Why do women seek men to earn more than they do?


New Member
Originally posted by mixallagist
I understand why you feel that way but i'm on the other side of the coin. I am a single mother and the law hasn't helped me at all. Thats why i've chosen not to be one of the whiners and help myself. Sure i'm not at home as much as i'd like to be but my kids know that i'm working to give them what they need. And they know that nothing worth having comes easily. They know that hard work pays off in the end and they respect me more than they will ever repsect their father who has done nothing for them.

I know that you're doing what you have to do to support your children as well as yourself.

Generally speaking - Too bad that there are too many marriage breakups with or without children being in the mix. But that's a whole different subject:biggrin:


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by nickt1862
I know that you're doing what you have to do to support your children as well as yourself.

Generally speaking - Too bad that there are too many marriage breakups with or without children being in the mix. But that's a whole different subject:biggrin:

Don't try to kiss up now. She don't want your broke ass. :cool:


New Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl
How are the courts in favor of women?
All things being equal, father and mother go before the court for custody, who will get custody the majority of the time?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl

I wasn't getting personal; if you took it that way I appologize. I was just pointing out that you haven't lived it. Some of us have but on the other side.

I have not lived it directly, but indirectly, it's cost me plenty. I moved in with my sister years ago to help her support HER child, because her ex wasn't paying every month, and had to pay her bills because she abused the payments and bought - well - things she shouldn't have - I won't get into that. I've had to carry over a half dozen roommates through years of crap, and take care of their kids when they couldn't.

But I do see the law favoring women. Let me ask you, which person would you rather be - the father who pays and doesn't get to see his kid, except maybe two weekends a month, or the mom who raises the kid and gets the child support? That is the typical scenario.


New Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Don't try to kiss up now. She don't want your broke ass. :cool:

I'm not trying to "kiss up".

BTW: How would you know if my "ass" is broke or not?

I might be earning a living - how would you know otherwise???

This forum is a woman verses man wordfight - lol!!!



Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by SamSpade
I have not lived it directly, but indirectly, it's cost me plenty. I moved in with my sister years ago to help her support HER child, because her ex wasn't paying every month, and had to pay her bills because she abused the payments and bought - well - things she shouldn't have - I won't get into that. I've had to carry over a half dozen roommates through years of crap, and take care of their kids when they couldn't.

But I do see the law favoring women. Let me ask you, which person would you rather be - the father who pays and doesn't get to see his kid, except maybe two weekends a month, or the mom who raises the kid and gets the child support? That is the typical scenario.

But you see that's not the typical scenario anymore. In equal situations parents are usually awarded joint custody. For example Fddog makes less money then his ex but still has joint custody and gets his kid almost half the time. His child support is minimal and covers only about half of the daycare costs. Pretty fair if you ask me.

Unfortunately the laws favor the irresponsible parent. I was awarded sole custody and am a rarity these days. Even this was after a default order was signed off so that my ex couldn't contest and the magestrate over-rid the order and advised my ex to seek counsel and gave him an additional 30 days before he was to be held in default.

The kids are the ones that lose in situations where one or both parents are a-holes. I live it every day and don't cry over spilled milk (maybe biatch once in a while). I made my bed and I have to lay in it.


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by T.Rally
All things being equal, father and mother go before the court for custody, who will get custody the majority of the time?

See my last response to Sam. It covers your question as well.


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by nickt1862
I'm not trying to "kiss up".

BTW: How would you know if my "ass" is broke or not?

I might be earning a living - how would you know otherwise???

This forum is a woman verses man wordfight - lol!!!


It was a joke there buddy. :cheers:

And I'll have you know that I have the utmost respect for my man because he is just that a MAN. He doesn't whine and complain like a little girl. :neener:


Deal is that scumb-bag knows no gender. Men can get custody IF they want to fight for it. Truth of the matter a great deal of them don't want to be burdened with raising a kid. Being tied to home, changing diapers, making dinner everynight and sitting through school plays and concerts is too much burden. Some are happy writing checks and having 2 weekends a month, some skip on it and dodge the law. Same with women, my ex is a deadbeat, yet she contributes to his life. I weigh the situation and choose not to push her non-payment of child support to the nth degree, but that is my choice.

The answer to the topic of this thread is simple. Traditional male/female roles are already set. Male-breadwinner / female-nurturer. There may be some out there that buck the traditional roles but they are few. What male who has a cc of testosterone would want to be out earned by his spouse. Wrong or right it is in our genetic code to be providers. Conversely what woman would want a panty waste guy who was happy being out earned and settled for being provided for?


Be careful what u wish 4
It doesn't matter to me what a man earns as long as he is willing to work hard at whatever he does and is willing to contribute emotionally to the rlationship. :smile:


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by mixallagist
It doesn't matter to me what a man earns as long as he is willing to work hard at whatever he does and is willing to contribute emotionally to the rlationship. :smile:

That's what I'm saying. B makes less then me but he contributes to the household and provides what he should and then some. On top of taking on his own responsibilities he chose to take on my ex's as well and raise his son just as if he were his. That's a hell of a MAN. :clap:


New Member
What it boils down to is - Womens Lib.

Now there are 2 incomes so hence your housing and whatever else has gone wayyyyyyyy up since then to coincide with that.

Plus there's really no longer the "structured" roles with Mom taking care of the kids and home and the Husband working and bringing home 100% of the income.

Okay - next one to attack this - lol!!!


professional daydreamer
Originally posted by nickt1862

This forum is a woman verses man wordfight - lol!!!

Not really. These are all comments made by men in this thread.

how much more pathetic can you be?

Wow .. you 're gone off the deep end by thinking like that.

yep.. sux2bu

So, exactly why can't you land ass without going to the personals??

So, otherwise you're buttass ugly and can't find a willing tart to spear..........

Either your sights are set to high for a date or there is some other underlieing issue.

Get over yourself...