Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

  • Muslim

    Votes: 22 40.7%
  • Buddist

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Jews

    Votes: 6 11.1%
  • Christian-Catholic

    Votes: 10 18.5%
  • Christian-Protostan

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Scientology

    Votes: 30 55.6%
  • Wiccans

    Votes: 20 37.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 24.1%

  • Total voters


I bowl overhand
:yeahthat: Because that would not only be the folks who do not embrace religious ideals, but also the VAST majority of folks that do have religion in their life, but don't practice what they preach. If there is a 'heaven' it's a very lonely place.

If I'm wrong and there IS a God.. I'm hoping he's nicer and a more benevolent God than the churches would have you believe. I have NO doubt about churches, but God I still hold out hope for.

IF He exists he would understand we are not infallible creatures, and we can't be extorted into believing. That being said, He wouldn't send us to hell for all time and eternity for not believing in Him I don't believe He could be that arrogant and insecure.


New Member
If I'm wrong and there IS a God.. I'm hoping he's nicer and a more benevolent God than the churches would have you believe. I have NO doubt about churches, but God I still hold out hope for.

IF He exists he would understand we are not infallible creatures, and we can't be extorted into believing. That being said, He wouldn't send us to hell for all time and eternity for not believing in Him I don't believe He could be that arrogant and insecure.

thumbs UP.

two of em.


Has confinement issues..
:yeahthat: Because that would not only be the folks who do not embrace religious ideals, but also the VAST majority of folks that do have religion in their life, but don't practice what they preach. If there is a 'heaven' it's a very lonely place.

:yeahthat: God will not cast aside tribes in the Amazon jungle who are not aware of his existence, or severely handicapped people with no ability to grasp the concept.

If the meek shall inherit the Earth, it will be those people and the ones who suffered unjustly under dictators and the like. It won't be the elitist finger pointers who say that we'll burn in Hell if we don't follow THEIR rules.. Those folks can have Heaven, it's prettier down here anyway and there's more people to talk to.:lol:


New Member
its not....??
only that introduced sin in the world..
caused folks to die
separated people from God.
.....the list goes on.
Naw...not reason at all..

Really? Woman introduced sin?

I thought it was god .... seeing as how he created it in the first place.

or, barring the obvious, it could also be the serpent for offering in the first place.

and even if you don't want to blame the actual creator or the 'seller', at least be logical and split the blame. Adam didn't have to partake of the fruit. If someone offers you something and take it, is it the offer's fault for offering or your fault for taking.

cliche' as it may sound, I've been offered about every illicit substance known to man and have easily said 'no thanks' to all of them.


While i aplaud your desire to correct a few things, its disturbing to see you have fallen victim to disinformation yourself.

While Secular scholars acknowledge that there are Factual events depicted in the bible, that was never the argument. (you seem to have glossed over that).

The religious devout proclaim the Bible is the written word of God. Because of this the Bible is infallible.

When innacuracies (that do exist), inconsistancies (that do exist) and contradictions (that do exist) are pointed out, by non-followers or secular sources, the religous devout point to the factual events as proof that the Bible is "The Word". Seems you were attempting to do this yourself.

In their mind the Factual events are proof the absurdities in the Bible are true. -1 plus +1 = 2

What they miss, while there maybe Factual events depicted, they do not have a bearing on the absurdities in the Bible. -1 plus +1 = 0

Since there are innacuracies, inconsistancies, mistranslations and contradictions, logically you have to question the Infallacy of the document.

While I applaud your desire to correct my desire to correct a few things, I will graciously point out that you somehow managed to double-post hours apart. Congratulations.


Soul Probe
R, you're the second biggest phony on this forum... The first hasn't even shown her face in this thread.. Choke on a ball gag while fornicating you hypocrite. Quit hiding behind a religion to exonerate yourself for being a sleeze, a gossip, a liar, a fornicator an adulterer and a worshipper of false God's... According to Vatican Law, you're the one going to Hell because you are still shouting from the rooftops that you are golden and you are right. That's very un-Christian.

I don't even believe in YOUR Hell, and I'm not ignorant of the crap you're spewing. You sound to me like someone who has recently gone back to the church looking for something to hold on to. Knowing that you are happy to give yourself over to something and recieve nothing in return, it's not even surprising that you're here now, defending yourself.

At least one other person who knows you in this forum agrees with me that your posts here sound like Copy&Paste, because in person, you're a simpering idiot.

I'll happily stand in the opposite corner with Bob. He's a very smart man with a good heart.. I can only hope that he feels half as positively about me.

Wow! You sure do get yourself worked up over a fornicating, hypocrite, sleeze, gossip, liar, adulterer, worshipper of false God's who's going to Hell, and apparently spend a lot of time PMing about one too. :lmao:


New Member
If I'm wrong and there IS a God.. I'm hoping he's nicer and a more benevolent God than the churches would have you believe. I have NO doubt about churches, but God I still hold out hope for.

When judgment comes, he has to judge us by what's in the bible. Not that he wants to send people to Hell, because he does not. That is why he made the plan of salvation. If you chose not to follow it, you have made your own choice. God is not a man, he can't lie. And if he goes back on his word 1 time, that makes everything that he has ever done, or said not true, a lie and if he did speak us into existence, we would vanish.
However, since Gods word is true he HAS to stand by it, despite how loving he is.
His word is firm and strong. When he says it, that's it.
That's when it's DONE...


I bowl overhand
When judgment comes, he has to judge us by what's in the bible.
Pretty arrogant of MAN to write a book that tells GOD what to do..
Kind of ludicrous don't you think?

if He exists, I'm sure He can judge and pretty much do as he likes.

It's not God's plan of salvation, but man's plan for salvation..

God didn't write the bible, remember?


New Member
Really? Woman introduced sin?

I thought it was god .... seeing as how he created it in the first place.

or, barring the obvious, it could also be the serpent for offering in the first place.

and even if you don't want to blame the actual creator or the 'seller', at least be logical and split the blame. Adam didn't have to partake of the fruit. If someone offers you something and take it, is it the offer's fault for offering or your fault for taking.

cliche' as it may sound, I've been offered about every illicit substance known to man and have easily said 'no thanks' to all of them.

But he (Adam) didn't say no thank you...(wish he would have) Eve offered it to Adam, and (I have to correct myself) Sin came after Adam ate (why him? because God put him in charge of the Garden and he knew first hand not to eat of the fruit), that's when God's judgment came. Eve was punished for listening to the serpent and offering it to Adam.
However..here's some reading..Bible Resources, Online Bible, Read the Bible, Search the Bible, Bible Study Plan, Passage Search, Keyword Search

If you ask me, Christianity is going to be around when we are gone; Christianity was around before we got here....
I believe it, you don't.
Someone is right, someone is wrong.
I don't know what is after death, I know what the Bible says is after death and I believe that..


New Member
But he (Adam) didn't say no thank you...(wish he would have) Eve offered it to Adam, and (I have to correct myself) Sin came after Adam ate (why him? because God put him in charge of the Garden and he knew first hand not to eat of the fruit)

so why exactly is eve responsible?


I bowl overhand
But he (Adam) didn't say no thank you...(wish he would have) t..

Why? If he didn't none of us would be here.

It was all of God's plan, it had to be, and if it was part of God's plan why would anyone be punished?

Three was no desire, no sin prior to them eating the apple.. in other words, no desire or want to boink.. No boink, no babies.