Why are you here?



Re: Re: Re: Re: Penn's shirt

Originally posted by cattitude
you're getting really predictable.:hohum:


I had to post that since Jet isn't here to.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Kain99
You hear a lot about "stepping out" with people in chat rooms, message forms, etc for one simple reason.. Attention..
Lets face it, most of the people who surf the boards and chat rooms aren't exactly the "beautiful people" of the world.. By: Smalltown

Ahem! Speak for thyself! I am most certainly one of the "beautiful people" :wink:

Smalltown made this statement in the Stepping Out thread and it got me thinking?

Are Cheaters Drawn to Forums? Do Forums and Chat rooms breed Cheaters?

Cheaters being drawn to this particular forum? I'd have to say no way. It is after all a predominantly Conservative site (well until one of the resident liberals calls in the ACLU :wink: ) Forums or chat rooms that advertise as "married but flirting" or "married but looking", I'd have to say is the cheaters melting pot. :yikes:

Why are we all here?

I've been here since 1997, when I first came across Dee Jay's "Fire Away" Columns. The forums were pretty much geered towards political discussion back then.


After sifting through all of the fashion advice and Sports junkie banter I guess it seems the question is settled.

No one here, is looking for a little on the side. The forums were hijacked yesterday by those freaks from the Married but looking chat rooms. :rolleyes:


Nothing to see here
Re: Re: Why are you here?

Originally posted by Christy
I've been here since 1997, when I first came across Dee Jay's "Fire Away" Columns. The forums were pretty much geered towards political discussion back then.

:yeahthat: Tho probably 98 or 99, besides Christy, Frank, Ken, Larry, Vrai, there were 4 or 5 others that wrote very well.. Alot has changed here, not all for the better..

John Z

if you will
I participate "regularly" in three different forums on the internet. I have never flirted with anybody in a forum (I'm happily married), but I do enjoy communicating with other people. I like this forum because it gives me a chance to find out about local stuff, like restaurants, what is going on in the area, etc. Most of the back-and-forth stuff between the people who actually know one another (which seems to be a majority of the members here) I just breeze by.

It is always fun to stop in a few times a day to see what people are posting about. Often you folks provide good info as well as some good laughs! Huzzah to you all! :cheers:


b*tch rocket
Re: Re: Re: Why are you here?

Originally posted by otter
:yeahthat: Tho probably 98 or 99, besides Christy, Frank, Ken, Larry, Vrai, there were 4 or 5 others that wrote very well.. Alot has changed here, not all for the better..

Yeah! And it's all Ken Kings fault! It all went downhill after the Ferral Cat thread! :lmao:

Seriously though, things have changed quite a bit. Not sure if I can say for better or for worse, it's just different. Some things are better and some are worse. (How's that for a totally PC answer! :lmao: )

I wonder what ever happened to Major Malfunction? If you're posting under another name Major, pipe up and let us know!


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Kain99
After sifting through all of the fashion advice and Sports junkie banter I guess it seems the question is settled.

No one here, is looking for a little on the side. The forums were hijacked yesterday by those freaks from the Married but looking chat rooms. :rolleyes:

Actually Kain, there have been a few somd online romances since I've been on here. Even one wedding that I know about for certain. But I think they were all on the up and up, no "stepping out" stuff.

I do wonder what has happened with Jamie and his WV girlie (can't remember her forum name, it's right on the tip of my tongue, help me out Yakky!)


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by Christy
Actually Kain, there have been a few somd online romances since I've been on here. Even one wedding that I know about for certain. But I think they were all on the up and up, no "stepping out" stuff.

I do wonder what has happened with Jamie and his WV girlie (can't remember her forum name, it's right on the tip of my tongue, help me out Yakky!)

Yakky is smoking crack today! It was Sprout and Romance!


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Yakky is smoking crack today! It was Sprout and Romance!

That's it! SgtSprout and Romance! My oh my! The drama! I wonder if they still check in on the forums.


Teacher charged with sexual assault: Howard County police have arrested a Baltimore County high school teacher and charged him with engaging in a videotaped sex act with a 13-year-old girl he met through an Internet chat room.

Police said Charles Levi Maxwell, 33, of Timonium, Md., a teacher at Dundalk High School, picked up the girl near her home New Year's Day and drove her to a church parking lot, where police say he engaged in a sex act with her that was taped by a video camera mounted on the car's dashboard.

After the girl and her parents reported the incident to authorities, detectives helped arrange another meeting via the Internet, police said. Maxwell showed up Tuesday, police said, and was arrested.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by otter
Alot has changed here, not all for the better..
Considering the "forum format" two boards ago, it has gotten better. As for the bad, well you know as well as I do. :wink: :cheers:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I have likes and dislikes about these forums getting so much bigger. I do like it that we're attracting a larger audience, not just Southern Marylanders but people from all over. But I hate it when people like the DU infiltrate and cause a problem. But then again, that's how we got Maynard and I enjoy sparring with him.

I think most of us "oldtimers" can agree on what's gotten worse, just judging from my email. :wink: And like Sharon, I never realized how much that old board stunk until I came across it in an archive not too long ago. Man! That seems like a million years ago!


I remember using BBS after Atari - Commodore - Tandy computer came out back in the 80's. I start working for the gov't doing LAN installation using IBM token ring type using coaxial cables, oh man that was long time ago. I remember linux and mosaic way before netscape first came out.

Speak of forums, I have seen all kinds of "cyber bulletin board/cyber cafe/ cyber meeting room". I remember being addicted using mIRC along with BOTs.

This forum is probably the cleaniest neatest one compare to the others that I 've seen.


Dancing Up A Storm
I get a kick out of you.......

Originally posted by cattitude
Oh for crap sake Penn, men wear trousers...women wear slacks. Geeezz! My dad drilled that into me at a very early age.

:biggrin: I just love it when Catt says "Oh, for craps sake"! Well, you know, if I say "slacks", I'm not gonna be a father figure to ya!
BTW, if you go shopping in a Mens Store, you're liable to see a section that says "Mens Slacks" not "Mens Pants". I don't mean to dis your father, but I think I'm correct.

luv ya!:biggrin: penn


My Sweetest Boy
Re: I get a kick out of you.......

Originally posted by penncam
:biggrin: BTW, if you go shopping in a Mens Store, you're liable to see a section that says "Mens Slacks" not "Mens Pants". I don't mean to dis your father, but I think I'm correct.

luv ya!:biggrin: penn

TROUSERS Penn...not pants either. My dad is a loveable jarhead, leatherneck or whatever but I love him just the same.


Football season!
For the first time in his life, Penn is right..


Not that this the gold standard, but I have also seen the term elsewhere.. But normally with just dress pants.. I haven't seen a Dockers commercial where they say "Nice Slacks"