Why is she sad?


New Member
My wife and I are the parents of five (5) beautiful children; the oldest 7 yrs and the youngest 8 months. We are as in love as we were when we first met. Being so much in love We had not anticipated that another product of that love would soon be on she radar. When we got the nes on Saturday that she was preggers again! Not to be crass, but we had taken precautions to avoid such a result. But alas, the cosmos had another plan. So we had told the family, church friends, twitter followers, facebook, ad nauseum.

My wife, was not thrilled to be pregnant for the 6th time in 8 years, was dealing. At times though I would catch her quietly crying, and she would indicate that she was not dealing and wasn't sure if she could "do this again so soon". Other times, she would joke that "maybe I'll still start my monthly". although she was six weeks along by this point. I would wink and laugh and we would have a good time enjoying each others company.

Then this morning she felt a sharp pain that brought her to the floor, I was frozen in place not knowing what to do. As she normalized again, a dark, red, stain began to spread down the leg of her pant. She rushed to the bathroom, and there she passed-- what she believes to be our unborn child. (We are seeking medical advice to confirm).

However, what confused me is the reaction: I secretly was overjoyed! I knew that she really didn't want to be pregnant again. She though became distraugt, and achieved a level of melancholy I have never before seen.

Why is she sad?


I wanna be a SMIB
I think I can understand his reaction. It sounds like neither were ready for another pregnancy. God had a plan and it was not to be. I think once they get over the shock, both will quietly admit that they are relieved. Good luck to your wife, I hope she bounces back soon.
I am sure Mrs. Scoutmaster_Zo (I could post the real name, but I won't, even though HE posted his real name elsewhere on the forums) is THRILLED to no end to know that her husband posted to tell the world that #1 she miscarried and #2 he is overjoyed about it.

How sad.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
You picked the wrong place to come for this type of advice. I say you and your wife need to talk to your pastor.
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New Member
I am sure Mrs. Scoutmaster_Zo (I could post the real name, but I won't, even though HE posted his real name elsewhere on the forums) is THRILLED to no end to know that her husband posted to tell the world that #1 she miscarried and #2 he is overjoyed about it.

How sad.
he has his name and phone number on her :doh:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I understand the question. :shrug:

They didn't want another baby. She miscarried. He is relieved about it.

What I think he doesn't understand is that for a woman a miscarriage is more personal, whether she wanted the baby or not.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I understand the question. :shrug:

They didn't want another baby. She miscarried. He is relieved about it.

What I think he doesn't understand is that for a woman a miscarriage is more personal, whether she wanted the baby or not.

But it is not fodder for the local message boards.


New Member
But it is not fodder for the local message boards.
:yeahthat: especialyl when he has his name and phone number on here. I would be horrified if i found out my husband had written about me miscarrying on a public forum. and all the personal details about it.


New Member
:yeahthat: especialyl when he has his name and phone number on here. I would be horrified if i found out my husband had written about me miscarrying on a public forum. and all the personal details about it.

I wouldnt!

This place amazes me all the time :killingme


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Yeah, no personal stuff allowed!


If my husband had posted about that, and identified himself in other posts, I would kill him.


Hopefully we won't see a thread in Scanner Activity that reads "Man found dead in bed".