Which President is worse?

Which President is worse?

  • Bush

    Votes: 40 22.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 139 77.7%

  • Total voters

Larry Gude

Strung Out
:eyebrow: Thats only cause Obama hasnt been around long enough to catch Bush. But IMHO, hes already surpassed Bush.

I really hope he dosnt get re-elected. But at this point (and I hate to say it) I've lost faith in a lot of American voters and their ability to think logically and do research before falling for the pie-crust promises delivered in a good speech. :twitch: I can only hope for a Republican president and Democratic congress (or vice versa). That way they wont ever agree on anything and so nothing will get passed so they cant eff up anything further.


I've cataloged Bush's rather egregious decisions plenty of times and will be more than happy to do it again if you like. Point being that it is pretty easy to quantify Bush's decisions against Obama's and Bush is the 'winner' at this point. By far.

Even more so, far more so, when you add that without a GOP president governing full force as a big government, globalist progressive, as Bush did, he handed the office to Obama with all the stops removed and Pandora's Box wide open.

It really, really matters that, now that the damage is done and there is a strong conservative, anti TARP, anti one world government, pro US movement alive and kicking to support those folks and too bad for the GOP. Either they represent us and try to matter again to the nation or they choose to keep talking right and governing left and no longer matter as a major national party. The age of the RINO will not pass on its own.

People like Limbaugh are truly doing a diservice to the nation by continuing to argue that the GOP is THE way to good governance when all the facts dispute that. The GOP can be the way. Perhaps. However, the interests of the GOP are, clearly, not the same as the nations as viewed through conservative eyes. They'd kill the Tea party right now if they could and don't think they're not trying to.

The laughable argument of the left is that conservatism failed, badly, during the Bush years when, clearly, conservatism wasn't even given lip service for 8years aside from some small tax cuts and two good judges.

As I have said numerous times it would have been far better for the nation for McCain to lost and have lost big and we would not be having any argument what way the nation needs to go; conservative. As it is, he did lose and we are, finally, fighting back against one world progressive governance, aka, SOCIALISM.

Too much has proven to be very, very bad, time and again.



Love * Luck * Faith
As I have said numerous times it would have been far better for the nation for McCain to lost and have lost big and we would not be having any argument what way the nation needs to go; conservative. As it is, he did lose and we are, finally, fighting back against one world progressive governance, aka, SOCIALISM.

Too much has proven to be very, very bad, time and again.


Im confused... are you saying that its a good thing that Obama won the election because he has taken the bad state that the Nation was in when Bush left and made it worse,, so as a result the American people are fed up and can see that we need to return ourselfs to a more conservative Nation? Thats what I was getting out of that statement, but then again I havnt had my 2nd cup of coffee yet and arent quite awake.

But if that is the point you're trying to make, then I have to half-agree. I think you're right in that I feel that, because of Obama, the smart American people now see what kind of deep shyt we're in and so maybe, just MAYBE, we'll do our damndest to fix it. But the problem is that we have a friggin socalist running our Nation and getting him out will take quite some doing, not to mention TIME. And by the time he's gone, we will NEED a truly phenominal leader to be elected. But I fear that by the time he (or she :wink:) is elected, our great Nation will be so far gone that it may be beyond repair.

I think you're wrong in that I feel Obama should NOT have been elected because he is the reason this Nation may get to that "beyond repair" state. Im not saying that McCain wouldnt/couldnt have effed up the Nation even more as well... but we'll never know; thats just speculation. I think that McCain, however, was the lesser of two evils for our last election. And unfortunately uneducated voters chose the greater of the two evils :doh:

Like I said Im half awake so I hope I made sense... :coffee:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Im confused... are you saying that its a good thing that Obama won the election because he has taken the bad state that the Nation was in when Bush left and made it worse,, so as a result the American people are fed up and can see that we need to return ourselfs to a more conservative Nation? Thats what I was getting out of that statement, but then again I havnt had my 2nd cup of coffee yet and arent quite awake.

But if that is the point you're trying to make, then I have to half-agree. I think you're right in that I feel that, because of Obama, the smart American people now see what kind of deep shyt we're in and so maybe, just MAYBE, we'll do our damndest to fix it. But the problem is that we have a friggin socalist running our Nation and getting him out will take quite some doing, not to mention TIME. And by the time he's gone, we will NEED a truly phenominal leader to be elected. But I fear that by the time he (or she :wink:) is elected, our great Nation will be so far gone that it may be beyond repair.

I think you're wrong in that I feel Obama should NOT have been elected because he is the reason this Nation may get to that "beyond repair" state. Im not saying that McCain wouldnt/couldnt have effed up the Nation even more as well... but we'll never know; thats just speculation. I think that McCain, however, was the lesser of two evils for our last election. And unfortunately uneducated voters chose the greater of the two evils :doh:

Like I said Im half awake so I hope I made sense... :coffee:

You got it. Bush, in my view, was disastrous and McCain would have basically carried on the same path albeit less aggressively than Obama. So, with McCain, in my view, we keep going down the same wrong path. With Obama, much of the nation has had enough.

We, right wingers, conservatives, held our breathe that Bush knew what he was doing and we would have done the same with McCain. In my view. Sure as hell, the left NEVER got in Bush's way given most of what he did is more than they could have ever dreamt to get done had they run the show.

Now, with Bush having made government expansion, one world governance a-ok and removed any sense of sanity via TARP, Obama and company are free to roam. For a time.

What would you prefer; Obama and a soon to be GOP congress with a very active conservative resurgence or McCain and Harry and Nancy and the continuing lesser evil of RINO-ism?


Love * Luck * Faith
You got it. Bush, in my view, was disastrous and McCain would have basically carried on the same path albeit less aggressively than Obama. So, with McCain, in my view, we keep going down the same wrong path. With Obama, much of the nation has had enough.

We, right wingers, conservatives, held our breathe that Bush knew what he was doing and we would have done the same with McCain. In my view. Sure as hell, the left NEVER got in Bush's way given most of what he did is more than they could have ever dreamt to get done had they run the show.

Now, with Bush having made government expansion, one world governance a-ok and removed any sense of sanity via TARP, Obama and company are free to roam. For a time.

What would you prefer; Obama and a soon to be GOP congress with a very active conservative resurgence or McCain and Harry and Nancy and the continuing lesser evil of RINO-ism?

On one hand, I see your point. However I definitely think that Obama being in office is the absolute worst thing that would have happened to our great nation at this point. We knew we were in trouble and were hoping for a President to fix it. What we got was disasterous... so now, the fact that the country needs fixing is OBVIOUS to everyone with half a brain. But the probelem is, once a president is in office, its hard to get them back out. He is only going to make things DRAMATICALLY worse until his term is over, and then we have to pray for someone with some smarts to get elected to fix it all.

I think McCain would have done much less damage, and while the American people wouldnt have necesserarily has a fire lit up under their asses about how ####ty our president is and how the country is in peril, they still would have noticed that thinks needed to be done. McCain would have left less danage in his wake than Obama will, IMHO.


Love * Luck * Faith
I think McCain would have done much less damage, and while the American people wouldnt have necesserarily has a fire lit up under their asses about how ####ty our president is and how the country is in peril, they still would have noticed that thinks needed to be done. McCain would have left less danage in his wake than Obama will, IMHO.

Haha! SoMD.com bleeped me!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
On one hand, I see your point. However I definitely think that Obama being in office is the absolute worst thing that would have happened to our great nation at this point. We knew we were in trouble and were hoping for a President to fix it. What we got was disasterous... so now, the fact that the country needs fixing is OBVIOUS to everyone with half a brain. But the probelem is, once a president is in office, its hard to get them back out. He is only going to make things DRAMATICALLY worse until his term is over, and then we have to pray for someone with some smarts to get elected to fix it all.

I think McCain would have done much less damage, and while the American people wouldnt have necesserarily has a fire lit up under their asses about how ####ty our president is and how the country is in peril, they still would have noticed that thinks needed to be done. McCain would have left less danage in his wake than Obama will, IMHO.

I find your faith in McCain full of hope that he, somehow, changed from his record the last decade or two.

All but the avowed socialists are on the same side in terms of what we want; sound government that serves the interests of we, the people. The debate is over what that looks like. The GOP has done a terrible job pointing out that Bush governed to the left, strongly so, and it was catastrophic for the nation.

McCain would have, to me, based very much on his record, been more of the same. I think we needed this mess as a call to attention for moderates and independents and on over to the right that left leaning policies do NOT work no matter what party initiates them.



I find your faith in McCain full of hope that he, somehow, changed from his record the last decade or two.

All but the avowed socialists are on the same side in terms of what we want; sound government that serves the interests of we, the people. The debate is over what that looks like. The GOP has done a terrible job pointing out that Bush governed to the left, strongly so, and it was catastrophic for the nation.

McCain would have, to me, based very much on his record, been more of the same. I think we needed this mess as a call to attention for moderates and independents and on over to the right that left leaning policies do NOT work no matter what party initiates them.


A picture (in this case the poll results) is worth a thousand words. We can argue all day long about who was worse. I doubt we are going to change each others minds. It is worth looking the poll results and just saying WOW. If you are in the minority, it may be time to ask yourself why. What is it that you are missing? hummmm? I'm just saying!!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
A picture (in this case the poll results) is worth a thousand words. We can argue all day long about who was worse. I doubt we are going to change each others minds. It is worth looking the poll results and just saying WOW. If you are in the minority, it may be time to ask yourself why. What is it that you are missing? hummmm? I'm just saying!!

What polls??? The current Obama favorable/unfavorable polls?


Well, I was referring to the SOMD poll but if you want me to post results of other polls, I can do that too.

There isn't much favorable about Obama unless you are an illegal immigrant, someone who thinks the Government should take care of them, or if you are Muslim. I can't imagine a hard working, tax paying American still believing in his agenda unless they are incapalbe of common sense. Obama is much worse than Bush. He will destroy the USA. If you don't agree, you are part of the problem, not the solution.


Love * Luck * Faith
I find your faith in McCain full of hope that he, somehow, changed from his record the last decade or two.

All but the avowed socialists are on the same side in terms of what we want; sound government that serves the interests of we, the people. The debate is over what that looks like. The GOP has done a terrible job pointing out that Bush governed to the left, strongly so, and it was catastrophic for the nation.

McCain would have, to me, based very much on his record, been more of the same. I think we needed this mess as a call to attention for moderates and independents and on over to the right that left leaning policies do NOT work no matter what party initiates them.


I have to disagree... yes, Obama being a major eff-up has lit a fire under people's asses. But the damage that he has and will do was and is not worth the principle of the American public realizing that the nation is in trouble.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I have to disagree... yes, Obama being a major eff-up has lit a fire under people's asses. But the damage that he has and will do was and is not worth the principle of the American public realizing that the nation is in trouble.

Which brings us back to doe... :lol:

I would argue you are being objective about what Obama is doing and are not being objective about what Bush did.



There isn't much favorable about Obama unless you are an illegal immigrant, someone who thinks the Government should take care of them, or if you are Muslim. I can't imagine a hard working, tax paying American still believing in his agenda unless they are incapalbe of common sense. Obama is much worse than Bush. He will destroy the USA. If you don't agree, you are part of the problem, not the solution.
Couldn't agree more and he's not done yet. :banghead: The damage Bush did we can see, but Obama's work is still hidden and there are a lot of folks out there that can't see what he's about, or refuse to believe it. This man has his own agenda and it's not one that this country needs. Socialized medicine is just the beginning. The people he puts in places of power scare the hell out of me.


New Member
Blacks and Hispanics, on the family level, are as conservative or even more so than whites, as a whole and yet, what has happened?


You had me until you generalized. Never generalize. Your point cannot be viewed as valid if it is stated subjectively with no fact to back it up.

You are at that point spewing opinion as badly as a person who says "Blacks and Hispanics are the reason our country is in its current bad state." All opinion.

Normally I can read and respect what you type especially if you clearly define your statements as either fact or opinion. When you blur that line and present opinion as fact I simply cannot. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
President Bush laid the foundation for Democracy in parts of the world where oppression and human rights violations are an every day occurrence.

On the other hand, President Obama is laying the foundation which will destroy the greatest Republic ever created; America. There is no worse crime than for a leader to destroy his own country and for that President Obama easily wins against any President past and hopefully future.

Think about this though.....
President Obama took the reigns of a country involved in a 10-year and ongoing war.

Anybody ever wonder what he would be doing if he hadn't?


Think about this though.....
President Obama took the reigns of a country involved in a 10-year and ongoing war.

Anybody ever wonder what he would be doing if he hadn't?
Flipping burgers at McDonald's or working for the Muslim coalition of


Well-Known Member
A few facts...

Think about this though.....
President Obama took the reigns of a country involved in a 10-year and ongoing war.

Anybody ever wonder what he would be doing if he hadn't?

Feel free to look this up if you would like. We know that Obama loves big government, excessive regulation, and massive entitlement programs. How do we know this? We know this because regardless of the 10 years of war you mention he still has found ways to pass huge unpopular bills into law.

Fact: When Bush left office we had a 3.2% Gross nation Product deficit. Under the current obama administration this number has climbed to 10% and is likely to climb even more. What would Obama do if he didn't have to contend with two wars? Easy to answer, he would have more resources available to convert our free market system in to a Euro-Socialist style based economy.

I may seem as though I view Bush as the greatest thing since sliced bread but I don't. I simply see him as a man who loved his country enough to face our enemy. An enemy who was avoided after several attacks while Clinton was in office. The war(s) will eventually be over and the world will be a safer place; not because of Obama but because Bush.


Love * Luck * Faith
Feel free to look this up if you would like. We know that Obama loves big government, excessive regulation, and massive entitlement programs. How do we know this? We know this because regardless of the 10 years of war you mention he still has found ways to pass huge unpopular bills into law.

Fact: When Bush left office we had a 3.2% Gross nation Product deficit. Under the current obama administration this number has climbed to 10% and is likely to climb even more. What would Obama do if he didn't have to contend with two wars? Easy to answer, he would have more resources available to convert our free market system in to a Euro-Socialist style based economy.

I may seem as though I view Bush as the greatest thing since sliced bread but I don't. I simply see him as a man who loved his country enough to face our enemy. An enemy who was avoided after several attacks while Clinton was in office. The war(s) will eventually be over and the world will be a safer place; not because of Obama but because Bush.

I've said it before and Ill say it again... BlueBird, I like you :high5: