Why do women seek men to earn more than they do?


Set Trippin
Originally posted by nickt1862
I wish it would be that simple - they are the ones seeking the higher earnings unfortunately.

Maybe because I reside in an affluent area makes the "expectations" worse.
Get over yourself...:roflmao:


New Member
Originally posted by migtig
Face facts - you got screwed and now you want to blame all women. Now you have a hang up over money. You need to get past it, or all women will look like "golddiggers". You will be suspicous of all women's motives. You will never have a decent relationship that way. The problem isn't women - it's you.

In fact not really what you say. I'm straightfoward with women and in conversation they flatout seek someone that earns more even if they haven't seen a photo of me. I'm not at all ugly - I'll say average and quite easy to look at. I'm not the one setting the criteria.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
<EMBED SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/ak/skatermidi/images/lunytune.mid" AUTOSTART=false WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=25 LOOP=0>


Southern Beyotch
Originally posted by nickt1862
I wish it would be that simple - they are the ones seeking the higher earnings unfortunately.

Maybe because I reside in an affluent area makes the "expectations" worse.


Again, you can't stereotype all women because you got tailpiped. Get over it and move on. This whiney baby crap isn't gonna land you any boo-tay if you keep it up.


professional daydreamer
Originally posted by nickt1862
I wish it would be that simple - they are the ones seeking the higher earnings unfortunately.

Maybe because I reside in an affluent area makes the "expectations" worse.

Your story just doesn't wash. Most women do not need a man to make more money, just to be wise with the money you make. There's something you're not telling us.


Originally posted by nickt1862

Maybe because I reside in an affluent area makes the "expectations" worse.

bingo! there ya go

let me ask you something ..

do you wear gold necklace(s)?
do you own so many pairs of sneakers?


New Member
Originally posted by ememdee19

Again, you can't stereotype all women because you got tailpiped. Get over it and move on. This whiney baby crap isn't gonna land you any boo-tay if you keep it up.

"boo-tay" is not what I'm after - I want to be able to get the opportunity to Love and Respect ONE woman. I'm not whining, just trying to find out why things the way they are and if there's greener grass to be seen in a matter of speaking.


New Member
Originally posted by migtig
Again, it is your issue, other wise you wouldn't be so focused on it. I never pay attention to how much somebody makes. Neither should you. And you obviously bring up income as a topic of conversation. Get a grip. Hold your sign. :stupid:

They make it a big deal here - if I don't bring that subject up it'll be a matter of time till they move on to the next man that can fulfill their so called requirements.


New Member
Originally posted by SeaRide
bingo! there ya go

let me ask you something ..

do you wear gold necklace(s)?
do you own so many pairs of sneakers?

Ha-Ha-Ha!!!! :lol:

No, I'm not that kind !!! LOL!!!


New Member
Originally posted by mAlice
Care to provide a link to your personal ad? I bet it's interesting.

Go into the Yahoo personals and find my ad under my user name I use here.

Yes, it is interesting.

A link won't work here or anywhere - I've tried that before.


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by Kyle



professional daydreamer
Originally posted by nickt1862
Go into the Yahoo personals and find my ad under my user name I use here.

Yes, it is interesting.

A link won't work here or anywhere - I've tried that before.

It didn't work.


Originally posted by mAlice
Nick, maybe you should try dating women in the same income bracket as yourself.
Thanks for buying dinner tonight, you really didn't have to but it was a suprising change.