I wanna be a SMIB
flarenuphope said:maybe... You said they might deliver? Does she have horns?
No. Supposedly the person they got her from burnt them down or something like that. Again, I know nothing of goats
flarenuphope said:maybe... You said they might deliver? Does she have horns?
flarenuphope said:also how tall is she? My mom is really interested in her.
I'm not kidding. I am having a scouting cookout on the 18th. Be cool to have a goat roasting on the campfire.baileydog said:KC Masterpiece
huntr1 said:I'm not kidding. I am having a scouting cookout on the 18th. Be cool to have a goat roasting on the campfire.
And I'm not?baileydog said:Thats just sick![]()
baileydog said:About 3 ft tall
dems4me said:Sounds like a pygmy goat. The pure breds are really small like that - about the size of a medium to large dog. In this area - I've learned that the bigger one's generally have Nubean (sp?) mixed in. If I were you I'd give it to the guy that posted eariler that has just one goat and horses. Goats tend to be flock animals like sheep. They don't like to be alone and that's why that guy that posted has one that is bonding with the horses I'd imagine. Him getting a second one would prevent this one from being alone and help his that is alone and with horses. Sounds like a perfect fit :shrug: Has this one been debudded? You might want to consider things like this on where you place the darling girl.In the meantime I'll ask River Rat, but I have a strong feeling her answer is "absolutely not" and look at me as if I've grown a third eye. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Good luck!
dems4me said:Sounds like a pygmy goat. The pure breds are really small like that - about the size of a medium to large dog. In this area - I've learned that the bigger one's generally have Nubean (sp?) mixed in. If I were you I'd give it to the guy that posted eariler that has just one goat and horses. Goats tend to be flock animals like sheep. They don't like to be alone and that's why that guy that posted has one that is bonding with the horses I'd imagine. Him getting a second one would prevent this one from being alone and help his that is alone and with horses. Sounds like a perfect fit :shrug: Has this one been debudded? You might want to consider things like this on where you place the darling girl.In the meantime I'll ask River Rat, but I have a strong feeling her answer is "absolutely not" and look at me as if I've grown a third eye. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Good luck!
Cowgirl said:I think it sounds like a larger breed. Pygmy goats and Nigerian dwarfs are usually way smaller than that. If she's pure white it sounds like Saanen or possibly a boer cross or some other cross.![]()
baileydog said:Thanks everyone, Ive got a few leads. And yes, the one with the male goat sounds good as she will have a playmate.
river rat said:She said it was three feet high.
That is bigger than are nubian
We can get her if you go to lowes on the way home and get fence post and then spend the weekend putting up new fence, once the fence is up you can go get her. K?
Ps. I will not be available to help you do this fence either.![]()
dems4me said:woaaahhhhh... is she fixed or him nuetured? They may end up as playmates that keep on giving![]()
dems4me said:I guess my spacial concepts are offI have a purebred pygmy I bought for several hundred dollars. She comes up to my thigh, I was thinking that was 4 foot
I like nubean dwarfs too
One of River Rat's goats are pygmy/nubuan mix. Very friendly and aloof. Don't know abuot goats all white, I havn't seen any locally - sounds pretty though.
Cowgirl said:Your purebred pygmy comes up to your thigh? Her head or her shoulders? Either way, that is tall.Are you a little person? They are supposed to be very small. Does are supposed to be 22" or shorter at the withers, and males should be 23" or less at shoulders. Check here. That's from the National Pygmy Goat Association website.
Dems, do you have a picture of your goat? I'd like to see what she looks like.
dems4me said:I don't have a picture here on this computer - River posted a pic of her somewhere on the animal forums, wasn't measuring from her shuolders... I was measure from the top of her head neck and all- if its at the shoulders than yea, she's abut 22 inches... I never measured her at shoulders or neck or head
- no I'm not a short person, I'm about 5'5 oar 5'6'.
"Dems, do you have a picture of your goat? I'd like to see what she looks like."
I really do have one :shrug: I'm not making it up :shrug: Also I've been to that website... LOVE the babies!!!!!![]()
Cowgirl said:There's a sign up in our post office for some babies for sale. They are adorable. You should get one.![]()