Why I carry a gun
More in the extended entry...
The practice of carrying a weapon is a clear assertion that I am a man. By that I'm not talking about macho bull####; By saying I am a man, I mean that I am an adult, responsible for my actions, and willing to accept the consequences of them.
When you carry a gun you have in your hands (or on your hip), the ability to end any mans life. This is a massive responsibility, second only to that of raising children.
Many people are uncomfortable with that responsiblity. They believe that they can't be trusted with it, and by extension, neither can anyone else. They fall back on saying "the police" or "the government" should take care of that. Someone with special training, and the blessings of the state should be responsible, but not me, or you, or anyone else.
I can think of no clearer way of saying "I am immature, and not to be trusted".
When I carry a gun, I accept the fact that I may kill someone. I don't ever plan on doing it, I hope it doesn't happen, but it may. I am prepared for this possibility, and I accept the consequences should it happen.
A few months ago, I broke up with a girlfriend over this. She asked me what I would do to someone if they tried to rape her. I told her flat out that I would kill him. No hesitation there at all. She told me later that from that moment, she was afraid of me.
I asked her what she would do if someone tried to rape her. She said she wouldn't fight. "What if you had a gun, would you shoot the guy to stop it", no she wouldn't do that. "ok what if I was there and I shot him, would that be OK", no of course not. Finally I asked "What if a cop came along, and he shot the guy would that be ok" well of course, he's a cop.
That attitude frankly baffles, and disgusts me, yet there are so many people who hold it. They feel morally superior because they would never "sink to that level".
Personally I would consider that pretty clear evidence of moral bankruptcy.
The same applies to people who would never fight in a war, but are OK with soldiers and cops defending their rights. Oh, they'll protest, and march in the streets, but actually doing anything? No they're all above that and have disdain for everyone else who isn't, calling us savages, and rednecks, and barbarians etc...
I carry a gun because it is my right, and because I am responsible enough to exercise it. I feel nothing but pity or contempt for those who are not.