White People Should Be Exterminated?


professional daydreamer
morganj614 said:
She just wants National Pixie Day.

That's fine. Just don't give her a whole freakin' month. I don't know if I could stomach that many Pixie movies and documentaries at once. :barf:

Pixie Recognition Sale would be cool, though. :sarcasm:


elaine said:
That's fine. Just don't give her a whole freakin' month. I don't know if I could stomach that many Pixie movies and documentaries at once. :barf:

Pixie Recognition Sale would be cool, though. :sarcasm:
:lol: could you imagine the pixie recognition sale?? :lol:

30% off all candles

no wait! , 10% off all candles....

...ummm...we changed our minds

what do you think aobut 15% off candles and 10% off bedding?...

.......I don't care what you think.......thats the way it is....

5% off bedding and 10% off shoes


professional daydreamer
nomoney said:
:lol: could you imagine the pixie recognition sale?? :lol:

30% off all candles

no wait! , 10% off all candles....

...ummm...we changed our minds

what do you think aobut 15% off candles and 10% off bedding?...

.......I don't care what you think.......thats the way it is....

5% off bedding and 10% off shoes



Originally Posted by LexiGirl75
Oh where do I begin, gonna k.i.s.s., this one. Those organizations were created and are being maintained because once upon a time(being the key phrase) (read your history book) blacks were not allowed to go to school and not able to afford college, it's been a problem, didn't you know.

It's now easier for blacks in the same income category to get college assistance than whites.
And you can bet you azz on that. And it'd not just easier for blacks, any minority or low income family. If you're white and middle income, you can forget about any kind of tuition assistance. I just put my daughter through 4 years of college and didn't receive one ounce of help from the gov't or any other organization and I put in for everything. I made too much money they said. Of course they know that every bit of what I make goes to paying a mortgage, bills, raising another child, etc. And all this as a single parent. Ex wife took all the money and ran to her boyfriend. Took her daughters college money also. Don't tell me about affording college. I spent every last penny to get my daughter through and took out a loan on top of it. Told the daughter that she'll be paying off the loan after she graduates.


Cleopatra Jones
nomoney said:
:lol: could you imagine the pixie recognition sale?? :lol:

30% off all candles

no wait! , 10% off all candles....

...ummm...we changed our minds

what do you think aobut 15% off candles and 10% off bedding?...

.......I don't care what you think.......thats the way it is....

5% off bedding and 10% off shoes

I came to a funny realization last night. The tattoo on my ankle means "to change" I got it at the point in my life when I was turning into an adult, (no, not last week you smartasses!) getting a real job, moving out on my own, etc. Funny how it still fits but in a totally different way. :lol:


Well-Known Member
LexiGirl75 said:
Oh where do I begin, gonna k.i.s.s., this one. Those organizations were created and are being maintained because once upon a time (read your history book) blacks were not allowed to go to school and not able to afford college, it's been a problem, didn't you know.
Somehow, it doesn't appear to be a race problem any longer. In many instances, race is actually a benefit for admittance. This would TEND to suggest that these structures have outlived their usefulness - but I'm not holding my breath.

It's why I'm not crazy about affirmative action - there is no mechanism beyond public opinion that measures whether or not it's accomplished its mission - there's no objective means of seeing if it works. So can anyone say, after forty years, if it is still needed? You'd think, the whole point of it would be to reach a point where it's not needed - heck, if it hasn't worked at ALL after forty years, maybe it SHOULD be ended.

As far as BET, black tv was created so that we can watch what we can relate to, ABC, CBS, NBC barely plays television a black person could get into, so yes, we have ONE channel that caters to us. For instance, riding to work in the morning I blast my favorite songs I was along side a calvert cty school bus the window was raised and closed as I neared the bus and I no seriously doubt a black child did it, not impossible, but highly doubtful. It is culture difference, nothing more nothing less. I accept it, you should too. I mean do you watch BET or ABC/CBS/NBC more?
Well I don't watch the major networks that much at all; there are enough channels out there to cater to ANY interest of mine. You don't need to be white to want to watch a golf channel, anymore than you need to be a woman to watch Lifetime (although it probably *helps*). It's a matter of interest. I don't watch the Catholic channels (because Catholic or not, it doesn't interest me) but I do watch the Food channel (because it DOES). To my knowledge, there's no Italian/Irish/Polish/Jewish/WASP channel either, but God knows there might be.

As to the blasting your songs - that just makes you an idiot. In St. Mary's county, I'm MORE likely to be hearing some schmuck blasting country or metal in the next car, and I'm every bit as annoyed - it's a juvenile thing to do no matter who it is. And it's just as juvenile for a black person to do it to provoke whites as it is for a white kid to provoke - well - *anyone*.

Secondly, no one is blaming white people living today for slavery,
CORRECTION => *you* aren't. Lots of people are, and it's not just those seeking reparations. It's the whole premise of all you white folks were born to advantages we weren't, and so we're entitled to some compensation for it. Baloney. As the nation becomes more Asian and Hispanic - and as these groups prosper on their own without government assistance - this rationale is going to seem more what it really is - an excuse, and blameshifting.

Racism is taught,
If you believe that, racism can *never* be overcome. Because it's not true.

I don't hate dogs because I was taught to - I hate them because I got the crap bit out of me by dogs (for the record, that's an example - I don't actually hate them). People CAN hate because of what others say - but they're more likely to form their opinions based on a mixture of their experiences and reasoning. You are always affected by your biases - you cannot escape them. You can, however, overcome unjustified ones by education.

If you're alone at night in a parking lot, and you see a man coming towards you - you're not a racist if you're afraid and he happens to be black - it's called self-preservation, and it's not irrational. If you got burned in a painful divorce and you now hate all members of the opposite sex - that's understandable. This is how people deal with the realities in their life - they react to their experiences, and the little bit of info they have. It's not unusual for people who have never met an Asian to think they all know martial arts, are computer geniuses and are hard-working - that is the stereotype. It is NOT racism - it's how they've assimilated the available info.

To just make blanket statements that racism is taught is self-defeating, because you can NEVER overcome it if that's true, and you won't overcome the real cause, which is ignorance.

Anyway, somebody explain to me while there are no sales on Martin Luther King Day. Sheehy Ford, Hechts, Mattress Discounters, Marlo. None of them acknowledge his birthday.
It's probably for a different reason - it follows on the heels of the most consumer-draining season of the year - *and* it's still a fairly new holiday.

There are Memorial Day sales - because it's been celebrated since the end of the Civil War but also because it's at the end of the college semester, the unofficial beginning of summer. I really don't know of Veteran's Day sales - at one time called "Armistice Day" because it celebrates the end of WW1. Christmas and Easter are fairly self-explanatory, and President's Day (as many of us remember what USED to be Washington's AND Lincoln's birthdays celebrated separately in the same month) because it occurs at a time when stores are trying to clean up their inventories from Christmas, and car dealerships are trying to unload the last of their previous year cars (it's the weekend I prefer to shop for cars). Fourth of July sales tend to be just around picnics, cookouts etc. and Thanksgiving is the unofficial beginning of the Christmas buying season.

It's not 'racist' - it's just too new, and positioned poorly on the calendar. You don't really get a lot of Columbus Day sales either, and I don't hear Italians griping about that one.
pixiegirl said:
I came to a funny realization last night. The tattoo on my ankle means "to change" I got it at the point in my life when I was turning into an adult,
Don't kid yourself... you got that at the point in your life when you were about to get pregnated again and have a few more unexpected years of diaper changing ahead of you... how freaky is that...:shocked:


Cleopatra Jones
kwillia said:
Don't kid yourself... you got that at the point in your life when you were about to get pregnated again and have a few more unexpected years of diaper changing ahead of you... how freaky is that...:shocked:

:nono: Now what did I say about the smart comments. Keep it up and I won't send you the coupon book for National Pixie Appreciation Month! :mad:


Set Trippin
Terps said:
You should absolutely be able to roll up your window whether you are black or white for the mere sake that you don't appreciate the loud music. AND don't turn your blue grass or whatever music you want as loud as possible to drown out the other person. Thats immature and two wrongs don't make a right. Just roll up your window and move on.
If it is a nice day, I just turn mine up as well..Why should I have to roll my window up?
Oh, and the last time I checked, bluegrass music doesn't refer to women as #####es and hos and they don't say ***** eight hundred times per a 4 or 5 minute song...:yay:
If you have yours so loud that I can't hear mine sitting right in front of it, than maybe you should roll your windows up... You will be able to hear it better...:yay:


mainman said:
If it is a nice day, I just turn mine up as well..Why should I have to roll my window up?
Oh, and the last time I checked, bluegrass music doesn't refer to women as #####es and hos and they don't say ***** eight hundred times per a 4 or 5 minute song...:yay:
If you have yours so loud that I can't hear mine sitting right in front of it, than maybe you should roll your windows up... You will be able to hear it better...:yay:
I usually blare mine too on nice days of if its a good song, but as I come to a stop light or slow moving traffic I usually lower the volume a little because I don't want to be a rude ass.


Set Trippin
nomoney said:
I usually blare mine too on nice days of if its a good song, but as I come to a stop light or slow moving traffic I usually lower the volume a little because I don't want to be a rude ass.
I do as well, I just dont want to roll MY window up because the jerkoff next to me thinks everyone in the county wants to hear his ####...

BTW, you're white? :confused: You really do learn something new everyday...:yay:


Well-Known Member
For instance, riding to work in the morning I blast my favorite songs I was along side a calvert cty school bus the window was raised and closed as I neared the bus and I no seriously doubt a black child did it, not impossible, but highly doubtful. It is culture difference, nothing more nothing less. I accept it, you should too. quote

So we should accept your rude culture? Your "culture" is so popular that many localities have instituted laws against that noise.


New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
Oh where do I begin, gonna k.i.s.s., this one. Those organizations were created and are being maintained because once upon a time (read your history book) blacks were not allowed to go to school and not able to afford college, it's been a problem, didn't you know.

As far as BET, black tv was created so that we can watch what we can relate to, ABC, CBS, NBC barely plays television a black person could get into, so yes, we have ONE channel that caters to us. For instance, riding to work in the morning I blast my favorite songs I was along side a calvert cty school bus the window was raised and closed as I neared the bus and I no seriously doubt a black child did it, not impossible, but highly doubtful. It is culture difference, nothing more nothing less. I accept it, you should too. I mean do you watch BET or ABC/CBS/NBC more?

Secondly, no one is blaming white people living today for slavery, though there has been a time or two when I see co-workers 50+ and wonder what were their beliefs and their parents teachings during these times. Racism is taught, the little prussian girls, taught to be that way. As far as people wanting reparations and affirmative action, I dont agree with that personally. I have always enjoyed getting things based on my own merit and not my skin color. So don't think all black people feel that way either.

As far as Black History month, I see and probably most people, see American History as white people's history, as Vrai said about us not being happy living in the conditions of Africa, who is to say, we stayed here in America after slavery, black people are adjusters. but the fact that we were brought over against our will and stripped of our culture means we have to have something for ourselves, that is why we celebrate our history, and never forget it. If we forget it, then what. If we don't do what is necessary to look out for black people, who will, what will happen if we stopped? Black people did not make it a black white thing, white people did, maybe not you or your family, but they did, just like Arabs made it a terrorist thing. Try changing the blame game there.

Anyway, somebody explain to me while there are no sales on Martin Luther King Day. Sheehy Ford, Hechts, Mattress Discounters, Marlo. None of them acknowledge his birthday. Is it because blacks have enough already? I mean seriously, Protection is a necessity, keeps us from being pushed further down the pole, I mean nothing is equal in this country, and foreigners (yes I used that word) get more benefits that were sincerely unearned than a American born white or black person. Stuff is prepared for them, I mean what's next, you will speak about the Latino Celebrations, I mean blacks have always been looked down upon for lifting ourselves up, let the Chinese, Latino, Native Americans or the Jews from Germany do something, It's Awwwwwwwwwwww.... they were so misfortunate.

Oh by the way, I love reading the opinions of everyone on here, Glad that we can have an outlet and understand each other's side. Hopefully.

Forgive me since I am new to the boards or atleast new to frequent posting, I dont know how to pick the sections apart to comment on each one. So I will just go in order in response to what you wrote.

First I want to say, that I welcome your input and I hope this thread was in no way offensive to you and I appreciate you debating with us.

As far as the various television series that you mention, there are PLENTY of black television programs on tv. The Cosby show ran for years, they were labeled as a successful black family trying to raise 5 children, they were in no way showed as some surpessed black family trying to raise up, there were also various spin offs from that show, today there is still black programming and I enjoy quite a few of them. I do not care that there is a BET, however if we had a WET plenty of blacks would have issue with it. Why do you have to call it BLACK entertainment television? Why cant it just be entertainment television and feature black programming? I assure you, I watch some programs on there. I love all types of programs regardless of what race is staring in them, the same goes with music. I like anything from Kid Rock to Tupac, doesn't matter to me. But I do have issue with that stupid Idol girl singing those baby mama songs but thats a different issue.

Second, there are plenty that are blaming white people for slavery. You want to know who the biggest racists are? Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton all of them guys are the worst! Why don't they just say "Hey we represent equal rights as long as you are not WHITE!" Is racism taught? I believe so but I also teach my kids not to cuss doesn't mean when they get older and have a MIND of their own they are not going to do it. Its taught to a degree but a person who is able to think for themselves and have an open mind to other peoples differences can change the way they feel and think.

As for History being "White" I don't know what exactly was being taught in everyone elses history classes but I remember from Elementary school learning about history pretty much in order. We learned of the cave men, then the indians, then slavery, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, as well as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln. I remember listening in amazement as to how this one little woman Harriet Tubman was able to help free some of the slaves with the underground railroad and thinking how curageous and selfless she was. So I don't believe that history is all about white people.

As for there not being sales on MLK Day, well that may be because alot of us have to work. I know I do and I have to work Presidents Day, and Flag day and so on. I think the reason maybe there are no sales has to do with singling out an entire race. There are black dealership owners too who could very easily have these sales so why are you only singling out the white owners? When you have Memorial day, that is a celebration of all americans, Easter is a Christian/Catholic holiday and most of our country are of one of these religions same with Christmas, Thanksgiving is a holiday for us all, Labor day is for all. Not saying MLK Day is not for us all, because I think the things that he did were good for people as a whole. But if we were going to talk about things like that then Jews would want a Yom Kippor Sale etc., etc., etc.,

To be honest, this may sound pretty cold but I don't feel sorry for any other nation or race of people outside of this country. When I see children hurt, I feel bad, or I may say its a shame but please nobody take this the wrong way, when it comes to protecting this country and the people of this country regardless of color, I could care less if they all get knocked off the map! I am for right here, right now the USA and that is it. Did I send money to those Tsunami victims? HELL NO! Did they send anything to us when 9/11 happened? I'm only going to support causes that are right here in my own back yard and could give a rats ass about the rest of them!

As far as racism goes, I think it is equal. During the OJ trial it seemed acceptable to black people that OJ killed this White woman. Was Mark Furman an ass? Hell yeah but it does not change the fact that OJ murdered those 2 people. If it were a black woman he killed he would have been a low down dirty dog but since it was a white woman, he was innocent. What did the riots do? Why were white people targed during the LA riots after that police beating? It was ok for black people to take it out on ALL of the white people for something that a scattered few ignorant police did? What if I were to do that? What if I were to say "Well, that black person cut me off in traffic so now I am going to go against all black people" People need to wake up and think, the ignorance of one is not a reason to include an entire race in that ignorance. I believe that angels come in all forms and I would hate to be nasty to a class of people and then one day, God teach me a valuable lesson by me needing that person to save my life, or my childs life.

I am a bit resentful about college. We may a good living and we do not qualify for financial aid and when I log onto my sons school website what do I see? I see black scholoarships, Mexican scholarships nothing about scholarships that he would be able to apply for. People should get things because of need, not race, religion or creed. If you deserve an athletic scholarship, fine get it for your ATHLETICS not your color. If deserve an academic scholarship fine get it for your ACADEMIC performance not your race!

Anyway, my fingers are tired, I hope you are able to see my points :howdy: