Why do women change after marrage?


b*tch rocket
vraiblonde said:
This was before there was a forum. Actually, the Fire Away columns are what started this forum because we wanted to provide an opportunity for people to Fire Back.

I just bookmarked the Fire Away Index. :yay: What is scary is that I can remember where I was at and what was going on in my life for each and every one of those "Fire Away" Columns. :lmao:


Nothing to see here
Christy said:
I just bookmarked the Fire Away Index. :yay: What is scary is that I can remember where I was at and what was going on in my life for each and every one of those "Fire Away" Columns. :lmao:


BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I REALLY hate the "what's for dinner" question. It's like I'm suddenly the mom and have to make a plan. I work, also. Far as I'm concerned, bologna and cheese sandwiches with fritos smashed in the middle would make me happy. With just mayo. That's my rant. I'm done.


BS Gal said:
I REALLY hate the "what's for dinner" question. It's like I'm suddenly the mom and have to make a plan. I work, also. Far as I'm concerned, bologna and cheese sandwiches with fritos smashed in the middle would make me happy. With just mayo. That's my rant. I'm done.
My partner calls his wife every night and asks... "What are you making for Dinner?" Kills me! She's a stay at home Mommy so I'm guessing he's justified! :lol:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Kain99 said:
My partner calls his wife every night and asks... "What are you making for Dinner?" Kills me! She's a stay at home Mommy so I'm guessing he's justified! :lol:
I make enough on the weekends to feed us all week, but, damn, I hate leftovers. I want a fresh meal every night. Guess I should cut back on the weekend cooking. He does grill, though, which I love. I'd have bbq'd something every night if it was an option.


professional daydreamer
Kain99 said:
My partner calls his wife every night and asks... "What are you making for Dinner?" Kills me! She's a stay at home Mommy so I'm guessing he's justified! :lol:

I'm wondering...what is it about this question? Why do people ask? Has he ever said he doesn't like what's for dinner and suggested eating out instead? Of all the times I've been asked that question, it has never changed the outcome. :shrug:


24/7 Single Dad
jazz lady said:
:clap: Very, very true and something I understand only too well. Life is much too short to just be a spectactor. Go out and LIVE. It's a beautiful world out there full of possibilities and amazing discoveries. :yay:
I should put something like that in my sig :lol:


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
BS Gal said:
I REALLY hate the "what's for dinner" question. It's like I'm suddenly the mom and have to make a plan. I work, also. Far as I'm concerned, bologna and cheese sandwiches with fritos smashed in the middle would make me happy. With just mayo. That's my rant. I'm done.

Well, being a stay at home Dad, I occasionally hear that question or "Is dinner made??" So, understand that there is a man out there who understands the position you are taking on this. This is my take...

I am at home all day. Certain house chores are my responsibility seeing that I am home all day and housekeeping is my full time job (aside from going to school full time and parenting full time) - too bad all that dosent pay though. Making "supper" should not be expected but it is hard not to expect it when the spouse is home all day. Being a home maker is not a bad thing ...if some one dosent do the house work - who will?? Will it be the bread winner who comes in late in the day every week and just wants to unwind and chill in front if the tube and have a nice warm meal? I dont think so.

On the other side of the coin, the homemaker gets burned out from doing the cleaning-up after themselves and everyone else - muchless cooking a meal on top of that. This is where I think that the bread winner should come into the picture. Instead of asking "whats for dinner/supper?" - ask "Do you have any plans for supper tonight?" If the answer is "Well, I was going to make..." then great... Other wise...the bread winner should be pithching in with "Well, let me take care of the cooking tonight" OR "Lets go out somewhere."

Bottom line, I think that taking care of the home and cooking for the home is a shared responsibility. The cooking should not be an expected task for the homemaker but frequently is assumed to be seeing how the homemaker cooks most of the time anyways.

Compromise and Communication.... thats the key to fixing the whole thing....I think....but we're only human....and to err....


b*tch rocket
elaine said:
I'm wondering...what is it about this question? Why do people ask? Has he ever said he doesn't like what's for dinner and suggested eating out instead? Of all the times I've been asked that question, it has never changed the outcome. :shrug:

I always ask (every single day :lol: ) "What do you want for dinner". I guess it's just always been my choice to cook dinner 90% of the time. :shrug: If I don't feel like cooking I don't. I used to do the grilling as well, but Steve has taken over as grill master. I do most of the prep work and he grills. I've never understood why who cooks what, and when, is a big issue. :shrug: