Why Newtown victim Noah Pozner had an open coffin


So now you speak for most people? :bigwhoop:

You must not be a parent if you can't empathize with this woman and unerstand why, even after reading her reasons, she would have an open casket for a private viewing. Her reason, not political, but because she loves her son.

If it was truely political why didn't she "insist on an open casket" for the funeral which was public and recorded?

There you go again thinking you know the first thing about me. I don’t think you need to be a parent to empathize with someone who has lost a child. But for the sake of discussion I am a parent of two. In my previous marriage my wife miscarried several months into her pregnancy. I wont go into detail but it was a horrible situation that traumatize her (and me) for a very long time. I know the pain of a lost child in a most horrible way. So you can stop with your ‘woe is me’ party and believe that you’re not alone in loss.

The mother did this for political reasons and said so. I’ve provided this to you several times and you typical glaze over it:

Dart Society » Blog Archive » Choosing sensitive details in one Sandy Hook story

Veronique told me that Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy visited her in the funeral home, and she brought him to see Noah’s open casket. I asked her why it was important for her and for the governor to see Noah’s body. “I needed it to have a face for him,” she said. “If there is ever a piece of legislation that comes across his desk, I needed it to be real for him.”
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New Member
There you go again thinking you know the first thing about me. I don’t think you need to be a parent to empathize with someone who has lost a child. But for the sake of discussion I am a parent of two. In my previous marriage my wife miscarried several months into her pregnancy. I wont go into detail but it was a horrible situation that traumatize her (and me) for a very long time. I know the pain of a lost child in a most horrible way. So you can stop with your ‘woe is me’ party and believe that you’re not alone in loss.

The mother did this for political reasons and said so. I’ve provided this to you several times and you typical glaze over it:

Dart Society » Blog Archive » Choosing sensitive details in one Sandy Hook story

so you think a miscarraige is comparable to losing a loved one to a murder? Really? act of god vs. act of violence.

keep depending on that one line, it doesn't mean what you imply it does. the mother clearly spoke about why she had the open casket for her son during the viewing, it was about family, respect, and greiving. That she also showed the governor who showed up on his own to the viewing doesn't mean her decision was political. Her decision was still personal.

“I owed it to him as his mother, the good, the bad and the ugly,” she said. “. . . And as a little boy, you have to go in the ground. If I am going to shut my eyes to that I am not his mother. I had to bear it. I had to do it.”

she had to do it, she didn't force anyone else, or display his dismembered body publicly, like you were so outraged about. She held a private viewing for her child, PRIVATE.

So you want to explain why this lady didn't insist on the open casket for the funeral? Do you want to explain how that fits into your "she got paid to do it" theory?


so you think a miscarraige is comparable to losing a loved one to a murder? Really? act of god vs. act of violence.

So much for empathy. You suck!

I only have one person in this forum blocked. Now it's two, don't bother replying to me anymore because I will not see it. :howdy:
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New Member
peeping troll said:
Tsk, Tsk, you let Dr. TOG suck you in. Too much information. No need to establishment creditability with TOG. Think about it. Yes it is political as we can all see.



Tsk, Tsk, you let Dr. TOG suck you in. Too much information. No need to establishment creditability with TOG. Think about it. Yes it is political as we can all see.

He threw the empathy card at me so I thought I'd give it a shot. Thatguy has a massive hole in the middle of his heart. I am convinced he has some serious problems that need to be addressed. I feel sorry for him.


New Member
He threw the empathy card at me so I thought I'd give it a shot. Thatguy has a massive hole in the middle of his heart. I am convinced he has some serious problems that need to be addressed. I feel sorry for him.


so says the guy who accused a grieving mother of taking a payoff over having a private viewing of her murdered 6yo. :bigwhoop:


Well-Known Member
she had to do it, she didn't force anyone else, or display his dismembered body publicly, like you were so outraged about. She held a private viewing for her child, PRIVATE.

Yea, it was so private, she decided to invite, and show the governor.

How many times has Owe'Malley been to a funeral you attended?

She brought the Gov. there, showed him the body, and made the comment that he needed to see that it was real when legislation came across his desk.

It's pretty cut and dry here, and I don't know why you can't just say ok, and STFU.


New Member
Yea, it was so private, she decided to invite, and show the governor.

How many times has Owe'Malley been to a funeral you attended?

She brought the Gov. there, showed him the body, and made the comment that he needed to see that it was real when legislation came across his desk.

It's pretty cut and dry here, and I don't know why you can't just say ok, and STFU.

except she didn't invite the governor and she held a private viewing for family. You guys really need to read past just the blog and opinion piece before you comment.......

if this child's dismembered body was "on display for politcal purposes" where are the pictures? the video clearly shows a closed casket at the funeral.

i dont know why it is so important for you guys to demonize this greiving mother.


New Member
It is obvious that Dr. TOG was the kid that got the "kick me" sign stuck to him. I think all rational thought is lost on him. Makes me think he is in dire need of attention since nobody recognizes his self importance. He is beyond feeling sorry for. The party boor if you know what I mean.

poor lil' peeper......


New Member
"Oh please kick me!" said Dr. TOG Captain of the CJ team.

They are not demonizing a grieving (spelled correctly) woman. As for "where are the pictures", no need, the media painted just nicely for you in the article.

Get over it, this is all about the politics.

yes, you are penn. you are demonizing this grieving woman over her choice to have a viewing for her murdered child. Psy even claimed she was insane and or paid off.

And there aren't any pictured because the situation isn't as implied by the blogger, the author of the editorial, or you and PSY.


Lem Putt
so you think a miscarraige is comparable to losing a loved one to a murder? Really? act of god vs. act of violence.

Sounds more legit than your assertion that watching someone else lose a child means that you know what it's like.

Are you sure you are a parent? How could you think that the amount of grief felt would be different depending on the manner of death?

"Gee TOG, sorry for your loss."
"It's okay, it was an act of God. Let's party!"


New Member
Sounds more legit than your assertion that watching someone else lose a child means that you know what it's like.

Are you sure you are a parent? How could you think that the amount of grief felt would be different depending on the manner of death?

"Gee TOG, sorry for your loss."
"It's okay, it was an act of God. Let's party!"
meh, I never said anything about amount of grief depending on manner of death. i said that a miscarrage is not comparable to a murder. there is a huge difference.

but keep on trollin'


New Member
Wirelessly posted

JoeRider said:
No, this is about a dead child that shoudn't be dead.

Oh, tag team by the B cubed CJ member. Did Dr. TOG remember your log in id?

How do you know who should and should not be dead? Must be nice to know that kid over there should not have died from cancer? Or that one hit by a car. Or that one struck down by a bad vaccine. Geez, nobody should be dead, right.

Get a clue, how many other children are talked about in the article and used as a prop for an agenda.

Dr TOG, my guess is you are totally clueless about grief or you would not have made the comment you did about miscarriages. A lost is a lost to a parent no matter what the cause.

If you think a miscarriage is the same emotionally as having a 6yo murdered there is no help for you. And it's loss penn, not lost.


New Member
Wirelessly posted

JoeRider said:
Wirelessly posted

If you think a miscarriage is the same emotionally as having a 6yo murdered there is no help for you. And it's loss penn, not lost.

Dr TOG can measure the emotional loss of a child. Do you have a scale that you use. Maybe that high level of education you have can rationalize it Wow, your powers are amazing.

Penn, you are pretty dense if you can't recognize that the circumstances of a death have an effect on the emotional impact, but look who I am talking to :bigwhoop:


New Member
Wirelessly posted

JoeRider said:
WOW , and I didn't think anyone could more ignorant than JPC but you did it.

But isn't JPC one of you personalities? Nice try Dr TOG.

Bottom line,you are clueless about the grieving process. Insensitive to others grief and I bet you could careless about this women other than advancing you liberal agenda. BTW unions still suck today.

You are pretty confused, as per usual. :yay:


New Member
Wirelessly posted

JoeRider said:
thatguy said:
You are pretty confused, as per usual. :yay:

Oh Dr. TOG, did you read what I wrote - oh that's right, you are too good to read because you have such a high intellect. I guess you agree with this since you do not wish to address the issues at hand.

Bottom line,you are clueless about the grieving process. Insensitive to others grief and I bet you could careless about this women other than advancing you liberal agenda.

Then why don't you explain how the circumstances of a death, age of person, manner of death, etc, have no effect on the emotional impact. Explain how a woman who experiences a miscarriage has the exact same grief as one who loses a 6yo to murder. Explain how people experience deaths by camera exactly the same as they do suicide or accidental death. He'll just explain how a miscarriage at 6 weeks is the same for a woman as the one at 36 weeks. :bigwhoop:

Penn the peeper is apparently a grief expert, enlighten us.
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