Why do women change after marrage?


T.O.-less and happy!
Preceptor1 said:
We dated for 2 years and everything was fine. We married and around 5 or 6 months later she has developed a case of the 'I can't just talk to you, I want to harp on you' and 'Why do you still have to...' :jameo:

I liked it just the way we had things.

I don't go out bar hopping, I don't chase other women, I still let her know I love her and appreciate the things she does for me... that kind of stuff.

Kindness does not mean weakness; I don't take her crap though.

What is wrong with the female species? This does not indicate all women... just most!
OK this is how you solve your problems:

I'm Sorry that I'm a dick, please forgive me.
I am sorry I am an insensitive bastard, please forgive me.
please take my testicles until I can be the man you want me to be!

come on man get with the program. Your married now, didn't she tell you how thing would be after the wedding. I really think you should have paid attention.:lmao:


vraiblonde said:
Stereotypes are propagated for a reason, they don't just appear out of thin air. :love:

If that's the case then men must run off with their secretaries - not because they, in their ignorance, do not appreciate their good-hearted, mentally-stimulating, strong and sexy wives at home - but rather because those wives have become face-putty-smearing, curler-wearing, nagging, robe-up-to-the-chin, clammoring harridans that refuse to make with the humms.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
because those wives have become face-putty-smearing, curler-wearing, nagging, robe-up-to-the-chin, clammoring harridans that refuse to make with the humms.
We accept men with their bellies sticking out, farting and flexing their "muscles" in the mirror while they admire their balding heads and think "I've still got it" when their idea of foreplay is "Come'ere and get nekkid - quick, because the game's almost on."

So I think you boys can put up with a little face putty and curlers.

And this just reiterates my point about how men want that hot dating thing forever and women are more willing to accept the reality of a long-term relationship.



vraiblonde said:
So I think you boys can put up with a little face putty and curlers.

Actually, the real focus points were supposed to be the nagging and the humm-denial.

And I find it hard to accept that this...

vraiblonde said:
bellies sticking out, farting and flexing their "muscles" in the mirror while they admire their balding heads and think "I've still got it" when their idea of foreplay is "Come'ere and get nekkid - quick, because the game's almost on."

...will be running off with any hottie secretaries any time soon.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
Actually, the real focus points were supposed to be the nagging and the humm-denial.
Don't make us nag you and you'll get all the humm you can take. :shrug:

And I find it hard to accept that this...

...will be running off with any hottie secretaries any time soon.
Money talks. Donald Trump and that model he's married to. I rest my case.

Plus, guys will treat some new hottie the same way they treated their wife during the dating period - all schmoopy, attentive, complimentary, making her feel all sexy and stuff. If they'd spent half as much energy on the relationship they have instead of jumping through hoops for a new hottie, the wife would be his princess for life.


vraiblonde said:
Don't make us nag you and you'll get all the humm you can take. :shrug:


vraiblonde said:
If they'd spent half as much energy on the relationship they have instead of jumping through hoops for a new hottie, the wife would be his princess for life.

ALL LIES!!!!111!!one!

And I'm done defending cheaters. Didn't really wanna start. Just wanted to point out that faults runs both ways.


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
Well, I shouldn’t be too surprised to read so many defending the woman and beating down the man. The couple dated for 2 years…that is more than enough time to have learned about one another. Then after the marriage – not even a half year passes…and things start to change. I don’t find that surprising.

Preceptor, I understand where you are coming from. My wife went through changes after we tied the knot as well….and we dated for 3 years prior to that. But I too started to change. After marriage, your perspective on life is different. You no longer can just walk out the door with a clean break. Now you have to actually work to maintain happiness. Yes, marriage is about work. It takes two to tango. If neither of you can communicate your problems to the other and find compromise – you may want to seek counseling. Bottom line – without communication and trust the marriage is doomed. Mark my words.

I don’t feel it fair that you were put down by some forum members though…you are here seeking helpful advice…not a slap in the face. I would think you’ve encountered enough confrontation from your spouse – you shouldn’t get confrontation from this message forum. That just not fair.


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
guys will treat some new hottie the same way they treated their wife during the dating period - all schmoopy, attentive, complimentary, making her feel all sexy and stuff.
See, I don't act that way during the dating period...of course, that could be why I'm not dating anyone :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
LexiGirl75 said:
Is there a place where men have given their feedback on the part about once women spoil them? I would love to read that.
This was before there was a forum. Actually, the Fire Away columns are what started this forum because we wanted to provide an opportunity for people to Fire Back.


Stubborn and opinionated
jazz lady said:
:clap: Very, very true and something I understand only too well. Life is much too short to just be a spectactor. Go out and LIVE. It's a beautiful world out there full of possibilities and amazing discoveries. Heck, I even discovered where WW's bedroom window was the other day. :yay:



100% Goapele Head!
vraiblonde said:
This was before there was a forum. Actually, the Fire Away columns are what started this forum because we wanted to provide an opportunity for people to Fire Back.

Nice. This place has always been the bomb shiggity! :yay:
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