Why do women seek men to earn more than they do?


New Member
Originally posted by mixallagist
It doesn't matter to me what a man earns as long as he is willing to work hard at whatever he does and is willing to contribute emotionally to the rlationship. :smile:

That's the way it should be.

And no to some others in here I'm not trying to "kiss up" again.


Hot N Bothered

New Member
Originally posted by SamSpade
It DOES? In my whole life, I've never seen a woman having to pay child support, for kids they don't get to see. I've never seen a woman struggling, living with roommates, because her wages are garnished. I've seen courts award custody to women who have no business raising children, for no good reason other than, they are the mother.

If the premise is, men get off scot-free, my argument is, hell, they usually just get screwed, and often - unjustly.
The courts are going on the traditional roles of woman as nurturer and father as financial provider. It takes a lot for the courts to rule for the father in custody cases, but the guys frequently let it happen.

I seem to recall a recent thread about a father with custody debating whether to go after mom for back child support. Do you think the woman would even think twice about it if the situation were reversed?

I also knew a guy who fought tooth and nail for custody. Mom was a druggie and the child had been born addicted to drugs. She was ordered into rehab and kept dropping out. He was gainfully employeed, had a childcare plan, family support, etc. but it took a full year to get custody. Less than 2 years later, he let mom move back in with them. His reasoning? a child needs its mother. :rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by mAlice
Not really. These are all comments made by men in this thread.

how much more pathetic can you be?

Wow .. you 're gone off the deep end by thinking like that.

yep.. sux2bu

So, exactly why can't you land ass without going to the personals??

So, otherwise you're buttass ugly and can't find a willing tart to spear..........

Either your sights are set to high for a date or there is some other underlieing issue.

Get over yourself...

Yes, I read this response already from someone that posted earlier in this thread.

Relax and have a :cheers:



Be careful what u wish 4
Originally posted by pixiegirl
That's what I'm saying. B makes less then me but he contributes to the household and provides what he should and then some. On top of taking on his own responsibilities he chose to take on my ex's as well and raise his son just as if he were his. That's a hell of a MAN. :clap:

Sounds like you found a keeper pix. Congrats. I know that there are keepers out there I just haven't found one yet. :biggrin:


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by pixiegirl
How are the courts in favor of women? I'd love to know how you see this because my ex has never paid child support, has every opportunity to see his kid (the state won't take the right away because child support and visitation are totally seperate issues) and has never seen the inside of a jail cell for his non payment? Seems to me that I'm the one getting screwed. But you know what, it's my own damn fault cause I slept with the bastard. Poor choice on my part and now I have to pay the price. If your friends/relative would have made better choices they too would be in better situations. You can't just point the finger; it comes down to taking responsibility for oneself.
Coming in on this a little late, but :yeahthat:, what she said. Pix, those are my exact feelings, just reworded to make sense. :yay:
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Hot N Bothered

New Member
Originally posted by Nickel
Coming in on this a little late, but :yeathat:, what she said. Pix, those are my exact feelings, just reworded to make sense. :yay:
You feel you got shafted because you have a loser for a baby's daddy and the courts didn't castrate him as they rightly should have.

But in a case where you have a loving, caring father, and a loving, caring mother chances are mom will get primary custody. Granted, on paper it may say "joint" custody. But that generally means the kid is with mom at least 4 days out of every 7, and more if the parents live in different school districts. It means if the kid winds up in the hospital and dad is the first parent to make it there, they'll let him sign the release papers instead of waiting on mom. It means the school will let dad pick him up from school without a written note from mom. It means when my neighbor's teenager screams at mom, "I hate you and I wanna go live with dad." Mom picks up the phone and tells dad to come get her, until the kid screams the same thing at dad.

But it also means that if mom decides to move out of state and take the kids, dad has to fight to stop her and chances are will lose. Then dad has to be resigned to seeing his kid for the summer and maybe a week at Christmas.


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by Hot N Bothered
You feel you got shafted because you have a loser for a baby's daddy and the courts didn't castrate him as they rightly should have.

But in a case where you have a loving, caring father, and a loving, caring mother chances are mom will get primary custody. Granted, on paper it may say "joint" custody. But that generally means the kid is with mom at least 4 days out of every 7, and more if the parents live in different school districts. It means if the kid winds up in the hospital and dad is the first parent to make it there, they'll let him sign the release papers instead of waiting on mom. It means the school will let dad pick him up from school without a written note from mom. It means when my neighbor's teenager screams at mom, "I hate you and I wanna go live with dad." Mom picks up the phone and tells dad to come get her, until the kid screams the same thing at dad.

But it also means that if mom decides to move out of state and take the kids, dad has to fight to stop her and chances are will lose. Then dad has to be resigned to seeing his kid for the summer and maybe a week at Christmas.
The sad fact is that those types of situations are few and far between. I'm willing to bet the majority of child support cases the courts deal with have a parent involved who is really only concerned with money. I know a lot of people going through it, myself included, and not one of them are in the situation you describe. That's not to say it doesn't exist, I know it does, there are parents out there who love their kids more than life itself and would give anything for them. I honestly cannot relate though, because my son doesn't know his father, which was not necessarily by my choice, but I'm more than happy with the way my life has turned out.

Hot N Bothered

New Member
Originally posted by Nickel
The sad fact is that those types of situations are few and far between. I'm willing to bet the majority of child support cases the courts deal with have a parent involved who is really only concerned with money. I know a lot of people going through it, myself included, and not one of them are in the situation you describe.
Perhaps, but take the guy I mentioned earlier, with the momma crack-ho. It took him a year to get custody. In the meantime, mom was in and out of rehab and the child was given to HER parents, who were elderly and didn't want to be bothered with an infant, because the courts wanted to give mom every opportunity to get her act together. She must've dropped out of rehab and been caught with drugs 10 times before the courts finally decided in the case of the father, who was by every standard the model parent. His only flaw was he'd moved out of state.


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by Hot N Bothered
the courts wanted to give mom every opportunity to get her act together
My experience, at least with Charles County, has been that the court system gives everyone the benefit of the doubt. In my case, my son's dad didn't pay cs for a year, went to court a zillion times making false promises, but never ended up in jail. He finally started paying around September, but stopped this March. I've called countless times...they suspended his license in April (if he weren't the type to drive on a suspended license I'd wonder how he's supposed to get to work), nothing happened. I called again...they sent a wage order to his employer on june 14th, they have 30 days to comply. I don't know if it's understaffing or pure laziness, but I think the court system sits on their azz 75%of the time.


New Member

Son you are suffering from eastern female sticker shock and to cure it you need a massive dose of lonely western female attention. My suggestion would be for you to get on interstate 80 west before the gas prices go higher to support Jr. Bush's reelection campaign and go west until you reach Laramie, WY. Purchase a used 25 to 30 foot travel trailer for $2500 or less and a 50 dollar electric radiator heater at Wall-mart and move into the KOA campground for $200 dollars a month from Sept.- May and 300 dollars a month thru the summer toristo season. Get a job at the University or in town. Take a few courses at the University and go to different churches on Saturday and Sunday, coffee and tea houses during the week days and early evenings and bars late at night. This is the land where women hunt men. The land where women work and men fish, hunt and maintain all the recreational family vehicles.
I have heard Fort Smith, AK is great if you are seeking a domestic female pet that passes for human just scratchem behind the ear and feedem passes for common law marriage in Arkansas. I was working west of Fort Worth, TX in White Settlement and doing my laundry on a Sunday morning and I met this 24 year old gal from Fort Smith, AK and she could not tell me if Fort Smith was in Oklahoma or Texas. Having lived there her entire life. She assured me her husban new where they were and from. She was not a dumb person just lacked any education. My landlord a good old boy from Oklahoma told me women lose 20 points of IQ when they cross the line into Texas. So if you have a gal who is almost perfect take her to Texas and lose those 20 points and she will be perfect.
I have known New Yorkers do well at the Fort Worth Cattle yards, they buy a cowboy hat and boots with a big silver and gold longhorn belt buckle wear this with a plaid shirt and blue geans and hit the dance halls and dance the nights away. Two weeks or less you will be the true love is some lonely grateful womens life.
There is always southwest Virginia, scoot down 81 to Abington, 17 miles north of the Tennessee line. Go to the largest Baptist church and announce your arrival, if you are still unattached in a week you ain't breathing.
You ain't lived until you go west where the women open the door for the homeliest of men. It still catches me by surprise when I am out west and some well proprotion gal takes a moment from her busy day to step up and open a door for me and I ain't what you'd call easy to look at. When you are stranded by the road side with a flat tire waiting for triple "A" and a lean blonde small bone gal stops her pickup truck and offers to put on your spare.
There are small towns in West Kansas where they trap truckers. Just pretend lost memory and some gal will lay claim to you as her run away man. Instant life and generally some family.
The far west is full of small communities looking for men from anywhere else which passes for interesting and exciting. The only advice is once your dream queen selects you move her far away from family and friends, that is to the next town or county.
I guess you have been to Long Island, NY but have you tried Long Island, KS? Never ever get involved with Connecticut women or you may end up marrying a man.
I hope you enjoy this advice half as much as I enjoyed writing it. I believe it has a lot to do with expectations and opportunities. When you show up in areas of this great country that has neither it is a working mans paradise. In a community where the highest priced meal in county is less than 20 bucks and that includes the alcoholic beverages. The finest house wine comes from a box. The newspaper is printed once a week and nothing distracts the wifes attention from you, your every wish and your satelight TV connection except the occassional phone call. They do say to much of a womens attention is a bad thing to so watch out what you wish for, if it becomes a problem just move back to New Jersey where opportunity is everywhere and she meets other women with expectations and that problem will resolve itself and likely she will dump you. Then you may realize just how well off and happy you were.

Sincerely - Ray


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by RRiley
Go to the largest Baptist church and announce your arrival, if you are still unattached in a week you ain't breathing.
Blasphemy! :yikes:

He's a Catholic and there are strict rules about that sort of thing. :nono:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Sharon
Blasphemy! :yikes:

He's a Catholic and there are strict rules about that sort of thing. :nono:
Have him drop $20 in the collection plate, say 30 Our Fathers and 30 Hail Marys and anything will be forgiven.


New Member
Originally posted by Kyle
Have him drop $20 in the collection plate, say 30 Our Fathers and 30 Hail Marys and anything will be forgiven.

I'm not a Cadillac! OOOOps I mean Catholic.


New Member
Originally posted by RRiley

Son you are suffering from eastern female sticker shock and to cure it you need a massive dose of lonely western female attention. My suggestion would be for you to get on interstate 80 west before the gas prices go higher to support Jr. Bush's reelection campaign and go west until you reach Laramie, WY. Purchase a used 25 to 30 foot travel trailer for $2500 or less and a 50 dollar electric radiator heater at Wall-mart and move into the KOA campground for $200 dollars a month from Sept.- May and 300 dollars a month thru the summer toristo season. Get a job at the University or in town. Take a few courses at the University and go to different churches on Saturday and Sunday, coffee and tea houses during the week days and early evenings and bars late at night. This is the land where women hunt men. The land where women work and men fish, hunt and maintain all the recreational family vehicles.
I have heard Fort Smith, AK is great if you are seeking a domestic female pet that passes for human just scratchem behind the ear and feedem passes for common law marriage in Arkansas. I was working west of Fort Worth, TX in White Settlement and doing my laundry on a Sunday morning and I met this 24 year old gal from Fort Smith, AK and she could not tell me if Fort Smith was in Oklahoma or Texas. Having lived there her entire life. She assured me her husban new where they were and from. She was not a dumb person just lacked any education. My landlord a good old boy from Oklahoma told me women lose 20 points of IQ when they cross the line into Texas. So if you have a gal who is almost perfect take her to Texas and lose those 20 points and she will be perfect.
I have known New Yorkers do well at the Fort Worth Cattle yards, they buy a cowboy hat and boots with a big silver and gold longhorn belt buckle wear this with a plaid shirt and blue geans and hit the dance halls and dance the nights away. Two weeks or less you will be the true love is some lonely grateful womens life.
There is always southwest Virginia, scoot down 81 to Abington, 17 miles north of the Tennessee line. Go to the largest Baptist church and announce your arrival, if you are still unattached in a week you ain't breathing.
You ain't lived until you go west where the women open the door for the homeliest of men. It still catches me by surprise when I am out west and some well proprotion gal takes a moment from her busy day to step up and open a door for me and I ain't what you'd call easy to look at. When you are stranded by the road side with a flat tire waiting for triple "A" and a lean blonde small bone gal stops her pickup truck and offers to put on your spare.
There are small towns in West Kansas where they trap truckers. Just pretend lost memory and some gal will lay claim to you as her run away man. Instant life and generally some family.
The far west is full of small communities looking for men from anywhere else which passes for interesting and exciting. The only advice is once your dream queen selects you move her far away from family and friends, that is to the next town or county.
I guess you have been to Long Island, NY but have you tried Long Island, KS? Never ever get involved with Connecticut women or you may end up marrying a man.
I hope you enjoy this advice half as much as I enjoyed writing it. I believe it has a lot to do with expectations and opportunities. When you show up in areas of this great country that has neither it is a working mans paradise. In a community where the highest priced meal in county is less than 20 bucks and that includes the alcoholic beverages. The finest house wine comes from a box. The newspaper is printed once a week and nothing distracts the wifes attention from you, your every wish and your satelight TV connection except the occassional phone call. They do say to much of a womens attention is a bad thing to so watch out what you wish for, if it becomes a problem just move back to New Jersey where opportunity is everywhere and she meets other women with expectations and that problem will resolve itself and likely she will dump you. Then you may realize just how well off and happy you were.

Sincerely - Ray

Thanks for the advice but one thing, I'm not Baptist and wouldn't be able to go there.