Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

  • Muslim

    Votes: 22 40.7%
  • Buddist

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Jews

    Votes: 6 11.1%
  • Christian-Catholic

    Votes: 10 18.5%
  • Christian-Protostan

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Scientology

    Votes: 30 55.6%
  • Wiccans

    Votes: 20 37.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 24.1%

  • Total voters


New Member
I don't think you can buy 'love'

I mean you could spend money on someone who caould fake love .... but I don't think that qualifies.


Soul Probe
Why, because I've looked and researched, listened and read, and found my reality to be much different than yours.. Is that what makes me retarded and ignorant?

If you've done that then why don't you ever give anything of substance? You don't, but instead choose hit and runs which is why I call you retarded and ignorant. You also, from my observation, only seem to have it out for Catholicism and not particularly Protestantism, which implies to me that you have a chip on your shoulder (which may or may not be legitimate) but that doesn't particularly make you objective in your condemnations.

I see you glossed over my question. That's ok, no answer is answer enough.


Soul Probe
Why, because I've looked and researched, listened and read, and found my reality to be much different than yours.. Is that what makes me retarded and ignorant?

Oh and let me add, your reality is what you make of it but we only seem to know what your reality isn't as you bash others for theirs. :eyebrow:


I bowl overhand
If you've done that then why don't you ever give anything of substance? You don't, but instead choose hit and runs which is why I call you retarded and ignorant. You also, from my observation, only seem to have it out for Catholicism and not particularly Protestantism, which implies to me that you have a chip on your shoulder (which may or may not be legitimate) but that doesn't particularly make you objective in your condemnations.

I see you glossed over my question. That's ok, no answer is answer enough.

What part of "organized religion" calls out Catholicism specifically?

Oh, and condemnations if sort of harsh. I've never said ANYone would be condemed to Hell for believing or not. I leave that to our compassionate Christians to do.


Soul Probe
What part of "organized religion" calls out Catholicism specifically?

Oh, and condemnations if sort of harsh. I've never said ANYone would be condemed to Hell for believing or not. I leave that to our compassionate Christians to do.

Glad to see you changed the above to a more generic "christians" you're moving along a bit. :clap: Psst, a condemnation doesn't require hell Bob.

Now, carry on with your retardation and ignorance as usual.


New Member
Glad to see you changed the above to a more generic "christians" you're moving along a bit. :clap: Psst, a condemnation doesn't require hell Bob.

Now, carry on with your retardation and ignorance as usual.

I think he's getting at that while condemnation doesn't require hell (obviously), you won't get any worse then a condemnation from a church.

(seriously, eternity in hell for -not believing- in an entity that won't show himself?)

(why would anyone even want to believe in that?)


Well-Known Member
(why would anyone even want to believe in that?)
Since people clearly choose what they want to believe, I suspect they want to believe that they have more to look forward to than being worm food. As I understand it, you atheists believe that we will die, get our bodies eaten, and basically account for nothing but "the circle of life" no matter how we act or what we do - thus having your morals be completely self-contrived arrogance.


Soul Probe
I think he's getting at that while condemnation doesn't require hell (obviously), you won't get any worse then a condemnation from a church.

(seriously, eternity in hell for -not believing- in an entity that won't show himself?)

(why would anyone even want to believe in that?)

My faith has never defined what hell is aside from the absence of God (although personal images of it have changed over the years), so make of that what you will.

In fact, if you ask me it can be worse. What's more hellish than the thought of continued reincarcnation and having to do good so you don't get reincarnated into your next life as a roach by no choice of your own? I mean, who would want to believe in that? Just a thought.

Love ya Xaquin! :kiss:


Soul Probe

Exactly but what was the point in asking? :confused:

Nobody claims to be holy, at least no one that I know. Whether one be religious or spiritual they are that for a reason and it's because they have a need. The righteous don't claim to have those needs so maybe the Atheists are the "holy" ones you should be looking for eh? :lmao:


New Member
My faith has never defined what hell is aside from the absence of God (although personal images of it have changed over the years), so make of that what you will.

In fact, if you ask me it can be worse. What's more hellish than the thought of continued reincarcnation and having to do good so you don't get reincarnated into your next life as a roach by no choice of your own? I mean, who would want to believe in that? Just a thought.

Love ya Xaquin! :kiss:

at least it's another chance hehe

(mind you, I think that's just as silly as any given religion out there hehe)