White People Should Be Exterminated?


100% Goapele Head!
vraiblonde said:
Think about it: if Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton suddenly decided that blacks were in fact equal and afforded the same opportunities in this country as whites, it would put them both out of a job. If Tavis Smiley didn't have racial issues to talk about, he would be unemployed. If the NAACP were to succeed in realizing black equality, they would have to disband becuase there would be no need for them.

And what do you think is in their own best interests: equalizing blacks or keeping their jobs?

Actually, I think there is a fear amongst black people that there is a possibility that without people like Jesse Jackson things will somewhat go back to the way they were in the 60's. Some people are conditioned to not or never trust white people. This is wrong, I say treat each individual at face value regardless of race.

So that fear may keep blacks in support of the Democratic Party. I know that sounds out there but I believe this. In my personal opinion, republicans push Americans to achieve without crutches and the Dems hold your hand every step of the way.

Also, I will say I had my doubts when I moved to SMC about whether or not I would be able to make friends and how comfortable white people would be with me and my family. I am grateful to know that its not as bad as I thought. What touches me most in when someone who is white embraces me first (in conversation, a smile etc.) Especially the children, who I believe is a reflection of their upbringing.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
LexiGirl75 said:
Actually, I think there is a fear amongst black people that there is a possibility that without people like Jesse Jackson things will somewhat go back to the way they were in the 60's.
I think you're exactly right.

So that fear may keep blacks in support of the Democratic Party.
Right again! And it's the Jesses and the Als that prepetuate it. Not to mention now we have these NBA players who are claiming the new dress code is racist - like black people don't know how to put on a shirt and tie. :rolleyes: But :clap: to Charles Barkley because he says these punks need to clean up their act and quit crying about racism when they're making multi-millions of $$$.


100% Goapele Head!
I agree, this was a huge thing in DC schools as far as the pants hanging down and the hair not being kempt and the wife beaters (who wears only those to school). I think they have a huge influence on youth and those athletes are far too old to be acting like that. Prime example Carmelo Anthony.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Fox just had a discussion about Mr. Exterminator and showed footage of his speech. The guy who organized the event was on defending his man, saying that nobody was coming forward saying they agree with his views, therefore it's no big deal. However, after he delivers the "exterminated" line, he gets applause.

Organizer dude says the applause was reflexive, "Yay! Er...uh..." and I'll buy that - it's not like the guy got a standing ovation, just a smattering. But the point, again, is that this story isn't getting enough attention in the media. They're still trying to talk about Bill Bennett, for god's sake. :rolleyes:

What a great way to combat stereotypes! :jet:
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Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
Fox just had a discussion about Mr. Exterminator and showed footage of his speech. The guy who organized the event was on defending his man, saying that nobody was coming forward saying they agree with his views, therefore it's no big deal. However, after he delivers the "exterminated" line, he gets applause.

Organizer dude says the applause was reflexive, "Yay! Er...uh..." and I'll buy that - it's not like the guy got a standing ovation, just a smattering. But the point, again, is that this story isn't getting enough attention in the media. They're still trying to talk about Bill Bennett, for god's sake. :rolleyes:

What a great way to combat stereotypes! :jet:
I saw that too. That applause was not "reflexive". You could tell that it was not many people, but the ones that applauded were applauding in agreement. The applause was crisp and loud. It was not "I'm just applauding out of courtesy" applause which is soft and not crisp. There was also some vocal agreement in there which nobody does "reflexively".

The same guy was on O'Reilly the other night making up excuses for the speech. He was trying to excuse the speech by saying that white people have called for extermination of the Native Americans before. Unfortunately, O'Reilly didn't do a very good job of smashing him. He could have easily just said something like:
True, but that was several hundred years ago and we're not proud of that. If a white person were to call for the extinction of a race today, they would be branded as a nutball racist and ostracized. They would not be invited to lecture at a major university!


New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
I will always say to each their own. I can not explain other people. I will state that I am not that rude. However, at Cheseldine, while they were vacuuming my car out, the music was blasting really loud and when I started noticing the series of songs I realized that a CD I had in was playing and the volume was blaring to the point that I initially thought it was the car wash's radio. I think the real question is why do black people blast music that is potentially offensive to others. I guess we really are just a partying people. But I just believe white people are just a quieter people altogether. That is why more white tv shows can have more white babies in them. Those babies never make noise. But black people are partying straight out of the womb and it's not until a person becomes conscious of his surroundings and the affects he has on it that he can adjust to make things better. Like I said, I do my part. Is that why most white people look angry (like, "don't bother me") when they are driving?

First of all, you become more contradictory with every statement. You said in an earlier post that you came up along side a school bus blaring your music and someone put up the window and then you say above that you are "not that rude" and then in other posts downplaying doing it.

I like all kinds of music particularly Bon Jovi and if a good song comes on, I just may blast it, my right and I am not going to appologize for it and wont take back the fact that I do so in another post. I also like Eminem, 50 Cent, Kid Rock etc. I like all types of music. When blaring some of the others, I am am aware of my surroundings. I will turn it down at a stop light in fear that kids may be in the car next to me and I certainly don't drive into my daughters school blaring it. However, I would not use them to make a statement in regard to why I should be appreciated as you did earlier. I would use something like education, class or just plain being a human being and deserving respect.


New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
And, yes and no. It is a culture difference because unlike me and whoever plays those jams that's not your song or rather you are not looking for the new 3-6 Mafia song or the new Lil Kim song. Laffy Taffy isnt your speed. I respect that, it's culture because you are not THAT into that type of music. I don't listen to Pakistani music and will roll my window up if I hear it blasting. It's a cultural difference, nothing more nothing less.

To me, music has never been about culture, well not the music in the USA ofcourse. Sure, Church Hymns are about culture and religion, sure when you watch the programs that show people beating to the drums in Africa that is about culture but I do not understand how Rock/Rap/HipHop,Metal etc are about culture?

Its about personal preference NOT culture and to make a statement saying that rap music is about black culture is just plain ignorant. Like I stated, I like most of that music but you are making the racist comments by saying this. One, you are saying that only black people like this music and Two, you are making racist comments against black people by stating it is their "culture" to kill, murder, rape, & cuss. While I have no problem with these lyrics as I listen to some of them, I certainly would not nor would I want anyone else to state I was from a "culture" that supported the actions.


New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
I know that's right, don't know if you are black but you sound like it, but we all need to stand up for ourselves more, beat a b#tch bloody if she make a false move. I don't condone violence but I will beat a b's arse over some dumb ish.

Now I am confused? What exactly made her sound black? Are you stereotyping your own race?


100% Goapele Head!
sinwagon said:
First of all, you become more contradictory with every statement. You said in an earlier post that you came up along side a school bus blaring your music and someone put up the window and then you say above that you are "not that rude" and then in other posts downplaying doing it.

I like all kinds of music particularly Bon Jovi and if a good song comes on, I just may blast it, my right and I am not going to appologize for it and wont take back the fact that I do so in another post. I also like Eminem, 50 Cent, Kid Rock etc. I like all types of music. When blaring some of the others, I am am aware of my surroundings. I will turn it down at a stop light in fear that kids may be in the car next to me and I certainly don't drive into my daughters school blaring it. However, I would not use them to make a statement in regard to why I should be appreciated as you did earlier. I would use something like education, class or just plain being a human being and deserving respect.

I accept that.


100% Goapele Head!
sinwagon said:
To me, music has never been about culture, well not the music in the USA ofcourse. Sure, Church Hymns are about culture and religion, sure when you watch the programs that show people beating to the drums in Africa that is about culture but I do not understand how Rock/Rap/HipHop,Metal etc are about culture?

Its about personal preference NOT culture and to make a statement saying that rap music is about black culture is just plain ignorant. Like I stated, I like most of that music but you are making the racist comments by saying this. One, you are saying that only black people like this music and Two, you are making racist comments against black people by stating it is their "culture" to kill, murder, rape, & cuss. While I have no problem with these lyrics as I listen to some of them, I certainly would not nor would I want anyone else to state I was from a "culture" that supported the actions.

I accept that.


100% Goapele Head!
sinwagon said:
Now I am confused? What exactly made her sound black? Are you stereotyping your own race?

I mean seriously, do you understand the concept of opinion? Stop looking for a fight. Take that somewhere else. Like to SE DC.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
LexiGirl75 said:
I mean seriously, do you understand the concept of opinion?
Lexi, I will give you my speech:

This is a discussion forum. We discuss things in here. If you do not want to participate in discussion, start a blog where you can post all you want and no one will comment on it or question you.


An article posted on Southern Md online reads Racial Epithet Complaint in LaPlata, and goes on to read about Off. Caldwell observing a racial epithet on a wall to the entrance of Hunters Brooke subdivision. "Hunters Spook" on 1 NOV 05. Now I'm no expert but does Halloween ring a bell, and could spook be refering to hauntings instead. We are what we read and what are officials report. Our local Law enforcement speaks for itself, corrupt Asst. Sherriff's, Sherriff's using office equipment to advertise their politacal agneda,etc., but this is reaching a little far, and some people could get hurt because of statements like this, namely our children.


New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
I mean seriously, do you understand the concept of opinion? Stop looking for a fight. Take that somewhere else. Like to SE DC.

Lexi, I am not looking for a fight, especially on a forum where I do not need to prove anything. As far as my multiple posts back to back, that was because I had not checked them in a few days and replied to each of your posts.

My posts are simply rebutting yours simply because you are trying to come off as very knowledgeable of what occurred in history and trying to defend the black race which I think you should do. We all should! However, forgive me for saying this but I can not find any other way to describe it. You come of as ignorant and ghetto! Talking about slapping people down and all this other crap. If you are going to state something on here as FACT then you should have the knowledge to back it up. No, it all does not have to be fact it can be opinion and feeling. I appreciate you sharing your feelings after all the only way we can promote change is to talk about it. However, the statements that you make really are not any defense for anything.

To make a statement that if I want a fight to go to SE DC to me is racist. You are referring to a predominately black area and suggesting that they are looking for a fight? I find it offensive that you come on here and try to defend the black race and try to portray yourself as someone who is black and proud and make such ignorant statements. If some of the people on this forum were negative against black people before, you have only confirmed exactly what they were saying. If black people and whites alike do not want to be portrayed as uneducated, they should not act as if they are.

I only have a high school education but...I would be smart enough to know that my music is not my culture, talking about slapping people down is not going to get me taken seriously and in sighting that someone go to another area of town to start a fight will also not get me taken seriously.

I notice you did not say "If you want a fight go to Potomac" you chose a predominately black suppressed neighborhood. :peace:


Good for you SINWAGON, the mentality of some people proceed their first words, I'm sick and tired of hearing boo-hoo for the poor bas*****. You make your own life, and you make it what ever it is. Southern Md rocks, a lot of straight shootin people who are not afraid to say what's on their mind, and could give a d*** what is ethnically correct, you are what you make yourself out to be, nothing else.


PREMO Member
thunderchicken said:
Southern Md rocks, a lot of straight shootin people who are not afraid to say what's on their mind, and could give a d*** what is ethnically correct, you are what you make yourself out to be, nothing else.
So, what do you think of Lexi?


100% Goapele Head!
vraiblonde said:
Lexi, I will give you my speech:

This is a discussion forum. We discuss things in here. If you do not want to participate in discussion, start a blog where you can post all you want and no one will comment on it or question you.

Vrai, now come on, I never said I didnt like anyone's questions or comments. But I am not on here to feel like I am being personally attacked for my opinions. I do not do that to others. In addition, I do realize a situation turning hostile when I see it. :diva:

I just asked her to get her foot out of my bottom. :shocked: What's so bad about that? I joined to get to know my neighbors :huggy: and I feel like I am having a hard time doing this. :mad: Perhaps because I "discuss things in here". :shrug:

So I have no intentions of getting involved with the deep stuff anymore. :coffee: I am going to just be a bobble head. Case dismissed :gavel: