Late nights entertainment winding up nutbag fills in the gaps when I'm doing paperwork and ordering materials. Unlike a few here, it doesn't stir my loins.
Plus it fun to laugh about her while working the next day or so.
So with having a first wife that is a attorney, a second with a few degrees and the relationship that I've been in for better than 7 years is with a Attorney and all of them attractive and can take care of themselves and children if they have them is bull####?

It's not that difficult to meet educated women, maybe you should look outside of Quade's, Anderson's or Toots.
And I am just a High School grad, and a dumba$$ welder. That's the way most of the world looks at us.. Before that a Union Elevator Mechanic, pretty good gig for a High School grad. Would you get the wit and sarcasm that I post sometimes if I added

to some of my posts?