Why are you here?


Nothing to see here
Come on, Penn and Smalltown, I have to ride home with her...say trousers and be done with it!:razz2:


Dancing Up A Storm
You say potato, I say potahto . . .

Originally posted by SmallTown
And I haven't heard the term trousers since I use to watch the old re-runs of "Leave it to beaver"

:biggrin: Are you listening Catt? :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

"Leave it to Beaver"?!?! Even a guy from a SmallTown knows the term "mens slacks". Where did you say your hometown was, sweetie?

:neener: :neener: penn
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My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by otter
Come on, Penn and Smalltown, I have to ride home with her...say trousers and be done with it!:razz2:

NO! No, you don't. I, repeat, I have both sets of car keys and the car is downstairs in my parking garage. You, I should remind you, are across town. I'll check the Keller Bus schedule, honey, and get right back to you.:razz:

of course, this assumes I can get my phobic butt across one of the bridges in DC. :crazy:


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by otter
Come on, Penn and Smalltown, I have to ride home with her...say trousers and be done with it!:razz2:

In your dreams, mate! Did you hear her DIS my Giants shirt??


My Sweetest Boy
Re: You say potato, I say potahto . . .

Originally posted by penncam
:biggrin: Are you listening Catt? :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Oh did you say something Penn? I'm a mother, I have the ability to tune out things that bother me.:biggrin:


Thesarus.com trousers
Function: noun
Definition: leg clothing
Synonyms: Bermudas, baggies, bell bottoms, bells, bloomers, boxer shorts, breeches, briefs, britches, chaps, chinos, clam diggers, cords, corduroys, denims, drawers, dungarees, jeans, jodhpurs, knickers, longies, overalls, pantaloons, panties, pedal pushers, pegs, shorts, slacks, trousers, underpants



jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SeaRide

The term 'pants' came from the word 'pantaloons':

(from dictionary.com)

Word History: One would not expect a word for a modern article of clothing to come ultimately from the name of a 4th-century Roman Catholic saint, but that is the case with the word pants. It can be traced back to Pantaleon, the patron saint of Venice. He became so closely associated with the inhabitants of that city that the Venetians were popularly known as Pantaloni. Consequently, among the commedia dell'arte's stock characters the representative Venetian (a stereotypically wealthy but miserly merchant) was called Pantalone, or Pantalon in French. In the mid-17th century the French came to identify him with one particular style of trousers, a style which became known as pantaloons in English. Pantaloons was later applied to another style that came into fashion in the late 18th century, tight-fitting garments that had begun to replace knee breeches. After that pantaloons was used to refer to trousers in general. The abbreviation of pantaloons to pants met with some resistance at first; it was considered vulgar and, as Oliver Wendell Holmes put it, “a word not made for gentlemen, but ‘gents.’” First found in the writings of Edgar Allan Poe in 1840, pants has replaced the “gentleman's word” in English and has lost all obvious connection to Saint Pantaleon.

And now you know the rest of the story... :biggrin:


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by SeaRide
Thesarus.com trousers
Function: noun
Definition: leg clothing
Synonyms: boxer shorts, breeches, briefs, britches, chaps, chinos, clam diggers, cords, corduroys, denims, drawers, SLACKS and trousers.


:razz2: otter: What the heck are pantaloons?



Nothing to see here
Originally posted by penncam
:razz2: otter: What the heck are pantaloons?


Isn't that what you were wearing with that butt-ugly shirt a few weeks ago??:rolleyes:(sorry, had to pick a side, I don't feel like walking home tonight)...


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by otter
Isn't that what you were wearing with that butt-ugly shirt a few weeks ago??:rolleyes:(sorry, had to pick a side, I don't feel like walking home tonight)...

Smart boy! I'm leaving now.:smooch:


Football season!
makes sence why the spanish term for pants in pantelones (learned that from the SunTrust ATM machine) :biggrin:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Jodhpurs are...

long riding breeches, tight from the knee to ankle, named after the ancient city, Jodhpur in the state of Rajasthan in North India. Men in this state wear trousers akin to riding breeches, hence the name 'jodhpurs'.

Notice "Men...wear TROUSERS" - right, Catt?

SeaRide - Sorry you asked now, aren't you? :lol:


Dancing Up A Storm

Originally posted by Sharon
Ain't it the truth? :roflmao:

:razz2: Who asked you? Go tend to your Bear!

Oh, and thank you SeaRide for the timely info.

:wink: penn:biggrin:

You just know there are some women who'd like to wear the pants in the family!!
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aka Mrs. Giant
I joined the forum because it is for Southern Maryland. After all, how weird can people be if they live in Southern Maryland?! (Okay, don't answer that!) But, I lurked for a long time, glenning information about the area, places to go things to do stuff like that. Once I started posting, I felt like most people were my friends and I have enjoyed meeting my online friends in real time. That's not to say that there hasn't been a few weirdos and pervs who have approached me here, but the moderators were great when I complained. I felt comfortable enough to attend some group events, and am glad I did! Did I go to meet men and hook-up? No. I don't believe in fairy tales. :bawl: But I did hope to meet people who would and did turn out to be friends. Who else would help you plan to shoot and kill and destroy the remains of your stalker, unless it was good friends?! :biggrin: Does being in a forum encourage me to cheat? No. It does however give me an outlet to vent, cry and joke with other people when sometimes your not at the best place to explode (ie work). Forums and chat rooms can give you a connection with people that you might not have had otherwise. However, it does not make you predispossed to cheat and hook up or swing or anything. That stuff was already there in real life long before it made it online. JMO


New Member
my chadwicks catalog (womens clothing) calls them trousers.

i came to this board because someone (an mpd on this board) said i should check it out.


aka Mrs. Giant
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Yeah, I haven't put anyone back there in a while. I did however put Jet back on lock-down. He was getting a little out of hand. :biggrin:

:bawl: :bawl: I miss the Monkey!!!!!!!


I came to this board because I was looking to see if the Maryland Independent was online. Then, I started reading the post and enjoyed them so I stuck around. I have met some really great people from here and I think many of us are just looking to meet friends. It is tough once you are out of school to meet people. I could hang around those I work with or my husband’s family but I'd rather eat dirt and worms and the rest of my family lives in P.A. This board is a great source of information and I always know what is going on around Southern Maryland. I think it is great that people here get together. It is a diverse group that is for sure, but I love it!