President Bush and his agenda. Paul voted to go to Afghanistan but only under the declaration of war. He was against Iraq and is now against Afghanistan.

I am just trying to point out the hypocrisy that I see of the Tea-ocon tea party movement. Look to the original Tea Party (led by Ron Paul supporters back while Bush was still in office) for direction.

It seems that the Tea-ocon party is just out to hate anything Obama while completely forgetting and, even worse, defending Bush.


New Member
When was the last successful terrorist attack carried out on our soil?

How many near disasters have been averted since your socialist leader took office?

Haha, I am definitely not a supporter of Obama and ANY of his policies. And I didn't support Bush in his policies either. I am 100% Libertarian, probably more than anyone on this board. I am open to philosophical debates against government interventions into what people call our "free market" (which is anything but free) such as American Civil Rights Act, American Disabilities Act, ect.

And I am absolutely open to discussions on the wars, why we were attacked, and the root causes for the hatred of our country. (Here is a hint, it's not because they hate our freedom.)
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Well-Known Member
Sorry if I jumped the gun on some of my replies, I was replying while you were it seems.

Regardless, Ron Paul fought against President Bush and his agenda. Paul voted to go to Afghanistan but only under the declaration of war. He was against Iraq and is now against Afghanistan.

I am just trying to point out the hypocrisy that I see of the Tea-ocon tea party movement. Look to the original Tea Party (led by Ron Paul supporters back while Bush was still in office) for direction.

It seems that the Tea-ocon party is just out to hate anything Obama while completely forgetting and, even worse, defending Bush.

We dis-agree on the Tea Party movement. I see the Tea Party movement as a group if people who are just fed up with our growing Government and lack of fiscal responsibility. Nothing more and nothing less.

Yes I think they are fed up with Obama but this has everything to do with him forcing huge programs down our throats. It's not personal. Government should represent the will of its people and which program has Obama passed that does this?

Health care?


Well-Known Member
Haha, I am definitely not a supporter of Obama and ANY of his policies. And I didn't support Bush in his policies either. I am 100% Libertarian, probably more than anyone on this board. I am open to philosophical debates against government interventions into what people call our "free market" (which is anything but free) such as American Civil Rights Act, American Disabilities Act, ect.

And I am absolutely open to discussions on the wars, why we were attacked, and the root causes for the hatred of our country. (Here is a hint, it's not because they hate our freedom.)

I'm happy to hear that you don't support Obama's socialist agenda.

They hate us because we threaten their way of life. Or, so they think. We have much in common with our enemy when it comes to this because we believe they threaten our way of life. I believe that if 9/11 wouldn't have happened that we wouldn't be having this debate right now.


New Member
We dis-agree on the Tea Party movement. I see the Tea Party movement as a group if people who are just fed up with our growing Government and lack of fiscal responsibility. Nothing more and nothing less.

Yes I think they are fed up with Obama but this has everything to do with him forcing huge programs down our throats. It's not personal. Government should represent the will of its people and which program has Obama passed that does this?

Health care?

My point is Bush did the same thing and those very same Tea-ocons will support his programs. Be it because he is a Repub, be it because he is white, whatever the reasons, they support his expansion of big government.

I am glad that they are fed up, it just doesn't seem honest when they call for more war, more national security, more nation building.

Health care? I absolutely disagree with his health care policy. But where was this outcry when Romney proposed the same program in the republican debates?


New Member
I'm happy to hear that you don't support Obama's socialist agenda.

They hate us because we threaten their way of life. Or, so they think. We have much in common with our enemy when it comes to this because we believe they threaten our way of life. I believe that if 9/11 wouldn't have happened that we wouldn't be having this debate right now.

Why didn't they fly planes into Big Ben in England or into Toronto? There are plenty of "free" contries out there that they don't give two craps about.

Trust me, I was a Marine, in Afghanistan on D-day, cheering on that war. We were attacked and needed to strike back. That is fine. But now it is nothing less than nation building and continual war to fund the Military Industrial Complex.


Well-Known Member
My point is Bush did the same thing and those very same Tea-ocons will support his programs. Be it because he is a Repub, be it because he is white, whatever the reasons, they support his expansion of big government.

I am glad that they are fed up, it just doesn't seem honest when they call for more war, more national security, more nation building.

Health care? I absolutely disagree with his health care policy. But where was this outcry when Romney proposed the same program in the republican debates?

Good point regarding Romney. His system failed in Ma. and surely would have been a disaster on a national scale. I sure as heck don't support Romney.