Why do women change after marrage?


New Member
We dated for 2 years and everything was fine. We married and around 5 or 6 months later she has developed a case of the 'I can't just talk to you, I want to harp on you' and 'Why do you still have to...' :jameo:

I liked it just the way we had things.

I don't go out bar hopping, I don't chase other women, I still let her know I love her and appreciate the things she does for me... that kind of stuff.

Kindness does not mean weakness; I don't take her crap though.

What is wrong with the female species? This does not indicate all women... just most!


I am so very blessed
Preceptor1 said:
We dated for 2 years and everything was fine. We married and around 5 or 6 months later she has developed a case of the 'I can't just talk to you, I want to harp on you' and 'Why do you still have to...' :jameo:

I liked it just the way we had things.

I don't go out bar hopping, I don't chase other women, I still let her know I love her and appreciate the things she does for me... that kind of stuff.

Kindness does not mean weakness; I don't take her crap though.

What is wrong with the female species? This does not indicate all women... just most!
This has nothing to do with her and everything to do with YOU. You chose the wrong person to marry. As far as the "most" women comment - same logic goes in to play - the men (or women) selected the wrong person to marry. Take personal accountability, dude.


Men find a woman they love and hope she never changes and she does.......women find a man she feels she can make into the man of her dreams and he doesn't change.


New Member
Maya Angelou
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Preceptor1 said:
We dated for 2 years and everything was fine. We married and around 5 or 6 months later she has developed a case of the 'I can't just talk to you, I want to harp on you' and 'Why do you still have to...'
Maybe SHE didn't change - maybe YOU changed.



weren't you that guy that everyone thought was wierd back in the day? Or am I thinking of someone else?
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curiouser and curiouser
Preceptor1 said:
Nope, I haven't changed... she does admit; however, she has and won't say why.
"Won't say", or doesn't know, or has no explanation? People change, and I doubt you've remained the same person over the span of three years. But like BG said, you're the one that married her. :shrug:


Preceptor1 said:
Nope, I haven't changed... she does admit; however, she has and won't say why.

Because you're the same peckerhead she married and her tactics aren't working.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Preceptor1 said:
We dated for 2 years and everything was fine. We married and around 5 or 6 months later she has developed a case of the 'I can't just talk to you, I want to harp on you' and 'Why do you still have to...' :jameo:

I liked it just the way we had things.

I don't go out bar hopping, I don't chase other women, I still let her know I love her and appreciate the things she does for me... that kind of stuff.

Kindness does not mean weakness; I don't take her crap though.

What is wrong with the female species? This does not indicate all women... just most!

Maybe because you're a whiner? :buttkick:


New Member
nomoney said:
weren't you that guy that everyone that was wierd back in the day? Or am I thinking of someone else?

I have no idea what you thought of me but I did enjoy the conversations and meeting a few of you at the Tiki Bar. You all were very nice and fun to be around.

hehehehe... although I do admit, I have a geeky side sometimes. :lmao: