Why do Atheists celebrate Christmas?


The holiday is called Christmas, derived from Christ Mass. Named for observing the birth of Christ. Who wants the name changed and why?


Well-Known Member
He is a Saint, and the day was a Religious Holiday celebrating (wonder why it falls during lent?). Its become something else.

It STILL is a religious holiday in Ireland, and few things Americans do p!ss them off more than what WE make of THEIR holiday. It would be as though they celebrate the 4th of July doing a big circle jerk while wearing tri-cornered hats and playing Yankee Doodle while peeing on the flag. They find what we do a bit offensive. Green Chicago River my ass.

Christians can STILL choose to make Christmas a religious feast day if they want. But the cat's out of the bag - there's too much non-religious tradition associated with it for it to ever revert. Heck, about half our "Christmas" carols on the radio don't even hint at Christmas at all, like Jingle Bells.

I don't get into the "we did it first" kind of stuff. You could just as easily say we "stole" the fireworks tradition for the 4th from Chinese New Year, or the raising of the flag from some ancient worship. When you *create* a holiday, you get to make the rules.

I happen to like Talk Like a Pirate Day, but I'll be doggoned if someone's gonna say "oh THEY stole all that from..". Who cares? It's my friggin' holiday. If you celebrate it by doin' a circle jerk while dressed like a pirate, have at it. But it ain't my holiday.

The BIG thing about holidays to me is - almost every single one of them is the commemoration of an actual *event*, even if the precise date of the event is unclear. Somehow, I'm doubtful that Hannukah's timing is very precise. Believe it or not, neither is the 4th's - the DOCUMENT says the 4th, but it didn't "happen" on the 4th. It was voted on two days earlier, and signed a month later - and it wasn't even WRITTEN until two weeks afterwards. John Adams declared that the 2nd of July would be our national holiday. What did HE know. Holidays celebrate, largely, events. Birthdays. Discoveries. The end of a war. Yeah, we got stuff like "Labor Day" which doesn't really mean anything anymore. We have Memorial Day, which is supposed to commemorate the end of the Civil War, but the date is off and well - it's just one of those things.


Well-Known Member
You started out arguing your opinion that Christmas is a religious holiday to celebrate the birth of Christ. You said you think it's disrespectful for atheists to celebrate Christmas because they don't believe in God, and it's a religious holiday so you don't know why they'd do that.

THEN, you post this, to try to make it seem like it's been your point all along:
See, those are the same thing.... That's why I put "as it's currently celebrated".

Christmas actually is a religious event. With people continually diluting the meaning of it, celebrating it as a non-religous event, it becomes less and less religious in nature - removing the religion from the event. So, "as it's currently celebrated" was the key line there to demonstrate that my point all along has been that Christmas is a religious event, but it's not being celebrated that way.



Well-Known Member
Yep, the barinwashing is complete.. the blinders are on.

Release them to the public..

Though you are right. Both are nothing more than stories.. like Hansel and Gretel..
How is that brainwashing, or blind?

That you believe in the Bible as much as Hansel and Gretel is really not the point of the question, it's whether one story existing is proof that a similar story inspired it.


In My Opinion
That's the second time you've tried to tell me what I think.

dont you hate when people take a comment and turn it into a full fledge 8000 page report on your psychological make up, when in reality they dont really have the first f-ing clue who you are or what you think?
Well, if God has a problem with us celebrating his son's birth without believing in his divinity, he can smite us.

For the record, I do believe Jesus was a living human being, and religious teacher. I just don't believe he is the Son of God or was born of a virgin.

Speak for yourself, woman! I don't want to be smoted!:lol:

I agree with the other part, though.




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Well-Known Member
Catholics arent religous?
So a non-Religous Catholic Feast day, that isnt a Religous event has become a secular event.
Did you read my sentence UNDER the Wiki quote?
When the Christians before you made it into a National Holiday, they FORCED by making it a Holiday, all others to recognize it. Pretty simple concept actually.

There is the cause of your dillution.
So, I have to recognize Lee-Jackson Day?

Of course not. Recognizing it's existence is not the same, in any way, as celebrating a holiday in which the person has no underlying belief.


Well-Known Member
Do you mean the one where you admitted it was a Religious event (Catholic feast day)
If your key word there is WAS, and you recognize that by having it celebrated by non-religious people in non-religious ways the current state of St. Patrick's Day is nothing close to a religious ceremony, thus proving my point, yes.
I'm sorry is Lee-Jackson day a National Holiday? Could you find a more obscure holiday to make your non-point
Okay, do I have to celebrate the accomplishments of our Armed Service members on Memorial Day? By making it a day off, did all Americans become enticed to celebrate our fallen heros?

So what do you think happens when you make it a National Holiday, thereby effecting everyone ?
Well, when 90% of the people were Christians celebrating, I think it made sense to shut down schools and businesses that could shut down. Much earlier in this thread, someone noted that a lot of Jews make it Chinese-food night (Christmas Eve) followed by movie day (Christmas day). In other words, it didn't entice people with actual beliefs in something to adopt the religious aspects of the day and start "celebrating Christmas". They celebrate having a day off, and spending time with their families.

What do you think happens when the secular begins to obscure the religious?


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
And like I said before.. I wish those damn atheist would stop knocking on my door and disturbing my dinner time..

Getting rid of your fru fru doggy and getting a man's dog might help. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Theres that whole context thing coming back at you again. You, This_Person, posited that St Patricks day was not a Religious event. You then insisted on proving it wasnt a religious event by giving the history of how the (Non-Religious) Catholics created the event to honor and celebrate a (Non-Religious) Catholic Saint.
No, I asked what it had to do with a religious event - because today it is no longer.

I then insisted on proving it began as a religious event, and today it is no longer.
No, but thanks for making the point. While some may remember, not celebrate (slip of the tongue?), the courage and honor of our Fallen Heros, for a large portion it is another day off.
Celebrate the accomplishments of (I didn't think I needed to say that part twice, I thought once would suffice to get the meaning across).
By taking what should be a private event, Honoring Christs Birth, and making it a Public National Holiday you also have to take that Some will honor the theme of the Event and for others the Event is secondary.

Once again, the reason the Christmas holiday is dilluted, is directly related to the above. By making it a National Holiday, that does effect everyone (not just Christians) you then have to also accept that Not everyone will follow it in the same vein. Dont like it? take it up with those who created the Holiday.
So, you agree that making it a national holiday does not require non-Christians to celebrate it (thus diluting it), but say that somehow that demonstrates that making it a national holiday diluted it? :confused: A=/=B, B=C, => A=B does not work.
Some Jews do this, gee you think it would have anything to do with the differences between the Jewish and Christian faith? Hello they feel your a bunch of False Messiah following heretics, why would they celebrate Christmas?
What do you do when you get Yom Kippur off? oh thats right its not a National Holiday, so you, as a Christian, arent forced to recognize it. Unlike Jews. (Do you even think when you post?)
Yes, I do. You should follow suit.

My point here was that they don't feel the need to celebrate it just because it's a national holiday. Therefore, they do absolutely nothing to dilute it. They think Christians are wrong. In that respect, they're very much like the atheist. So, THEY don't feel the need to celebrate Christmas just because it's a national holiday, why do atheists? (you really should try and comprehend what you're saying before posting)

You cant see it, because your too close. Its not an attack on Christianity. Its an embrace of all Beliefs.
I didn't say it was an attack. I said it was disrespectful. However, how do YOU embrace Christianity by celebrating Christmas? WHY do you embrace that which you consistently ridicule?