Why do Atheists celebrate Christmas?


Well-Known Member
It's not about the religious event. He's comparing that to non Irish people celebrating an Irish holiday. The same with Cinco de Mayo. Many people celebrate it just because they can and it's fun. :smile:
I agree many people find any reason to drink whoop it up.

That's pretty different though, don't you think?


Well-Known Member
So, you celebrate Jesus's birth as the only begotten son of God, who died for your sins and was raised again to sit at the right hand of God?

Or, just some good political activist like MLK?

I don't celebrate Christmas for Jesus's birth.


Well-Known Member
If you think I'm mocking your beliefs, that's your problem. I'm not gonna' stop doing something I've done all my life just to make your miserable little life happier.
Why do you think my life is miserable? :confused:

I don't think the OP was asking you to stop, and I'm not asking you to stop. You have the right to be as disrespectful to other people as you choose - that's certainly your choice and a right you've decided to hold on to tightly. :lol: I think the OP was just frustrated non-religious people choose to belittle Christians by claiming to celebrate something they're not really celebrating.


Well-Known Member
I don't celebrate Christmas for Jesus's birth.
You don't celebrate religious holiday designated for celebrating the birth of Christ for Christ's birth?

That was the point of the OP, I believe.... To point out that's kind of disingenuous


professional daydreamer
Why do you think my life is miserable? :confused:

I don't think the OP was asking you to stop, and I'm not asking you to stop. You have the right to be as disrespectful to other people as you choose - that's certainly your choice and a right you've decided to hold on to tightly. :lol: I think the OP was just frustrated non-religious people choose to belittle Christians by claiming to celebrate something they're not really celebrating.

Kinda' like christians celebrating pagan gods/traditions and calling it christmas. That shows great respect for your god.


I agree many people find any reason to drink whoop it up.

That's pretty different though, don't you think?

Saint Patricks Day does have some religious background also I'm not Irish. I don't celebrate Halloween because I think its weird. Halloween is what the holy day of all saints?


Well-Known Member
Why do you think my life is miserable? :confused:

I don't think the OP was asking you to stop, and I'm not asking you to stop. You have the right to be as disrespectful to other people as you choose - that's certainly your choice and a right you've decided to hold on to tightly. :lol: I think the OP was just frustrated non-religious people choose to belittle Christians by claiming to celebrate something they're not really celebrating.

:roflmao: You are too funny! How is she being disrespectful by decorating her home? She thinks angels are pretty. That's disrespectful?

You don't celebrate religious holiday designated for celebrating the birth of Christ for Christ's birth?

That was the point of the OP, I believe.... To point out that's kind of disingenuous

Nope, I don't celebrate Christmas for religious reason. I celebrate it for other reasons. I'm so glad we came to America for religious freedom! :yahoo:


Well-Known Member
No, they're celebrating because they want to. What's so different about that?
To religous people, religious holidays have deeper meaning than green beer and "Kiss me, I'm Irish", or "drink Corona, another country won their indepence from yet another country"

Religious people put their diety above such trivial things. That's why I suggest when people celebrate Christmas when they don't believe in Jesus as a saviour they are belittling, trivializing, mocking Christianity.

Now, I'm not Islamic, and I won't suggesting killing anyone who insults Christianity the way a small portion of Muslims suggest killing anyone who insults Islam. But, it's still insulting, disrespectful behavior nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
Kinda' like christians celebrating pagan gods/traditions and calling it christmas. That shows great respect for your god.
Christians don't celebrate pagan gods, but it's clear that some traditions were adopted in a spririt of inclusion.


professional daydreamer
Christians don't celebrate pagan gods, but it's clear that some traditions were adopted in a spririt of inclusion.

:lmao: Whatever. I'm tired of having a discussion with someone who is so filled with hatred toward people who are different.


So, is it me, or do the christians have a bigger problem with this than the athiests do? :roflmao: I don't see what the big deal is. People want to change the name, they flip out. People don't want to change the name, they still flip out. Go figure.

Once again Cow, you aren't paying attention. It's about the general effort (particularly by atheists) to remove God from the public. From the pledge, from our schools, they protest th Christmas being put on signs in WalMart for crying out loud. Changing the name of Christmas is only a small part of the battle Christians are facing in having our faith all but banished from this country that was founded on Christian prinicples.


Well-Known Member
To religous people, religious holidays have deeper meaning than green beer and "Kiss me, I'm Irish", or "drink Corona, another country won their indepence from yet another country"

Religious people put their diety above such trivial things. That's why I suggest when people celebrate Christmas when they don't believe in Jesus as a saviour they are belittling, trivializing, mocking Christianity.

Now, I'm not Islamic, and I won't suggesting killing anyone who insults Christianity the way a small portion of Muslims suggest killing anyone who insults Islam. But, it's still insulting, disrespectful behavior nonetheless.

Yes, because all christians are morally superior to everyone else. :lmao: :killingme

The point is not how people celebrate holidays, it's that they can celebrate them. You're comparing killing people over religion to putting up a tree with angels? :rolleyes: C'mon...


Well-Known Member
:roflmao: You are too funny! How is she being disrespectful by decorating her home? She thinks angels are pretty. That's disrespectful?
No, thinking angels are pretty is not disrespectful.

Decorating one's home is not disrepectful.

Celebrating, with parties designated as CHRISTmas parties, with decorations designated as CHRISTmas/Christian symbols, etc., a religious holiday when one does not have any belief (in fact, they routinely belittle people who DO have the belief) in that religion is disrespectful.
Nope, I don't celebrate Christmas for religious reason. I celebrate it for other reasons. I'm so glad we came to America for religious freedom! :yahoo:
And, those freedoms are indeed great! :patriot:


I bowl overhand
Christians don't celebrate pagan gods, but it's clear that some traditions were adopted in a spririt of inclusion.

Inclusion?? Are you serious?

Christians were NOT inclusive.

Unless you consider burning heretics and non-believers at the stake so they could join you in heaven inclusive.

When you look back at history and the advent (good word choice if i do say so myself) of Christmas, inclusiveness was the last thing on any Christians mind. They were battling for the hearts and souls of the pagans, and any and all non-believers, EVEN if it meant killing all of them to convince them of the error of their ways.

Yes, Chrstianity is the religion of Peace.. or pieces, as those that were quartered or ripped apart on the rack would be after the fact.


Well-Known Member
Once again Cow,

I'm sure you aren't trying to be insulting, because that's not a christian thing to do. You can call me CG. :smile:

you aren't paying attention. It's about the general effort (particularly by atheists) to remove God from the public. From the pledge, from our schools, they protest th Christmas being put on signs in WalMart for crying out loud. Changing the name of Christmas is only a small part of the battle Christians are facing in having our faith all but banished from this country that was founded on Christian prinicples.

No, YOU aren't paying attention. This thread is asking why athiests celebrate Christmas. You are the one talking about changing names.


Well-Known Member
Yes, because all christians are morally superior to everyone else. :lmao: :killingme
I don't know who suggested that to you, but they are wrong, and this false claim has really no bearing on the subject
The point is not how people celebrate holidays, it's that they can celebrate them. You're comparing killing people over religion to putting up a tree with angels? :rolleyes: C'mon...
I'm not comparing any such things!

I agree, you can. No one that I've read disputes that. :buddies:


Well-Known Member
No, thinking angels are pretty is not disrespectful.

Decorating one's home is not disrepectful.

Celebrating, with parties designated as CHRISTmas parties, with decorations designated as CHRISTmas/Christian symbols, etc., a religious holiday when one does not have any belief (in fact, they routinely belittle people who DO have the belief) in that religion is disrespectful.

Christians are always the victims, aren't they? :poorbaby: Christians constantly try to spread their ideals, hand out pamplets, do missionary work. It's ok. But as soon as someone with different beliefs tries to say anything, it's belittling? Nice double standard you got there.

And, those freedoms are indeed great! :patriot:

But only if you agree with it, right?


professional daydreamer
Christians are always the victims, aren't they? :poorbaby: Christians constantly try to spread their ideals, hand out pamplets, do missionary work. It's ok. But as soon as someone with different beliefs tries to say anything, it's belittling? Nice double standard you got there.

:clap: It's the christian way. :yay: