White People Should Be Exterminated?


100% Goapele Head!
elaine said:
That's fine. Just don't give her a whole freakin' month. I don't know if I could stomach that many Pixie movies and documentaries at once. :barf:

Pixie Recognition Sale would be cool, though. :sarcasm:

This is gone too far. Depending on the subject, some of ya'll go from cool as mug to just plain cold.


Football addict
LexiGirl75 said:
You just dont get it do you. Black people were not liked for 200+ yrs. We celebrate because unlike those people (long ago) wanted everyone to believe, we do have brains, skills, abilities and have accomplished a lot. It's just a celebration of achievement. Obviously, you have never been held down. I mean do you celebrate your birthday, anniversary, promotions, births etc. I mean if history is going to be taught, teach all of it. Most schools do not really teach black history except Dr. King and some surface info. I really did not know that this was such the problem it was, UNCF, BET, Black History Month. Our heritage is still a problem...
I understand but I would also go on to say that many others, throughout the course of history, have been through the same if not more. The most brought up example would be the American Indians. They went through just as much, if not more than the black man. I wonder where that month is.:really: I think African American culture should be respected but not shoved down people's throats, dig it?

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
BuddyLee said:
I understand but I would also go on to say that many others, throughout the course of history, have been through the same if not more. The most brought up example would be the American Indians. They went through just as much, if not more than the black man. I wonder where that month is.:really: I think African American culture should be respected but not shoved down people's throats, dig it?
I agree. My grandmother was 1/4 Blackfoot, which makes me something? I am not whining for special rights, though I guess I could be. Made my own way without asking for anything special. Guess what? I'm not in the streets of PG or Lexington Park shooting other Indians either.


100% Goapele Head!
SamSpade made a lot of valid points, though I am not an idiot and dont try to spite white people with my music. I just like to party to music, nothing more nothing less and as I say I do not blast it when stopped around a lot of people.

Seems that most of you (and that's just this forum) believe that black people are making a mountain out of the programs we have set up. What no one has said is that without these programs we would be vying for the same scholarships as you to get into college and not for the funds that are in certain programs like UNCF and also we should not celebrate black history because its overwhelming.

Also, that wasnt right about the girl being mistreated in high school during black history month, that was some ignorant stuff they did.

I dont know what to say to you all. I mean I tried to let you see things from my pov but you all seem to be so way past tired that it won't make a difference. Who would have thought that UNCF and black history month would be running past it's intended course.


100% Goapele Head!
mainman said:
If it is a nice day, I just turn mine up as well..Why should I have to roll my window up?
Oh, and the last time I checked, bluegrass music doesn't refer to women as #####es and hos and they don't say ***** eight hundred times per a 4 or 5 minute song...:yay:
If you have yours so loud that I can't hear mine sitting right in front of it, than maybe you should roll your windows up... You will be able to hear it better...:yay:

If you are directing your suggestion to me, then I want to share with you that I do not agree with the terms used in rap songs, I feel with each year it's getting worse and I just am surprised what radio allows these days. I do however, want to say you don't have to like it, though I find it interesting that many of you know these songs.


100% Goapele Head!
willie said:
For instance, riding to work in the morning I blast my favorite songs I was along side a calvert cty school bus the window was raised and closed as I neared the bus and I no seriously doubt a black child did it, not impossible, but highly doubtful. It is culture difference, nothing more nothing less. I accept it, you should too. quote

So we should accept your rude culture? Your "culture" is so popular that many localities have instituted laws against that noise.

First of all my entire culture is not rude. And I never said anyone had to accept anything, stop making up stuff.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
LexiGirl75 said:
SamSpade made a lot of valid points, though I am not an idiot and dont try to spite white people with my music. I just like to party to music, nothing more nothing less and as I say I do not blast it when stopped around a lot of people.

Seems that most of you (and that's just this forum) believe that black people are making a mountain out of the programs we have set up. What no one has said is that without these programs we would be vying for the same scholarships as you to get into college and not for the funds that are in certain programs like UNCF and also we should not celebrate black history because its overwhelming.

Also, that wasnt right about the girl being mistreated in high school during black history month, that was some ignorant stuff they did.

I dont know what to say to you all. I mean I tried to let you see things from my pov but you all seem to be so way past tired that it won't make a difference. Who would have thought that UNCF and black history month would be running past it's intended course.
It is not that you are making a mountain out of your programs. I think the black people have been here long enough that they are accepted (at least in my mind). They just keep harping on the slavery issue and feel they need to be treated special because they are black. We are all AMERICANS and have to stop the black/white issue. The more the blacks push the issue, the more the white people get inflamed. I see your point. The white people need to be more informed about the black issues. I think it has been POUNDED into our heads. We are AMERICANS. All of us. Skin color, or special treatment for the color of your skin, needs to be a non-issue anymore. I roomed with a black guy once. I never saw his skin color. I only saw that he was a great person. Color never even crossed my mind. We split the rent and that was that. He never had a black/white issue and neither did I.


100% Goapele Head!
sinwagon said:
There are black dealership owners too who could very easily have these sales so why are you only singling out the white owners?

During the OJ trial it seemed acceptable to black people that OJ killed this White woman. Was Mark Furman an ass? Hell yeah but it does not change the fact that OJ murdered those 2 people. If it were a black woman he killed he would have been a low down dirty dog but since it was a white woman, he was innocent.

Anyway, my fingers are tired, I hope you are able to see my points :howdy:

Yes, I see all of your points. I don't think I could have gotten this kind of feedback any more positive than I have. I appreciate the way ALL of you state your views/opinions. It could be a lot worse.

Ok, before we get all bent out of shape. I did not point blame at white owners. Where are ya'll pulling this stuff from. I do however believe that the lawmakers (whatever race they may be) could give thought to this. Actually, I could care less about whether or not a sale is given on that day. I just stated that it wasn't. It's been something I have looked at for the past 5yrs.

Next, I will say none of you know me, don't know if you actually understand me but I am not the Jesse Jackson type of black person. I keep it real but I don't promote violence, division or racism. There are a lot of things I don't agree with, including the kicking off of racial violence from any race.

The LA riots and White Supremacy marches are all done in anger. It's not a logical act, so why would anyone think that we agree with that. But, I will say this, as with most family's if you mess with one of it's members you can expect that the rest are coming after you to. Or is that just black family's?

OJ, I shouldnt even have to comment on that but I will drop this thought. Don't always think it's black people who would let that fly. I do believe many white people (mostly men) do not like it when white women date black men, so when a white woman cries for help or is abused or kill, I think the sympathy level drops. OJ clearly has/had mental problems anyone who was rooting for him to be cleared truly also has mental problems.

As far as the college thing is concerned, It's not fair that white people arent qualified for them based on race. But again, minority reasoning is why that is. As far as WET is concerned, you dont need to call a channel WET most channels are predominantly white. There is nothing wrong with that. If a white person owns the network then he should cater to his folks. That's how I feel. As far as it being called Black ET I dont know Bob Johnson's reasoning for that but he is kind of cocky. But just to put it out there what could the channel be called that would indicate what type of shows would be on it. I mean MTV is Music, Food Network is Food, E! is Entertainment. I mean are we nit-picking just a little. I mean It could be called something else but what says black better than Black? It's not to say that it's against white tv or white people, it really is about black people for the most part and the music. What MTV and VH1 may not always play as well as the local channels.

I am just as tired but I will make it through this thread.


100% Goapele Head!
sinwagon said:
I'm going to make this one short. I forgot one thing...she stated that black people could not go to school, vote etc, well either could women! But we don't go around hating men for it, if that were the case we would all be big flaming lesbo's.

Oh and, I don't know anyone who can relate to Seinfield. A pack of people walking around all day with no jobs and the guy who the show is named after is the least funniest of them all!

Actually, there is a little bitterness towards the lack of equal rights between men and women. I mean if you are going to pay a man more money for doing the same thing can he at least be taking care of family instead of leaving one behind and ducking payments. I mean seriously.


100% Goapele Head!
morganj614 said:
Because shes the big white bwanna here?

I truly think you don't have much of a clue about alot of things.

I never said I could satisfy your need for info now did I... ooh look, a clue!


100% Goapele Head!
willie said:
I apologize that my comments about your "blasting" music being rude was probably a little rude in itself. I'll mild it a bit. Why is it that blacks of all ages have to crank it all the way up with total disregard to anyone around them? It happens gassing up at Wawa, in traffic and the parking lot at Walmart....anyplace. I see the teenage white kids (M&M wannabee's) in the ricers doing the same but they are far outnumbered by the blacks of all ages. When a guy in his 50's climbs out of his Escalade to gas up and leaves his doors open while that noise thump-thumps, what is he thinking? Does he care at all that he is very obviously offending the people around him? Last Thursday at the Solomons car wash was a family cleaning out their Excursion with music blaring. No more than 5' away was a sign...NO LOUD MUSIC. You seem to think this is OK....why?

I will always say to each their own. I can not explain other people. I will state that I am not that rude. However, at Cheseldine, while they were vacuuming my car out, the music was blasting really loud and when I started noticing the series of songs I realized that a CD I had in was playing and the volume was blaring to the point that I initially thought it was the car wash's radio. I think the real question is why do black people blast music that is potentially offensive to others. I guess we really are just a partying people. But I just believe white people are just a quieter people altogether. That is why more white tv shows can have more white babies in them. Those babies never make noise. But black people are partying straight out of the womb and it's not until a person becomes conscious of his surroundings and the affects he has on it that he can adjust to make things better. Like I said, I do my part. Is that why most white people look angry (like, "don't bother me") when they are driving?


100% Goapele Head!
vraiblonde said:
I have to agree. Go hang out in any store - grocery or otherwise. It's not the black people with their carts in the middle of the friggin' aisle, blocking everyone else. It's white folk. And you go like this: "Excuse me, can I get by real quick?" and they LOOK at you :mad: like YOU'RE the one being rude.

As far as the *thump* *thump* *thump* goes, I see that more with white kids, too. Scruffy looking ones who should probably consider spending their stereo money on some soap and water, or maybe a razor to clean up that mess they've got all over their chins.

There are a few select people from the forum that would be nice to meet. Vrai being one of them. Besides the fact that she can definitely hold her own, I just love how she is equal and fair about her likes and dislikes. Call it like you see it Vrai :yay: regardless of color, gender, religion, sexual origin etc.


100% Goapele Head!
Toxick said:
After having this happen to me several thousand times at Walmart - where the aisles are growing narrower even as we speak - I've given up on politeness.

And I've discovered that if you're somewhat pushy about getting people to move, you don't even ahve to worry about dirty looks. They usually won't even look at you at all.

Of course, there are some who will react aggressively - so pick your battles.

A few days ago, some ignorant woman at the gas station positioned her car so that noone could get by, and started walking into the store. I laid on the horn until she got back into the car and parked it as if there were other people in the world besides her. So she starting kvetching and smartassing her way into the store as I parked.

I met her in line and stood about 2 inches behind her and asked if she had anything she wanted to say to me.

Wouldn't even look in my general direction.

Apropos of nothing, this was a spoiled rotten white #####., driving her daddy's Boxster.

I know that's right, don't know if you are black but you sound like it, but we all need to stand up for ourselves more, beat a b#tch bloody if she make a false move. I don't condone violence but I will beat a b's arse over some dumb ish.


100% Goapele Head!
BuddyLee said:
I loved people until I worked in a grocery store for a year. I still love people and their many dynamics but I sure do hate that stupidity factor. People trying to smuggle crab meat in their pants among countless other items; some guy thought he was hitting the brakes but instead jammed the gas and ran over/smushed/destroyed three carts, two kiddie buggies, the cart return, and also managed to hit two other cars; guys stealing purses and then going into the adjacent parking lot where everyone can see him; just last week a boy throws up on the floor. The mother see's this and continues to shop. The boy walks away and throws up again, all the while my manager just looks at them in disbelief; how about the dingalings who come into a closed line. Here you have your light off, a thousand billboard 'closed' signs but yet people don't seem to notice; throwing a three cart full-load in the express lane when those with a mere three items wait for eternity to come and go; those who tell you you're wrong when you haven't been a cent off in years! (this is great when they do an audit in front of them and they find out they were at fault, I love this.); WIC checks.:burning:lol If you screw up one minute detail in a WIC check you must pay for that WIC check, nice; gotta love the people who get in line and exclaim "wait one minute (which is like 10) I forgot this item, license, wallet, money, ect."; also gotta love the people who leave tons of de-shop (these are the items that one leaves around various parts of the store or the cart-full of items that one decides they don't want at the last minute). There are countless others but I'll stop here...for now.:burning:lol

Oh it goes both ways, I don't like when price tags are off. I dont like my food being mishandled during scanning. If it doesnt scan the first two times dont beat my item up trying to get it to scan then catch an attitude when you have to type it in. Also, dont throw my food in the bag place it strategically.

And what is it with Michael's I know this is opening a whole can of worms but a few people working there act like they are not use to have no intentions of getting use to black people. I told my family do not ask me to go back in that store. I have done it three times for them and I will not go back in there. I mean it is so obvious. It's like a freaking spell is on that place. I am not picking on that store either. I seriously wish one of you could be black one day and go in there. Some clerks I have to get them to be comfortable with me such as when in Pier 1 but at least when they see the plastic or hear the intelligence or see how jazzy I really am they come around. NOT Michael's, I even thought maybe a black man owned it and sits up in the office watching on camera's to see if any of the clerks treat black people friendly because he told them not to. Yeah, I know that is out there and ignorantly might I say but you explain it. I do however like the old woman who knows about crafts. She is the bomb, I need to rescue her from there.


100% Goapele Head!
Pete said:
Buddy you are sounding like a mean old horrible republican. It is your obligation to clean up puke from some poor ill child, the mother can't interrupt her shopping for her kid, someone will clean it up, someone always cleans up their messes. Express lane? These people with 3 carts have to shop, and they deserve to be treated fairly! You cannot keep the binge shopper down with your oppressive rules! As far as de-shopping how elitist of you! These peoples time is valuable, they should not be bothered with taking that $18 twin pack of rib eyes allllllllll the way back to the meat department, you will find it in a few days stashed behind the paper towels and you can take care of it! Now how could you possibly be angry at the poor underprivledged guy who is forced to steal crabmeat just to survive. He is no doubt a victim and you scoff at him. It is YOUR job to SERVE them. They cannot be burdened with trivial stuff like common courtesy.

Buddy gone beat your arse, lol.


100% Goapele Head!
BS Gal said:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and probably be classified as a racist, which I am not, but why, when I go to Walmart, are there a lot of black people parked in the loading zone???? It is 90% black and makes it difficult to manuever around. What is that about, Lexi? I deleted my post about this last night, but I'm still curious. It's not just Walmart, either.

No labeling and the answer is laziness. My only thing about people parking there is that they are not loading. But I blame the store. One thing I get my mom and aunts for is that they always want me to do things for them they dont want to do, go get me lunch, stop by the store and get a gallon of water on your way here. I can not stand that. But when I do something for someone I do it gracefully. Those people who believe that the loading zone is a parking space are the people who really didnt want to bring that individual to the store, probably threatened them that they had 5 minutes in the store and obviously plans to get something out of the deal by having unofficial VIP parking. Since they started letting carts go into the parking lot I never load at the zone. My mom tries pulling that sometimes like exiting the store she stands at the cart like I am going to get the car lol. I don't think so.


100% Goapele Head!
BuddyLee said:
I think African American culture should be respected but not shoved down people's throats, dig it?

Go to bed BuddyLee. Well think about this, What if the American Indians had retaliated smarter. I wasnt there and no one here was so we dont know if they could or couldn't have. Also, to me it doesnt seem like they go after their dues like black people did in the 60's and 1800's. I think it took all of that shoving to get blacks and whites to agree this much. And we do shove it down our own throats a lot too. Bill Cosby, Rosa Parks, and a range of others do remind us that we need to be more respectful and appreciated for what has been achieved for us. Especially voting rights and going out to the polls which a lot of black people do not do. Maybe you have heard it enough but there are still people who haven't.


100% Goapele Head!
BS Gal said:
It is not that you are making a mountain out of your programs. I think the black people have been here long enough that they are accepted (at least in my mind). They just keep harping on the slavery issue and feel they need to be treated special because they are black. We are all AMERICANS and have to stop the black/white issue. The more the blacks push the issue, the more the white people get inflamed. I see your point. The white people need to be more informed about the black issues. I think it has been POUNDED into our heads. We are AMERICANS. All of us. Skin color, or special treatment for the color of your skin, needs to be a non-issue anymore. I roomed with a black guy once. I never saw his skin color. I only saw that he was a great person. Color never even crossed my mind. We split the rent and that was that. He never had a black/white issue and neither did I.

I wish it was that easy, but there is no light switch for this. I think that things are still so separated that it's impossible to steer away from it, the government distinguishes by race, the media does it, it's not just black people stating the difference only the impact of the difference and there is still an impact. Take credit for instance.