Why Newtown victim Noah Pozner had an open coffin


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cwo_ghwebb said:
If this was a set up, conspiracy, or an agenda; we may never know. This mother was no part of that, and in no way would exploit her dead child in a coffin. She was trying to validate his life, the best way she could. Why should she hide that beautiful child, away. She wanted the world to see what insanity has done, and let her child be with his family for the last time, physically. Heartbreaking.

Exactly! But some on here seem to think they DO know. Dragging in the governor for what reason? We had a private viewing of my son for the family. Public viewing was closed casket. We didn't exploit his death, as tragic as it was.

Bringing in strangers to prove a point never crossed our mind. I didn't have the governor view his body. Cripe, in NY, they would have banned cars due to the accident.

My wife and I still have three beautiful children, and they lived through the earlier experience and (thankfully) can think on their own. And they're not DONKS!

Great kids!

You did it your way, we did it ours and she did it her's. I am sure we all did it different in many respects.
I don't remember bringing in anyone. We told family and the rest just found out. We didn't have the governor but there were lots of people we didn't know there. Is there any indication that the mother invited the governor?


Lem Putt
Is there any indication that the mother invited the governor?

My God, you're going on your petty little rants about how everyone else is wrong, but you didn't even read the story? Not even the little snippet in the OP? You know, the one people have been discussing?


And you wonder why people call you obtuse.


mama to two
Exactly! But some on here seem to think they DO know. Dragging in the governor for what reason? We had a private viewing of my son for the family. Public viewing was closed casket. We didn't exploit his death, as tragic as it was.

Bringing in strangers to prove a point never crossed our mind. I didn't have the governor view his body. Cripe, in NY, they would have banned cars due to the accident.

My wife and I still have three beautiful children, and they lived through the earlier experience and (thankfully) can think on their own. And they're not DONKS!

Great kids!

You don't know how sorry I am for your family tragedy. I have no words; I only comment when I have been through the same thing, myself, because you really don't know how the other person feels, otherwise. You are a strong person, and an inspiration on this forum. :huggy: I wish there was a "smilie" for courage, conviction, and taking life as it comes at you. If there ever is one, it should be named after you.
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MMDad said:
Is there any indication that the mother invited the governor?

My God, you're going on your petty little rants about how everyone else is wrong, but you didn't even read the story? Not even the little snippet in the OP? You know, the one people have been discussing?


And you wonder why people call you obtuse.

Those were the words of the blogger about the story written by someone else. The actual story read:

the actual original story you have to follow a few links to get said:
Just before the ceremony, Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy came to the funeral home to pay his respects. Veronique took him by the arm and brought him to the casket. Noah’s famously long eyelashes — which she spoke about in her eulogy — rested lightly on his cheeks and a cloth covered the place where the lower half of his face had been. “I just needed it to be real for [the governor],” she says. “This was a live, warm, energetic little boy whose life was snuffed out in a fraction of a second because our schools are so defenseless.”

So again, is there any indication that she invited him or did he just show up?

Also, it seems the legislation she may have been talking about, in this context, could be concerning guards in schools.


No Use for Donk Twits
For the first time I felt a connection to ThatGuy. We both felt the pain of losing a child. There is no way a parent should outlive their child.

But to drive a political point over tragedy to me is ridiculous.

EDIT: I'm tired, time to go to bed, later folks!
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New Member
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cwo_ghwebb said:
For the first time I felt a connection to ThatGuy. We both felt the pain of losing a child. There is no way a parent should outlive their child.

But to drive a political point over tragedy to me is ridiculous.

EDIT: I'm tired, time to go to bed, later folks!

To be clear I lost a sibling and experienced your pain through my parents eyes. Being a new parent myself at the time it was particularly poignant. No one should ever have to experience the loss of out living their child.


mama to two
I didn't know, guy, that you have been through tragedy, too, as in losing a family member in an untimely manner. I am going to leave this thread now, because I don't feel I should be commenting, anymore. I have a child that makes me sad, but he is not dead. God bless everyone on this forum, and may He keep you safe. Amen.
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I didn't see this in boy's OP but from the other article he provided:

Dart Society » Blog Archive » Choosing sensitive details in one Sandy Hook story

I spent over an hour with Veronique...

I asked her why it was important for her and for the governor to see Noah’s body. “I needed it to have a face for him,” she said. “If there is ever a piece of legislation that comes across his desk, I needed it to be real for him.”...

Though I have not spoken with Veronique since the story went to print, I have a feeling that she would agree with these comments. I now believe that she told me about what happened to Noah’s body so that I would use it in the story, and give the public a clear picture of the brutality of the Sandy Hook shooting.

In the interest of not specifically spelling it out, FOR SOME PEOPLE, in this article that Veronique intended to use her son's funeral for the purpose of promoting a gun control agenda, there is this:

Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy Calls For Tougher Gun Controls

Speaking about the mass killing of 26 children and adults at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., on Friday, Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy (D) called for tighter gun control laws on Sunday, suggesting the federal ban on assault weapons ban should not have been allowed to expire.

"I think when we talk about the assault weapons ban that was in place in the U.S., to have allowed that to have gone away ...," Malloy told Candy Crowley on CNN's "State of the Union." "These are assault weapons. You don't hunt deer with these things."

"One can only hope we'll find a way to limit these weapons that really only have one purpose," he added.


Choking up as he reflected on the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, in a somber State of the State address beginning the legislative session at the State Capitol here, promised to take actions aimed at preventing a similar tragedy from happening again...

With officials from Newtown in attendance, Mr. Malloy, a Democrat, said the state would pursue gun control, school safety and mental health measures in response to the Dec. 14 shooting...

And on another note... the mother didn't just do an interview with Naomi Zeveloff of the Jewish Daily Forward simply to honor her son's death; she did it with the explicit purpose of appealing to the emotions of the public and the governor of Connecticut to take action on gun control. And Naomi Zeveloff didn't ask why Veronique displayed her in this manner for nothing; even Naomi realized it was very unconventional.
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PsyOps said:
I didn't see this in boy's OP but from the other article he provided:

Dart Society » Blog Archive » Choosing sensitive details in one Sandy Hook story

I spent over an hour with Veronique...

I asked her why it was important for her and for the governor to see Noah’s body. “I needed it to have a face for him,” she said. “If there is ever a piece of legislation that comes across his desk, I needed it to be real for him.”...

Though I have not spoken with Veronique since the story went to print, I have a feeling that she would agree with these comments. I now believe that she told me about what happened to Noah’s body so that I would use it in the story, and give the public a clear picture of the brutality of the Sandy Hook shooting.

In the interest of not specifically spelling it out, FOR SOME PEOPLE, in this article that Veronique intended to use her son's funeral for the purpose of promoting a gun control agenda, there is this:

Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy Calls For Tougher Gun Controls

Speaking about the mass killing of 26 children and adults at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., on Friday, Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy (D) called for tighter gun control laws on Sunday, suggesting the federal ban on assault weapons ban should not have been allowed to expire.

"I think when we talk about the assault weapons ban that was in place in the U.S., to have allowed that to have gone away ...," Malloy told Candy Crowley on CNN's "State of the Union." "These are assault weapons. You don't hunt deer with these things."

"One can only hope we'll find a way to limit these weapons that really only have one purpose," he added.


Choking up as he reflected on the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, in a somber State of the State address beginning the legislative session at the State Capitol here, promised to take actions aimed at preventing a similar tragedy from happening again...

With officials from Newtown in attendance, Mr. Malloy, a Democrat, said the state would pursue gun control, school safety and mental health measures in response to the Dec. 14 shooting...

And on another note... the mother didn't just do an interview with Naomi Zeveloff of the Jewish Daily Forward simply to honor her son's death; she did it with the explicit purpose of appealing to the emotions of the public and the governor of Connecticut to take action on gun control. And Naomi Zeveloff didn't ask why Veronique displayed her in this manner for nothing; even Naomi realized it was very unconventional.

I thought you said she did it because she was paid :bigwhoop:

Tell us more about your conspiracy theory. I am really interested in hearing


A Salute to all on Watch
Wirelessly posted

Could be, but your assertion was that she blamed the gun. That passage doesn't prove that point at all.

If we met and you punched me in the face would I need to prove you were angry or would your actions speak for themselves? Proof is debatable.

I can understand her grief but her legislation statement shows her agenda... whether I agree with her or not is irrelevant.


Veronique Pozner's Statement: Full Transcript

January 28, 2013 - The following is the full text of remarks delivered by Veronique Pozner at a Connecticut panel on gun control in Hartford.

My name is Vernoique Pozner, I am the mother of Noah Pozner.

Noah’s loss has led my husband and I to think about and discuss guns and their legislation more that we ever have before. As an outcome of these discussions, I would like to submit our views for your consideration.

It is our feeling that assault weapons should be comprehensively banned in the state of Connecticut. Weapons which are designed to inflict as much lethal damage as possible have no place in the hands of civilians and ought to be restricted to law enforcement and the military.

The equation is terrifyingly simple: Faster weapons equal more fatalities. There should be no grandfathering of such weapons once a ban is implemented. Possession of any assault weapon regardless of the date of purchase ought to be illegal.

Mandatory surrender of these newly illegal firearms with financial compensation as was done in Australia, ought to be given serious consideration. A comprehensive ban would prevent gun manufacturers from cleverly tweaking such weapons to conform to state laws. Limiting high-capacity magazines is also very important, but alone is not sufficient to effect any significant changes.

This action is necessary because as long as these kinds of weapons are able to be purchased by civilians, individuals will use them to kill innocent people.

Just as each motor vehicle is required to be registered whether bought from a dealer or from a private sale, all firearms without exception, should be registered...

I would like to show you the last picture taken of our son Noah. It was taken the night before he was murdered, Thursday, Dec. 13, before our world was changed forever.

What happened in Sandy Hook on Dec. 14 2012 destroyed Noah’s life and the lives of so many others. We must change for the better to prevent the likelihood of a tragedy of this magnitude from ever shattered the lives of innocence and their families ever again.

So, it appears Veronique Pozner is going to be the Cindy Sheehan of the gun control lobby. I expect to see a lot more of her.


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PsyOps said:
Veronique Pozner's Statement: Full Transcript

January 28, 2013 - The following is the full text of remarks delivered by Veronique Pozner at a Connecticut panel on gun control in Hartford.

My name is Vernoique Pozner, I am the mother of Noah Pozner.

Noah’s loss has led my husband and I to think about and discuss guns and their legislation more that we ever have before. As an outcome of these discussions, I would like to submit our views for your consideration.

It is our feeling that assault weapons should be comprehensively banned in the state of Connecticut. Weapons which are designed to inflict as much lethal damage as possible have no place in the hands of civilians and ought to be restricted to law enforcement and the military.

The equation is terrifyingly simple: Faster weapons equal more fatalities. There should be no grandfathering of such weapons once a ban is implemented. Possession of any assault weapon regardless of the date of purchase ought to be illegal.

Mandatory surrender of these newly illegal firearms with financial compensation as was done in Australia, ought to be given serious consideration. A comprehensive ban would prevent gun manufacturers from cleverly tweaking such weapons to conform to state laws. Limiting high-capacity magazines is also very important, but alone is not sufficient to effect any significant changes.

This action is necessary because as long as these kinds of weapons are able to be purchased by civilians, individuals will use them to kill innocent people.

Just as each motor vehicle is required to be registered whether bought from a dealer or from a private sale, all firearms without exception, should be registered...

I would like to show you the last picture taken of our son Noah. It was taken the night before he was murdered, Thursday, Dec. 13, before our world was changed forever.

What happened in Sandy Hook on Dec. 14 2012 destroyed Noah’s life and the lives of so many others. We must change for the better to prevent the likelihood of a tragedy of this magnitude from ever shattered the lives of innocence and their families ever again.

So, it appears Veronique Pozner is going to be the Cindy Sheehan of the gun control lobby. I expect to see a lot more of her.

She has a long way to go before she gains Cindy Sheehan status.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So, it appears Veronique Pozner is going to be the Cindy Sheehan of the gun control lobby. I expect to see a lot more of her.

Apparently she wasn't paying attention to the saga of Cindy Sheehan or she'd know that it's not a good idea to get in bed with these people. They do not care about her grief, nor do they give two ####s about her son. All they care about is pimping her out to further their agenda. Once she is no longer useful, they'll feed her to the dogs.


Lem Putt
To be clear I lost a sibling

Wow, you think that the loss of a sibling makes you some kind of expert on the grief of a parent? Many of us here have much more direct experience. Have you considered that we don't want to use that experience like Pozner is, and you are trying to?


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PsyOps said:
It seems pretty obvious to me that Veronique Pozner wanted to do more than just mourn the death of son. She has obviously become the anti-gun poster child:

Veronique Pozner: Mother of Sandy Hook Victim Calls For Gun Reform - YouTube

CNN.com - Transcripts

Did you notice it was a closed casket?

I went back and read the stories again and it appears the casket was open prior to the ceremony for a family viewing and then closed prior to the eulogy


Lem Putt
Wirelessly posted

Did you notice it was a closed casket?

I went back and read the stories again and it appears the casket was open prior to the ceremony for a family viewing and then closed prior to the eulogy

And she herself took the Governor to see the open casket so it would be real for him. Now are you willing to admit you were wrong? (That's a rhetorical question. We know you never will.)


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MMDad said:
To be clear I lost a sibling

Wow, you think that the loss of a sibling makes you some kind of expert on the grief of a parent? Many of us here have much more direct experience. Have you considered that we don't want to use that experience like Pozner is, and you are trying to?

Nowhere did I say I was an expert on her or anyone else's grief. And I am not using my experience to further any agenda.

I will admit that she has a gun control agenda. What I wasn't wrong about is that psy's theory that she got paid to have an open casket is BS. I was also not wrong about aps claim that she "blames the gun" is a strawman.