Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

  • Muslim

    Votes: 22 40.7%
  • Buddist

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Jews

    Votes: 6 11.1%
  • Christian-Catholic

    Votes: 10 18.5%
  • Christian-Protostan

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Scientology

    Votes: 30 55.6%
  • Wiccans

    Votes: 20 37.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 24.1%

  • Total voters


Since people clearly choose what they want to believe, I suspect they want to believe that they have more to look forward to than being worm food. As I understand it, you atheists believe that we will die, get our bodies eaten, and basically account for nothing but "the circle of life" no matter how we act or what we do - thus having your morals be completely self-contrived arrogance.

I don't understand why so many people believe atheism to be so arrogant and selfish. I respect other people's religions and beliefs, and live by moral standards taught to me by my parents, the government, my friends and family, even organizations like the ASPCA. It may be self contrived, but how is it arrogant? I'm looking to others that just don't happen to be a God for reasonable moral guidance.


professional daydreamer
I don't understand why so many people believe atheism to be so arrogant and selfish. I respect other people's religions and beliefs, and live by moral standards taught to me by my parents, the government, my friends and family, even organizations like the ASPCA. It may be self contrived, but how is it arrogant? I'm looking to others that just don't happen to be a God for reasonable moral guidance.

You're a smart cookie! :huggy:

edited: You may want to reconsider using the government as an example of what one should or should not do.
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Well-Known Member
I don't understand why so many people believe atheism to be so arrogant and selfish. I respect other people's religions and beliefs, and live by moral standards taught to me by my parents, the government, my friends and family, even organizations like the ASPCA. It may be self contrived, but how is it arrogant? I'm looking to others that just don't happen to be a God for reasonable moral guidance.
And, I see it as arrogant (the choice of self-morals, not the person in general) because it takes into account one person's singular experiences and/or the limited people with whom they deal for establishing an entire moral code.

I meant no offense - arrogance was in regards purely to the choice, not the person.


They're out to get us
I don't understand why so many people believe atheism to be so arrogant and selfish. I respect other people's religions and beliefs, and live by moral standards taught to me by my parents, the government, my friends and family, even organizations like the ASPCA. It may be self contrived, but how is it arrogant? I'm looking to others that just don't happen to be a God for reasonable moral guidance.
You mean you're your own god? :lmao:

You're a smart cookie! :huggy:

edited: You may want to reconsider using the government as an example of what one should or should not do.

the government would typically be of what 'not' to do if you're using the politicians, while the laws would be of what you should do. :shrug:


They're out to get us
And, I see it as arrogant (the choice of self-morals, not the person in general) because it takes into account one person's singular experiences and/or the limited people with whom they deal for establishing an entire moral code.

I meant no offense - arrogance was in regards purely to the choice, not the person.

This post, combined with your avatar and siggy, make me want to literally roll around on the floor and laugh until I pass out. :clap:


I bowl overhand
And, I see it as arrogant (the choice of self-morals, not the person in general) because it takes into account one person's singular experiences and/or the limited people with whom they deal for establishing an entire moral code.

I meant no offense - arrogance was in regards purely to the choice, not the person.

I got my morals from Mother Goose, and Mister Rogers.. others choose the Bible..

Fiction is fiction.


New Member
"And, I see it as arrogant (the choice of self-morals, not the person in general) because it takes into account one person's singular experiences and/or the limited people with whom they deal for establishing an entire moral code."

Sounds like religion to me .... Evertime you read a passage, you bring your own views into it. Same as any other thing.


And, I see it as arrogant (the choice of self-morals, not the person in general) because it takes into account one person's singular experiences and/or the limited people with whom they deal for establishing an entire moral code.

I'm taking into account other people's experiences, and then my own to add to it. I'm constantly learning from other people, but it's absolutely inevitable to process the information with my own past experiences. It's the same as relating a story from a holy text to your personal life.


Well-Known Member
I'm taking into account other people's experiences, and then my own to add to it. I'm constantly learning from other people, but it's absolutely inevitable to process the information with my own past experiences. It's the same as relating a story from a holy text to your personal life.
I agree, each person relates what they learn to their own experiences. But, unless you are neglecting the combined wisdom (and failures) of thousands of years of people who've based their moral compass on religious teachings, you're left with one of two options:

1. Base at least thee major portion of your moral code on religious principals because that's who you have mostly come in contact with and "learned" morals from, or

2. Based an entire moral system out of a vacuum other than your experiences and the non-religious people's experiences around you (after negating any influence religious concepts have had on them).

So, you either have a religious-based moral system and don't accept it, or, you have one completely of your own devising - which arrogantly (IMHO) negates the majority of the people of the world that ever existed.


professional daydreamer
I agree, each person relates what they learn to their own experiences. But, unless you are neglecting the combined wisdom (and failures) of thousands of years of people who've based their moral compass on religious teachings, you're left with one of two options:

1. Base at least thee major portion of your moral code on religious principals because that's who you have mostly come in contact with and "learned" morals from, or

2. Based an entire moral system out of a vacuum other than your experiences and the non-religious people's experiences around you (after negating any influence religious concepts have had on them).

So, you either have a religious-based moral system and don't accept it, or, you have one completely of your own devising - which arrogantly (IMHO) negates the majority of the people of the world that ever existed.

Who gives a flyin' #### where people learn how to be civilized, as long as they learn to be civilized? Who the #### are you to question anyone's beliefs, or lack thereof? I get so sick of you self righteous, sanctimonious asswipes.


They're out to get us
By all means, be my guest......
oww that hurt :otter:

Who gives a flyin' #### where people learn how to be civilized, as long as they learn to be civilized? Who the #### are you to question anyone's beliefs, or lack thereof? I get so sick of you self righteous, sanctimonious asswipes.

he's a self oppressing anti oppressor who wants to judge people by their questions, but hates people questioning anything. Get it right!


Well-Known Member
Who gives a flyin' #### where people learn how to be civilized, as long as they learn to be civilized? Who the #### are you to question anyone's beliefs, or lack thereof? I get so sick of you self righteous, sanctimonious asswipes.
I don't care. I don't question the source of people's beliefs. I was answering LuckyStar's question is all.

But, you have a nice day, too!


I agree, each person relates what they learn to their own experiences. But, unless you are neglecting the combined wisdom (and failures) of thousands of years of people who've based their moral compass on religious teachings, you're left with one of two options:

1. Base at least thee major portion of your moral code on religious principals because that's who you have mostly come in contact with and "learned" morals from, or

2. Based an entire moral system out of a vacuum other than your experiences and the non-religious people's experiences around you (after negating any influence religious concepts have had on them).

So, you either have a religious-based moral system and don't accept it, or, you have one completely of your own devising - which arrogantly (IMHO) negates the majority of the people of the world that ever existed.

They may be religious principles to you, but I can't be sure that those principles really came from an almighty being.

That, and I only have a few friends that are actually religious. We atheists were just taught to play nice. Since when is "play nice" a religious thing? Why can't it just be a human thing to get through this life alive?