Why do women seek men to earn more than they do?


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by mAlice
Most women do not need a man to make more money, just to be wise with the money you make.

It's his money. He worked for it. Shouldn't he be able to do with it what he pleases?


professional daydreamer
Originally posted by sleuth
It's his money. He worked for it. Shouldn't he be able to do with it what he pleases?

Unless he has a partner he's sharing financial obligations with, yes. :rolleyes:

Nice, until I read your personal ad, I honestly thought you were about 20 years younger than you actually are. You may want to examine why I may have thought that. For someone who places so many restrictions on a relationship, you sure are asking for an awful lot.

No woman in her right mind would go out with you.


Be careful what u wish 4
I'd be happy to find a man willing to work and pay his own way instead of someone who constantly borrows or mooches of of other people.


Go Braves!
Originally posted by Chasey_Lane
Is it wrong that I want a babies daddy to take care of my 5 chitlins? :shrug:
Not as long as you keep a few on the side I don't see the problem:shrug:


Cleopatra Jones
I haven't read through this entire thread but I'm sure I'm not going to be the first to tell you to shut the hell up and grow a set. People are individuals. Nothing is gender specific. Some girl hurt your little feelings? How's this. My ex husband was unemployed most of the time we were together. I bought him a car so his sorry ass could go out and get a job. Have a 2.5 year old kid with the sorry SOB and he's never paid a dime in child support to even help me with his kid. Good thing for me I make a decent living and don't NEED his help. Even after an ordeal like that I'm getting ready to marry a man who makes a good amount less then I do. That being said he's responsible and goes to work every day and has a job that I have a lot of respect for so the money he makes (or doesn't) isn't an issue.

How's this for wanting things. We have a house and 3 cars between the two of us and a boat. We're getting ready to get a bigger house and he's got boat fever. By this time next year we'll have two kids and he wants a boat with a bigger interior. We're talking a $50-60k boat. Know what deal we made? I get my boobs first (and let's be honest, it's not like he doesn't want his woman to have nice tits so this benefits him as well) which will cost let's say around $6k then we can sell our boat and get the one he wants. Hmmmm, $6k vs $60k. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

Don't lump all women into one category just because you're chosing to persue the materialistic ones.

Where's Chasey btw? :lmao:


Cleopatra Jones
ok I've read it and my opinion still stands. What was that that Chasey told Sleuth.... :confused: To go lick his acorns? :confused: Dude, go lick your acorns and get over it.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by mAlice
Unless he has a partner he's sharing financial obligations with, yes. :rolleyes:

Nice, until I read your personal ad, I honestly thought you were about 20 years younger than you actually are. You may want to examine why I may have thought that. For someone who places so many restrictions on a relationship, you sure are asking for an awful lot.

No woman in her right mind would go out with you.

He's dating... and until he slaps a ring on his finger, then those financial obligations only consist of him and his dependents, if he has any.

When did I get a personals ad? :confused: And you thought I was 6?


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by pixiegirl
ok I've read it and my opinion still stands. What was that that Chasey told Sleuth.... :confused: To go lick his acorns? :confused: Dude, go lick your acorns and get over it.

I didn't see where Chasey told me to lick anything. :shrug:


professional daydreamer
Originally posted by sleuth
He's dating... and until he slaps a ring on his finger, then those financial obligations only consist of him and his dependents, if he has any.

When did I get a personals ad? :confused: And you thought I was 6?

Typo. Nice should have been Nick.

If you had read his personal ad you would see that he's looking for a long term relationship. If I were considering a long term relationship with him, I would certainly take his income and how he spends it into consideration. His money is not his problem, though.