Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

  • Muslim

    Votes: 22 40.7%
  • Buddist

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Jews

    Votes: 6 11.1%
  • Christian-Catholic

    Votes: 10 18.5%
  • Christian-Protostan

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Scientology

    Votes: 30 55.6%
  • Wiccans

    Votes: 20 37.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 24.1%

  • Total voters


Has confinement issues..
What single option would that be? :confused:

Why not? Buddhism (technically a philosophy not a religion) or Wicca, those too have some strange ideologies as much as the others. :shrug:

For the record I didn't vote. Although I choose to be a Catholic I find there is some truth and goodness in all religions but I could pick apart all of them if it came down to it.

It's multiple choice so you can for all of the above and any of the other religions, which throws off the accuracy of the poll. Not the MPD'ers won't do that anyway.:lol:

Buddhism being a philosophy rather than a religion is exactly why I was :confused: it was included. As for Wicca, I don't identify with that either because most of those people are whackadoo's too. I think I voted all of the above:shrug:

I love all religions.... however I am not religious. I was born and raised Roman Catholic and while I have an appreciation for it I can't say if I will go back even though I have an aunt who is a Catholic Nun.

:lmao: I was thinking about going back to the Catholic church last week, I got a message on facebook from a friend who said she became pregnant after praying to St. Joseph in some church in NYC...... I thought about it for a minute.

I like the romantic value of the Roman Catholic church though.

:eyebrow:Going back? Do you have to go through CCD again? Or pay money? Annulments cost money. If you're going "back" just go get a favor(baby), that's like trying to cheating God:nono: And what does having an aunt who's a nun got to do with it??:confused:

I've all ready told you.. Sometime between my birthday and 1 year from the day you started:elaine:


:eyebrow:Going back? Do you have to go through CCD again? Or pay money? Annulments cost money. If you're going "back" just go get a favor(baby), that's like trying to cheating God:nono:
Its a joke.

And what does having an aunt who's a nun got to do with it??:confused:
Nothing really, I just threw it in there.

I've all ready told you.. Sometime between my birthday and 1 year from the day you started:elaine:
Now thats not nice.... please stop saying that.


:ohwell: This poll should have been single option. Now the results are screwy because you can also for for all of the above.

How can you have a probem with Buddhism??

I"m surprised so many people have issues with Wicca too:ohwell:

Is Wicca really considered a religion? I thought it was a bunch of nuts who thought they were witches and worshiped trees or something like that. Then there's scientology. There's even stranger yet.


Soul Probe
Is Wicca really considered a religion? I thought it was a bunch of nuts who thought they were witches and worshiped trees or something like that. Then there's scientology. There's even stranger yet.

Strange is subjective. If you ask me I hold to the strangest religion yet. I mean come on, a God who becomes a man just to die and then has his worshippers eat and drink His body and blood in the form of bread and wine like neo-cannibals? That is downright scandalous! And yet I believe it and love it!


I bowl overhand
Strange is subjective. If you ask me I hold to the strangest religion yet. I mean come on, a God who becomes a man just to die and then has his worshippers eat and drink His body and blood in the form of bread and wine like neo-cannibals? That is downright scandalous! And yet I believe it and love it!

When did God become a man??


I bowl overhand
Strange is subjective. If you ask me I hold to the strangest religion yet. I mean come on, a God who becomes a man just to die and then has his worshippers eat and drink His body and blood in the form of bread and wine like neo-cannibals? That is downright scandalous! And yet I believe it and love it!

And yours is nothing new, that fairy tale was being told thousands of years before Christianity or Catholicism..


Has confinement issues..
Is Wicca really considered a religion?

It's roots are deeper than Christianity.
I thought it was a bunch of nuts who thought they were witches and worshiped trees or something like that.

Every religion has nuts, and being a witch doesn't make you Wiccan anymore than owning a Bible makes you Christian.

I don't worship trees, I respect them. Sometimes I hug them. :dance:


Is Wicca really considered a religion? I thought it was a bunch of nuts who thought they were witches and worshiped trees or something like that. Then there's scientology. There's even stranger yet.
Wicca and scientology are both considered cults.

The only religion I have a problem with is that one which causes harm to others. Christian, Muslim, Buddihism, w/e....all have been, and will continue to be abused and misused for the selfish, egotistical purposes of their followers. Very few, are there in the world whose faithful followers actually follow the intended purpose of the faith/religion. Look how many ways the Bible has been distorted/misinterpreted for selfish reasons. What about the Koran?

As long as mankind is in charge of "religion" as we know it, you have to expect errors/discrepancies/fault with it. That shouldn't be the deciding factor in your conviction to worship God... in w/e way you see fit. It shouldn't be your justification NOT to either. I can look at just about every religion and find some incident where so-called followers/fanatics were at the root of the crime/incident... NOT that the religion is to blame, but the people who used it as an excuse.

Kind of like guns and crime, if you wish. It's not the guns/religion who kill and harm people...its the nuts behind the trigger. On the other hand, there are a lot of Muslims, Christians, Catholics, Buddhists, etc. who are extroidinary people who truly do awesome things for self-less reasons. These people truly want to make the world a better place. It is unfortunate, their deeds are overlooked or discriminated against when something horrible happens.

That's why forum discussions on religion are like discussing which sort of shoes are going to look best on me....there's so many...and it being a personal thing, why should you look to popular decision to decide the outcome?

Then again, these discussions are like everything else in the world... humans seem to have a natural instinct to blame a "thing" or "religion", "club", "organization" instead of the people and their nature for the crime/deed. I never could understand that...
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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I can't even begin to describe what I'd call Scientology. It is a set of beliefs, but it's not spiritual in any sense. It doesn't try to resolve wisdom or right versus wrong - nothing I've read from Dianetics would compel me to become one. Most of the others have something resembling a founder who led a life consistent with the teachings, but L. Ron Hubbard was just never the kind of guy you'd want to imitate. The others usually have milestones and major events - even miracles and contemplation of the origin of the universe. Scientology is hand-waving and space aliens.

But my biggest problem with them is the way they deal with criticism - and how they've managed to get away with it. Their brutality with criticism rivals mobsters and the Spanish Inquisition. At least with some religions, their brutality hinges on the supposition that in the long run, they are saving souls. Scientology does it to save money, reputation and to suppress the truth.

Just about any other religion I can respect even if I don't agree with it, although I'm a bit wary moreso of Islam, simply because my sporadic reading of the Koran and Hadith is that it's not inspiring to me and deals more with harsh treatment of outsiders, infidels and apostates than anything really character building and being a better person.


They're out to get us
I can't even begin to describe what I'd call Scientology. It is a set of beliefs, but it's not spiritual in any sense. It doesn't try to resolve wisdom or right versus wrong - nothing I've read from Dianetics would compel me to become one. Most of the others have something resembling a founder who led a life consistent with the teachings, but L. Ron Hubbard was just never the kind of guy you'd want to imitate. The others usually have milestones and major events - even miracles and contemplation of the origin of the universe. Scientology is hand-waving and space aliens.

But my biggest problem with them is the way they deal with criticism - and how they've managed to get away with it. Their brutality with criticism rivals mobsters and the Spanish Inquisition. At least with some religions, their brutality hinges on the supposition that in the long run, they are saving souls. Scientology does it to save money, reputation and to suppress the truth.

Just about any other religion I can respect even if I don't agree with it, although I'm a bit wary moreso of Islam, simply because my sporadic reading of the Koran and Hadith is that it's not inspiring to me and deals more with harsh treatment of outsiders, infidels and apostates than anything really character building and being a better person.

It's not just for money! If you upset the aliens inside of them, they won't be taken away to the other planet of paradise. So they need to suppress you and brutalize you in order to keep their inner aliens happy.

Get with it!


Has confinement issues..
Religion is an industry since you can buy it, sell it, push it or advertise it.

It's like Kotex, some people need it, some people tell you that you can't live without it and either way it's gonna cost you .


Soul Probe
When did God become a man??

And yours is nothing new, that fairy tale was being told thousands of years before Christianity or Catholicism..

Bob, here is not the place for me to debate you on the realities of truth found in myth and why I believe in Christianity. Maybe one day you and I can sit down for a long (or many) cups of coffee and do just that if you so wish. In the meantime I'll let you continue with your retarded and ignorant hit and runs.

So, you never answered my last question to you in another tread when you were being a mere boner ass with a chip on your shoulder. I'm under the impression that you were once going to be a cleric of some sort. Is that true? If so, what demonination?


I bowl overhand
In the meantime I'll let you continue with your retarded and ignorant hit and runs.

Why, because I've looked and researched, listened and read, and found my reality to be much different than yours.. Is that what makes me retarded and ignorant?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Religion is an industry since you can buy it, sell it, push it or advertise it.

By that rationale, so is "love". But that's just cynical.

Much of the world's religion didn't set out to become "industry", and in a pure sense, remains that way. You can be a Buddhist without being some kind of promoter for Buddha or profiting from it every bit as much as you can be a die-hard fan of the Redskins without buying sports paraphenalia. Most of the founders of the world's religions didn't think of themselves as starting a new religion. Buddha was on a search for enlightenment; Moses was trying to set his people free and take them to the promised land; Jesus was trying to fulfill what was already existing. Even Martin Luther only wanted to fix what was wrong, and was against the idea of people following *HIM*.

Great religious leaders point to the path - con man declare themselves as the path, and charge you for it. You'll find them everywhere, including religion.